21151739? ago

Another low IQ traitor exposes themselves.

21146350? ago

Told ya so. Better start listening to US who are in the KNOW.

LOL. Thanks Troll!

21145628? ago

Ohhh so edgy. Please reduce your edginess you might hurt someone troll.

21145660? ago

Ha .. a TROLL accusing someone of being a troll. How rich.

21145677? ago

This is a pro Q sub, are you pro Q?


stupid fucking troll

21145712? ago

Aaaaaaaaahahahaha again the useful idiot who cannot THINK.

21145724? ago

Insightful, troll

21145739? ago

Here some INSIGHT for ya dweeb. Q was a CIA/FBI/NSA COINTELPRO Operation to Obfuscate Truth and to collect information on further dissidents who are against the NWO agenda.

21145796? ago

Have a source for that?

21145606? ago

Is that a"troll life" bumper sticker on your car?

21145671? ago

Ha .. a TROLL accusing someone of being a troll. How rich...

21145687? ago

derpy derp poopy pants

21145371? ago

Nigger faggots like this OP will always be card carrying satanist nigger faggots.

21145445? ago

You're BRAINWASHED and believe and worship SATAN. You're so dumbed down that you believe that the Father of Yeshua is the god of the Jews. You believe the Father is the god of the Old Testament Yahweh. lol Thus and therefor YOU WORSHIP SATAN - YAHWEH the god of war and destruction.

21145889? ago

Boring, tldr faggot

21145190? ago

RED means stop. All going according to plan.

Learn our comms

Trust the plan

21145203? ago

Comms? You wouldn't know a Comm if it was in your STUPID face. Aaaaaaaaaaahahahaha. Fact remains. Red October didn't happen, 8Kun is down Period and the POTUS will be Impeached.

21145363? ago

what do you mean Red October 'didn't happen'? WHAT exactly were you expecting??

21145479? ago

You idiots were saying the IG report was coming and there would be PAIN. You dumb asses said that PAIN was coming for the Deep State. lol Not going to happen pal. EVER.

21145708? ago

yeah whatever,

why don't (((you))) read through THIS...


21145725? ago

I already did. NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. 100% guarantee. The Only thing Happening is Trump being IMPEACHED dumb shit.

21147745? ago

calm down rabbi, you sound a liddle panicked😆

21145544? ago

The IG report did actually drop. It's circulating with republicans now and is waiting for the start of the official beginning of impeachment and that is when Trump will drop it.

21145565? ago

Aaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha no it hasn't dumb fuck.

21145593? ago

Prove me wrong, cunt.

Open your eyes.

21145307? ago

Little lefty need a hug?

21145328? ago

Lefty? Aaaaaaaaahahahahaha. I am not affiliated with any Political group. THEY ALL LIE course you're too STUPID to figure that out.

21145367? ago

Then why would you say he will be impeached. It's mathematically impossible.

21145462? ago

He will be Impeached by the House but not Removed by the Senate. Get educated on how the Government works.

21145522? ago

I know how it works.

21145555? ago

If you KNEW you wouldn't of stated what you said. The Dems rule in the House. Yes it isn't mathematically impossible dip shit.

21145049? ago


21145079? ago

Wanna bet? IG report will still not come out and 8Kun is done under the sun and yes .. Trump WILL be Impeached. Aaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha. You people are STUPID.

21145375? ago

says that guy that puts 'Aaaaaaaaaahaha' in every comment.

wow. you shills are RETARDED and OBVIOUS...

21145502? ago

You're ignorance shines because you cannot operate in REALITY. Where is the IG report? Huh? C'mon where is it? Where is 8Kun? C'mon, where is it? Aaaaaaahhahahaha Dumb shits.

21145665? ago

sorry rabbi, but we speak ENGLISH here and the word is 'Your'....

as for what has happened in RO, here you go. read it and weep😆


21145046? ago

Cope harder OP.

21145087? ago

I am coping just fine. It is you Q-tard's that cannot accept REALITY.

21145034? ago

"US who are in the KNOW" ... now that's got to rank right up there with the funniest shit we'll read today. You should've posted in /v/funny

21145072? ago

Based on OP being in the know means sitting on a website following things you don't believe to troll people for believing in them. Being in the know means being a waste of life.

21145063? ago

What happened to your false Red October? Wait for it ... NOTHING as usual.

21145217? ago

What a sad life, to keep making fun of people for what they want to believe.

21145309? ago

I have Zero tolerance for IGNORANCE. They get what they deserve for not being smarter in this age off the Internet.

21145472? ago

...how do you tolerate yourself then? Holy shit are you stupid.

21145528? ago

I love ME. What has happened since you dweebs came along? Hmmmm? NOTHING.

Meanwhile Obummer, Shiton, Podesta, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Stzrok, Page, Steele, McCabe, Lynch, Yates, and the Ohr's all walk free. All of em involved in the Soft Coup of the President have been protected by the DS and zero charges have been brought up against them. Barr said he isn't going to bring charges up against Comey, so .. what the hell does that tell you? Huh? Well? Yeah, that is what I thought.

21145913? ago

Continues to be ignorant, while claiming to not tolerate it

21145009? ago

Want your ass kicked?

Pay attention faggot, we just got a huge cache of intel from the raid which will implicate the Obama State Dept.

21145026? ago

Uh Huh sure it will. Point is Red October comes and goes yet again. You people are STUPID.

21145089? ago

And you are failing to convince anyone of anything, what does that say about you?

21145113? ago

I know. Because you people are S T U P I D. I know what I am dealing with. Idiots on steroids. Aaaaaaaaaahahahaha

21145198? ago

Poor pitiful troll. Lacks eyes to see.

21145219? ago

I know you lack brains to see the truth.