21189295? ago

I can't begin to read what is on those pages. So I cannot say anything with any amount of certainty. BUT, after having seen some shows decades ago about the large numbers of forgery rings operating in the ME, I would lean toward they are not anywhere near 2000 years old, nor are they anything that was originally jewish. Many of today's religious artifacts are forgeries...

21184430? ago

its so tiring that many goats only focus on the jewish arm of the cabal. you miss the bigger picture, muh-joo faggots. and you work against Q with your divisive take. DONT generalize, look at the individual criminals, no matter their race or religion.

21183576? ago

Q is back.

Nazifaggots want to change the topic.

21183481? ago

I am interested in truth, so naturally this interests me.

This in no way relates to any ill will toward any human.

If the truth is KNOWN it must be ACCEPTED and truth will win. When truth wins we all win, if said group is vindicated, we all win, if they are caught, we all win except the wicked, as it should be. TRUTH FIXES EVERYTHING. accept no substitutes.


21183397? ago

Just Voat?...

21182660? ago

As much as I would like to see these verified as genuine....I truly believe these are incredibly fake.

21182450? ago

I'm gonna lay this out for everybody, because it is important.

The "Jews" likely the OG jews were obsessed with stealing every type of sorcery, magic, etc they could find. Good OR Evil. Also all the origin stories, names of gods, types of worship, etc. Think of how the Nazis obsession with artifacts was presented in the first Indiana Jones movie. Welp, eventually they got some evil they could not fight, the story goes "imported from arabia" or something like that, and it took a percentage of them over. This split the OG "Jews" into a few differnt eh, tribes as it were. The newly evil jews realized they were were nothing without thier former numbers, and went and recruited gypsies, criminals, slaves, anyone they could lure to the darkside to become the "Jews" of history who got kicked out of countries for killing children. Whole books of history had to be re-written in the torah to keep up the chirade, origin stories stolen to make heroes where there were none.

But heres the thing, the rest of the "Jews" got away with many powerful books, many ways of magic, some went into hiding, some went off and started other great things, some stayed right there, watching the evil ones. Through history until now, we end up with 10 factions of jews down to 4. And thats who you see fighting now. Good jews vs. bad jews vs team i dont give a shit jews,

What took so fucking long? Well, the "good" jews had to figure out how to work the evil jew magic in a good way. Trial and error, this ends up impossible. Finally they realize that its simply a system of power. It does not have to be good or evil, its just that a mighty evil infected the bad ones. So right now, we have good jews using the very same power as the bad ones, only without the whole sacrafice thing. How much saturnian power do you think there is? Theres a limit, and the most efficient way to tap is is not through the middleman bahomet.

Neat eh?

21187590? ago

Why does Pakistan have the Masonic Sigil of the Baphometh or Bafometz as its symbols, a demon from Babylon, Tunisia and Jewish mysticism, the Tarot Baphomet or Goat Bull of Mendes as its Symbols? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3498799/21187133 The masoic square derives from Sakander or Alexander the Great, from his campaigns to the margins of the Hindus.

21183420? ago

Very interesting explanation. Do you have sauce for these assertions? Where can we read evidence of what you state?

21184126? ago

A lifetime of going to the worlds libraries, especially old university libraries, and studying the type of books that are appointment only, in a special climate controlled room, with the pages turned by library staff who wears gloves.

It requires a certain amount of ah, social engineering in some cases, especially the libraries with the oldest collections.

21182669? ago

How much is Langley paying ya?

21182124? ago

stupid muslim... funny how the biggest trafficker in history A MUSLIM gets arrested, and the anti-jew posts pop up 🤣🤣 muslims are TRASH and should be ERADICATED ON SIGHT

21182361? ago

Jews are the biggest sex slave traffickers in the world. Always have been. Degenerate rats

21182264? ago


21186835? ago

you spelled Christian wrong

21181516? ago

This is insulting to the Satanic Talmud! There is no need for another book of evil, there are volumes and volumes of evil in the Talmud.

Claiming that every non Jew is an animal???? That is enough right there.

First of the Jews that are saying it are only Jews by faith! Go look it up you are Anshkenazi!

