21084805? ago

Pdf page 228 uncovers some of the previously censored text.

Looks like The Finders was I looked into by the FCIA (foreign counter intelligence agency; FBI).

I'm starting to wonder whether The Finders is related to Mossad.

21082642? ago

Did the Finders get Adam Walsh? That shit scarred my community if Florida for decades.

21084509? ago

That shit scared an entire country for decades.

21082616? ago

Man, I haven't set foot on v/pizzagate in a long time. Glad "The Finders" got an official drop from the FBI Vault, though. Remember the FBI Vault drops just before the 2016 election?

21082601? ago

You aren't even hiding the glow.

21082592? ago

Well, no better place than here to kick it back into gear...at least until we get 8kun.

21082297? ago

No way... It's almost like I made an account just to tell all of you retards how bad they are.

21082188? ago

There is /v/PizzagateUncensored and /v/whatever if you have something that you believe is being unfairly censored.

21081974? ago

What kind of a retard are you? A paid retard I guess. vpg brought finders to my world and yes people have died, it's that serious. Gas yourself you professional turboniggerjew

21083751? ago

name one, fucking nosenigger

21087777? ago

Jem777 rip, gas yourself you nosenigger

21082199? ago

No thank you noseberg

21081991? ago


21082002? ago

21082013? ago

ah, cheers!

21081957? ago

This is unsettling as fuck

FBI vault twatter OPFOR confirmed

21081874? ago


Its literally stickied on there you fucking retard

21085052? ago

Lmfao, just had a huge belly laugh at this

21085038? ago

no need to be so rude

21087298? ago

this is the fucking internet fuck off with your delicate sensibilities. adapt to our culture boomer. this ain’t reddit or facebook this is the truth community. high IQ people who don’t waste energy or time on your feelings

21085357? ago

This isn't the first time that OP has pushed for the "PG is compromised" narrative. Shills will mix in truth with narratives.

21082607? ago

look at this triggered bitch...hahaha REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE it's a STICKY. What a fucking sad existence you must have.

21082752? ago

no u faggot

21083674? ago

awww...so cute

21082118? ago

Most people stopped looking at their stickies because they were false accusations against researchers.

21084816? ago

You are such a qucumber. This is a prime example why old goats hate y’all

21082366? ago

Do literally 30 seconds of looking before you go and shit all over people.

21082202? ago

Most people stopped

You are assuming a lot

21081833? ago

vPizzagate was compromised a very long time ago. Long before you Qtards ever got here.

21083775? ago

OH NO...it's COMPROMISED...AAAGGggggAAAAAAAAAHHHH...who gives a fuck what you are you going to do with muh compromised info? not a ghat damn thing, that's what. neck yourself.

21083831? ago

That's not what I meant. I meant it's not a functional research station for pizza gate anymore because the mods delete everything.

21083844? ago

Oh, sorry I'm in shitpost mode right now. I'm picking up what you're putting down big poppa.

21083740? ago

trust this faggot...cuz this faggot is trustworthy. oy vey.

if you are on the internet...you are compromised. it's not called the OPEN System Interconnection model for shits and/or giggles. Lit-rally designed to leak info about your connection. It's just, you're not important enough for anyone to look through the connections.

21081767? ago

If this is true YOU MODS SUCK!

21082186? ago

Srayzie will rise

21083572? ago

Please god no

21082520? ago

Achm its Scrayzie

21081722? ago

The evil ones are being exposed all around the world!

21081714? ago

The Pizzagate Honey Pot has killed the citizen investigators very well indeed.

This whole site is compromised big time.

21083757? ago

name one person killed

21082546? ago

You forgot to use a vpn ;)

21082386? ago

How does this work?