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21028084? ago

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20881597? ago

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20881492? ago

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20852146? ago

Q is the news. This is so wonderful.

20851948? ago

There's another interpretation (although yours could be correct): 3 Nov 2020 is the day of the next Presidential election. If the "habbening" becomes public after the election is over, that also moots any claim of "election interference."

Consider Q#34: https://qmap.pub/read/34

Relevant excerpt: "On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted."

Those words obviously don't describe events in 2017 or in 2018. That leaves 2019 or 2020 (after that makes no sense at all.)

20851421? ago

I was wondering if the 11.3 date in the first drops for Pedosta will be this year or next.

I'm still not buying we'll see any movement on major arrests until after the election. It's all part of the charade. Guiliani even said he had the Ukraine transcripts LAST YEAR. This shit is ALL STAGED.

20851754? ago

Time will tell. But 11.3 is a marker on the Q clock. I think it lines up to 7/4

20850718? ago

“Red October” happened on November 7. Maybe someone couldn’t spell “Red November.”


20850329? ago

Lets hope you are right.

20849717? ago

I am 100% confident DECLAS happens this month

This is an extremely stupid thing to say. If you know what Q or POTUS is going to do, so does the deep state, and Q is not going to telegraph his moves.

20851451? ago

I'm guessing DECLAS never happens. It will be 2024. They, even Trump's handlers have changed the program to the point that it isn't necessary. So here we are.

20884306? ago

I doubts Trump has "handlers". Advisers and MI planners, yes. The word handler IMO is only for DS/Cabal puppets. BAD moniker to ascribe to a very, very genius POTUS.

20885579? ago

Handler / Planner / Puppet Master.

Tomatoe, fucking Tamahto.

20849671? ago

So we wait one more year?

20849627? ago

With 8 chan in beta testing and probably back online in less than 2 weeks... We all know Q drops and place holders getting filled... bombs are coming. Watch the MSM deep state go into over drive ... imo, not much longer now !!!!

20881702? ago

If that's true, we are in a very, very fragile time my friend. "They" will not go quietly. Stay on high alert!

20884324? ago

They are already very LOUD....and not going quietly.

20851785? ago

That's my assumption

20849338? ago

I want to hear the blatant lies of the defendants that will be talking to Barr this week.

20849326? ago

Just a reminder of a reference sight that is still around. Always seemed a very deep and intriguing go to for deep roots:


Still seems very good for referencing the Future proves Pasts.

And just noticed a "Heinz" listed in there too. To date have never gotten through it all because there is so much listed and some in other languages, but wanted to bring it back up and may help OP with cross referencing as well.

20849195? ago

I think declas is happening, just not the way we thought it would. Declas meant Barr had access to everything and had free reign to investigate as he saw fit. It didn’t meant (at least not yet) that the public would see everything. That way the investigations could go forward without the Deep State knowing all the cards Trump has in his hand. That’s my theory at least.

20884382? ago

I think you are right. I have been thinking this way for a while now, since Barr got it all. Declas probably means a slow drip by drip disclosure of (((their))) crimes so the public can get baby fed, making it easier to handle rather than a HARD BOOM, BOOM, BOOM.

20887149? ago

I agree, though I do get a sense it’s ramping up, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the pace of information disclosed becomes fast enough that it keeps POTUS’ enemies in defensive mode rather than being able to attack.

20881688? ago

That sounds highly plausible; I think you're onto something. Those on the inside of this operation have soooooo much more information than us birds sitting on the wires looking in the windows. :)

20852003? ago


20849192? ago

The Frazzled Rats© are getting bolder and bolder (READ: Scareder and scareder) even looking to enlist D.C. LE to arrest the president and his entire staff on false charges. Yes, I do hope this month brings the beginning of closure, it's too deep to do in one go, it will indeed take another 4 years (plus) to fully cleanse our systems of the disease of the cabal. Germicides must be dispensed with great prejudice. A Special Place for G.S. and Schitty, et al.

20849150? ago

it doesn't mean it has to be.. But i see your chain of thought That being said, Your Statement does have a very high degree of probability.. I can see it this way

20848679? ago

Will this LARP bullshit EVER end! Enough already!

20849224? ago

It's kinda dark where your head is, probably smelly too. Good luck with your government career.

20849198? ago

^^ HEY DUMB ASS DNC TRAITOR SHILL^^^ How does the Constitution define TREASON? Since 2009 the DNC has done nothing but commit acts of treason... EVERYTHING they did has given AID, COMFORT, and PROTECTION to ENEMIES of these United States... Open Border... Giving control of cITIES to ANTIFA. Removing the COMANDER in CHIEF of OUR Armed Forces during a DECLARED WAR by DELIBRATE. FALSE ACUSATIONS... How does the UCMJ define Treason? Q was Correct.. YOU ARE STUPID ... now ask yourself if YOU are aiding our enemies, giving comfort to them and supporting them....

20849184? ago

Actual lol

Do you honestly think Trump is losing?

20848604? ago


20848380? ago

Date fagging is bad for your health.

20850511? ago

Im going to take a massive shit in 2 hours

20848579? ago

Pretty healthy thus far.

20848146? ago

Suicide weekend = impeachment

20847955? ago

Thank you!!! I agree!! They already started the election BS. But every year is election year.

20847316? ago

Doesn't it feel like anons are becoming much more directed, the picture becoming more refined as of late? Like suddenly veils are lifting?

If you can't feel it building you may not have a soul.

21074991? ago

I can feel it, but I'm a ginger.

Souls may not be required.

20849786? ago

I had not slept much in 2 weeks then Friday and Saturday, I could suddenly sleep.

20847966? ago

There is something binding us together...the truth and a desire to perpetuate the truth.

21028322? ago


20849155? ago

The Holy Spirit

20849727? ago


20847351? ago


20847266? ago

right, because HRC arrested 10/30/??

pre-Q Q drop.

20851809? ago


20851408? ago

I thought her passport was flagged 10/30 and she would be arrested by 11/4?

This suggests the banking system will crash by 10/17 and Trump will issue an announcement by 10/19 about a currency reset. Makes me think of the 19 on that watch pictured.


20850590? ago

I remember that. I think “detained” was the word?

20847358? ago

Exactly... 2 year delta? Time will tell!

20850661? ago

I have the feeling it wont be until the forth watch. 7 year delta

20851795? ago

7 year started 12 21 2012

This Christmas.. thor

20847879? ago

That'll be the ultimate Q proof.

20847978? ago

If she hops into the DNC pile by end of month that'll be all the proof I need. You see the uptick in her presence lately towards the last two weeks of September.

20850387? ago

She has become much more vocal recently in a dictatorial sort of way.. Her assumption that she can dictate like she does and that she thinks she is entitled to the World is beyond belief.. It's like she's adopted a feudal monarchy system for the US and made herself the head of it..

20852165? ago

Imagine if that thing was our President...it'd be hell on earth and I'm not using hyperbole.