21135004? ago

Why are Americans so fucking dumb and arrogant?

Education system?


Poor diet?

21133273? ago

shill slide

21133203? ago

No. OP makes it clear that there is nuance and, if you are real, we need you.

21133310? ago

Ahhhh, you again! Spamming the same. Awesome. Keep it up. You may earn a whole $5 today!

21133032? ago

This reads like something someone from SBBH would type, trying to get the regular goats riled up at the Qtards.

If I had to make a guess, I'd blame @gabara.

21133505? ago

When gabara drops the retard autist act and speaks out of character, it's clear he's extremely intelligent. It's too bad he's using that intelligence to manipulate and subvert the community.

21135260? ago

OP here.

No clue who you're talking about.

Thanks for the compliment on my intelligence level.

21133695? ago

He is a monster.

21133869? ago

A monster is still just a man. What does the man represent? That may be the true monster.

21133941? ago

What? No. He's a 50' tall scaly green monster that stomps on cars and and smashes buildings.

21133022? ago

I don't think they deleted any accounts, hell they haven't even banned anyone for months - but it is highly suspect the alarmingly high number of 4+ year old accounts that used to post with extreme regularity, but have now gone completely silent and vanished since the warrant canary died many months back.

The real question to ask is why Putt refuses to implement voting transparency, which would be extremely helpful in identifying the behavior of Voat's subversive factions. Even Poal turned it on 24 hours after it was recommended.

Sometimes you need to look at why things aren't being done to understand the way things are.

21133450? ago

Fastjacks poal??

You idiots...open borders for israel.