21085044? ago

Matthew 18:6

“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

21084318? ago

Inject them with the hormones instead.

That's justice.

21083001? ago

Child Abuse, unequivocal.

I actually watched the surgery from another thread as well, it is abusive no matter what the age, but at least adults can give a more mature consent. Illness results from hormone blockers, mental illness is not "cured" by hormones or surgery, surgery results in a life of pain and never enjoying intercourse to orgasm.

ITS COVERED by most insurances under the guise of "gender dysphoria". It is entirely a criminal endeavor.

21081850? ago

I have to disagree on this one. People that do things like that need to have a person to person talk with God. No jail time just a get out of jail card with one way all expenses paid trip to judgment day. They should no longer be allowed to live on this planet. We do not have to be animals about it. They just need to be removed like the cancer they are.

21082385? ago

after all, Jesus reserved his harshest condemnation for those that harm children - it would be the utmost of ungodliness to not visit appropriate punitive measures on such wicked ones as these

21081226? ago

Your title is true and obvious. Some people are evil. Unfortunately, evil people are also control freaks.

21081130? ago

What if one reason behind all this trans gender PUSH is to have more children on these drugs, so the hormones can enter our water system, via their urine? Maybe I've been hanging out here too long...

21081076? ago

and injected with hormones of the opposite sex too. let them see how it feels.

21080721? ago


21079852? ago

The Psychology and Medical and Education systems and Parents need to be gone after for this crime.!!!

21079485? ago

death penalty

21079302? ago

rope is cheaper and gravity is free

21079226? ago

Especially in the cases where this has been pushed by parents who want to do it so they can brag and virtue signal to their SJW facebook friends.

Also fucking SJW teachers. Grrr.

21079414? ago

Being social is one thing. This reprobate woman (not-even-mother!) is deliberately ruining her child to promote her psychiatric practice.

She's doing it for the money. That's loathsome. She needs to not be around children, ever again!

21079118? ago

How about vaccines, they want to inject all people with that shit.

21079105? ago

Stuff like this is why we need to bring back public hangings.

21079004? ago

Like most vaccines

21078478? ago

Thank God, this subject is getting the attention it deserves. I have been heartbroken watching what this evil is doing to our children. Please, everyone denounce these evil practices in every way you can! They have passed a law in BC, Canada that your child can be removed from your custody if you refuse to recognize their gender fluidity. THIS MUST STOP.

21078363? ago


21078242? ago

No, they need to die

21080621? ago

You can tell someone is still double-thinking when they complain about taxes but still want prison-time instead of gallows.

21078097? ago

This, any Doctor allowing this as well. Any parent signing this for a child should be tried and set on fire

21079030? ago

Same for doctors loading kids up on all these psychiatric drugs.

21078892? ago

I think they should be deemed "lab rats" and be thrown to Big Pharma for live human drug testing program. That's essentially what they try to do to their own children; just for attention, a few butt-pats and circle-jerk levels of praise from their peers and enslavers.

21079067? ago

I like this one..

21078166? ago

I'd be willing to bring back burning at the stake for this specific crime. Seems fitting.