21079563? ago

Arrests or GTFO

21079577? ago

If you don't see that there are pieces being moved into place to make this possible, then I can't help you at this point.

21079121? ago


21078762? ago

And nothing will happen.

The Jews always win.


21078528? ago

why imgur tho

21079073? ago

If there's a screen print utility that uploads directly to catbox, i'd be happy to use it.

21078152? ago

Since "we're the news now", will jews and israel finally start getting covered?

21076924? ago

Where can I see the documents?

21076600? ago


21076450? ago


21076360? ago

Attention whoring is niggersexual

21075497? ago

It’s been 14 hours since the release and nothing’s happened.

21080960? ago

Dale Arden: Flash, Flash, I love you, but we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth!

21075463? ago

Reposted to Plebbit: r/The_Donald/comments/dmx8ea/summary_of_documentation_drop_regarding_the/

First comment: "Very, very nicely done."

21075182? ago

Habbening x100

21075132? ago

This story is heating up. General Flynn's lawyer, Sidney Powell, just dropped a bomb on the court.


21075113? ago

I really ought to downvote you. You're using imgur, which some goats frown upon. I'll give you a pass on that. What you didn't do is make it an imgur album, which people could share outside of voat. I'll work on that.

21078596? ago

Thanks for that, nigger faggot!

21075227? ago

(replying to self) https://imgur.com/a/2TSKxkf

21076741? ago

Thank you for that!

21074985? ago

Looks like today I’m getting suspended from twatter

21075083? ago

Godspeed my fren.

21074656? ago

Today I think I'll let Justice run its course. Once the wheels are in motion, it's impossible to stop Gods will.

21074650? ago

Just for the time and effort of this post I could hug you.

That'll come soon enough I guess!

Great rundown!

21074938? ago

Anons amaze

21075051? ago

If you only knew who was on this board talking to you right now, you'd smile and never look down.

Patriot, you're surrounded by the finest men and women this country has, they are reading this post right now.

Flynn will go free, and the start of their demise begins today.

21077839? ago

I know I'm talking to patriots of every background imaginable and I'm proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with all of them.

21077039? ago

Stand tall Anons, stand proud.

21075126? ago

Friend, I have no idea who I talk to here and I smile just the same. I just hope I live long enough to see the big public reveal. Been feeling so poorly lately. If not, know I'll be watching and cheering from the other side.

Have a glorious day.

21075518? ago

I’m trying to hold off until that day too anon. Been feeling terrible physically the last year or so.

21082416? ago

Hang tough Anon.

21080940? ago

Feel better. (That's a command. :) )

21075145? ago

You're with me. You won't die anytime soon.

The main event will start today. Enjoy.

I believe the American people have just about had enough of the lies and oppression caused by the elite.

It is now time for action.

21076727? ago

Thank you as well for your words. I am filled with hope that we can move forward together on what needs to be done and enact positive change in this world!

21075345? ago

God bless you patriot. Your words ring true and inspire. Sometimes I read a post and can literally feel the love envelope me. This was one of those times.

Is my intuition calibrated this morning? I'm sensing a touch of 19 6 here, perhaps it's just a coincidence. Can you confirm or deny?

21075393? ago

Just you average run of the mill son of God here.

Nothing special about me :)

Q did say biblical right?

Thanks for the kind words.

21075456? ago

We are all children of god.

21075528? ago

Not really. Some are children of Satan.

21082409? ago

Even Satan himself is a child of God anon. Sometimes children disappoint.

21080931? ago

what percentage?

21074104? ago

21078515? ago

Thanks for making my Friday (and year!). A perfect read!

21074038? ago

They never thought she would lose.

It is incredibly refreshing to see all the elements of their downfall assembling, precisely as Q told us they would. I have trusted the plan ever since what was, in my view, incontestible proof of Q's legitimacy: the death of NoName, one month to the minute after Q posted about it.

Bring the pain. Nothing will stop what is coming!

21080914? ago

Mine was "tip top tippy top shape" but yeah, bring it!

21080807? ago

Hope you've been stacking since then!

21077585? ago

I know it's a Q quote, but I want to fix it anyway: "They never thought the patriots could stop her from sealing the election"

(thx I feel better)