Your Fathers and Mothers were never Jews, they converted to Talmudic Judaism that was put in place by the Pharisees that ran after the death of the false Messiah Simon Bar Kochba. And all of your religious leaders are blind and trying to take you all to hell.

Here is the problem the Talmud is not the Bible or God's Word and you follow it instead.

21187631? ago

Shriners? They have meetings at the Monteleone Hotel in New Orleans. Hookers anyone? Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine?? The Sabbatean Freemasons, the Jesters, the Grotto, Shriners are always trying to get the Children? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3400980/20947617 Of course this got zero traction. Good job, OP. Here's a recent interview with David Icke on the topic of the Sabbatean cult (the death cult behind Israel).

21184300? ago

Yes indeed, this is a fake intended to discredit information about the real facts

21181232? ago

Ok it’s very weird shit no doubt. But I want to know why it’s being claimed that these artifacts are 2000 years old. The synagogue may be that old, but these artifacts probably have a more recent vintage because from what I understand, the baphomet diagram is essentially the same as it was depicted by Eliphas Levi who is from the 19th century, and the Zohar which he promoted was basically a medieval forgery and didn’t have the antiquity that it claimed. So I really doubt these artifacts could be as old as this article suggests. I would like more info about this before accepting such a wild claim.

21185936? ago

2000 year old satanic Jewish writings

I disagree


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21186042? ago

Are you disagreeing with me over something, or are you just replying to my comment for increased visibility? I merely said I doubt these writings are as old as this not-well-sourced article suggests. I never suggested that the artifacts shown were actually part of the Jewish faith.

Regarding the faith of Judaism, I have no doubt that the belief system as it was imparted to Abraham and Moses and as is set forth in the Torah / Tanakh is a true revealed religion of God. Let’s call it Mosaic Judaism or Abrahamic Judaism.

The Talmudic evolution seems to have gotten away from the divinely revealed origins of the faith. But even Talmudic belief systems would surely be incompatible with the satanic diagrams depicted in this article. So I don’t know what to make of it.

21184283? ago

Yep, obvious forgery designed to discredit any proof of the actual satanic nature of judaism.

21185347? ago

The artifacts might not be forgeries, they just might not be as old as this not-well-sourced article claims.

And if they are forgeries, by whom? The people controlling the synagogue or those who overran it?

I’m not claiming to know whether they are or are not legitimate artifacts held by that synagogue, I’m merely casting doubt on the article’s claims of antiquity.

I still think it’s strange in any case. But I don’t claim to know what the truth is.

21186381? ago

Agree, just that the size forged antiquities market & the added value of controversy makes this look veryvery sus

21181260? ago

Yeah this seems like some extremely gay bullshit, I don't think the Hebrew alphabet even looked that way 2000 years ago, we don't even have the "original" manuscripts for the Bible, only copies of copies, this shit would be in incredible shape for 2000 years fucking old... So no...misrepresented bullshit...

21191043? ago

Weren't they still using Aramaic back then?

21181611? ago

It's not Hebrew

It's a coded modification.

21181861? ago

whats coded modification?

21182060? ago

It's not Hebrew. It's an unknown variant

21181307? ago

But still, weird as hell for a synagogue to be holding onto. Unless it is literally a synagogue of satan. Then it actually makes a bunch of sense.

21181137? ago

If we are seeing it, it's probably bullshit

21181111? ago

This video has to make it to Adam green at, NO MORE NEWS.ORG he will be able to get it translated. By Steve and Jana from Israeli News live. If anyone can get this done, it would be a huge help. I'm not the computer savvy guy to do so. Thanks if you can help.

21182851? ago

I remember seeing this in 2017. This is the dark Torah we are not to know about. It's the dark epitaph of control. These are remnants of the dark Enoch, not the good Enoch book, that created Egyptian hieroglyphs bullshit. You see, Cain also had a son named Enoch. He's responsible for Egypt and many Empires since.

21181279? ago

bank for an endless war... https://www.bitchute.com/video/oPHIp28g9KH7 Arabia rituals? ...royal cabal has been around https://voat.co/v/QRV/3257775

21181246? ago


Digits confirm. Bigly. Doooos it already, make it habben. kek