21138170? ago

wtf! confirmed that pic is real: https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1189327302733238272

Biden is talking code. Pet is code for puppet. Biden sending words out to his evil cabal that he's willing to win and will be their puppet.

21137868? ago

QuidProJoe misspelled Pedo.

21137175? ago

every DOG has his day

Q said think mirror



TAC - Tactical Air Command?

I'm just shooting from the hip onthat one.

21138191? ago

Wow never saw mirrror of DOG before. Good share.

What do you think of this. Bible = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

21152925? ago

well with think mirror, it's "el bib", i.e., what you use to eat a lobster! :)

21137090? ago

What kind of pet you talkin' about creepy Uncle Joe? Like a 10 year old girl for you to Pet? That kind of pet? Sleezy, crappy, creepy, pedo Joe.

21136622? ago

A pet that can be controlled by its owners? Unlike Trump who is thankfully uncontrollable....

21136485? ago

no more pets in the whitehouse since the last two monkeys...

21152913? ago

...jumping on the bed!

21136305? ago

Oh no..Is nothing safe from you creepy Uncle Joe?

21135612? ago

Joe misspelled "petter"

21135595? ago

Is this the best political platform this dumb Dickwad can come up with? Pets in the Whitehouse?

What ever happened to Billy Bob Clinton's dog Buddy? And didn't the Hildebeast have the White house cat declawed? Yeah, real lovers of animals. All for fuckin show.

21135513? ago

Wrong. Trump does indeed celebrate national dog day, aka no names death.

21135231? ago

Joe is the expert on petting and sniffing. Still trying to get those vibes out of the White House.

21135224? ago

Good Dog Joe

21134691? ago

I thought the same thing when I saw his tweet. He’s running for bootlicker-in-chief. Disgusting

21134467? ago

I don't have any pets, either...I'll vote for the non pet candidate...down with pet hair in my house!

21152901? ago

Down with goose feathers in my pillow as well!

21134361? ago

You can be sure he's using some kind of code ... clearly he's saying to get Trump out. Their desperation is tangible. Can you feel it?

21138246? ago

Photo of joe and dog is sending the comms to the evil cabal that that joe wants to win and will be their puppet. Joe's saying Trump isn't going to play with you evil cabal, put me joe in power and I, joe will be your puppet.

21134085? ago

Yes, but the dogs IQ is better than Joes....so.....

21133877? ago

He meant like Obama. Biden is calling Obama a pet. Racism on full display.

21133566? ago

Gross pedo Joe. A pet would be someone the DS groomed from infancy like Maggie Habberman, or Obama.

21133444? ago

PierrE DelectO approves of this message

21152877? ago

"grass below me, sky above; celebrate spring with the crazy little thing called --"

21133366? ago

Quid Pro Joe’s keyboard buggered up. He meant to type, “It’s time we put a PEDO back in the White House.”

21133051? ago

obviously COMMS

21137787? ago

Correct. GHWB.... no name, the fat woman with the pedo ring that Q tagged. . It’s great being awake anon. IPOT has done good work on dogs for those who have not seen.

21133037? ago

Plot-twist: Biden considers himself the pet of Xi Jinping.