21066630? ago

Thanks for dropping the numerology SB2. This word association fantasy is much more palatable.

21066185? ago

sounds like a significant player is about to be taken off the stage.

21066202? ago

Podesta, Huma to start.

Qclock indicates tomorrow indicted, actionable next day

21066140? ago

the DEMONS chanted GIANT when remembering Cummings. Israel the giant of broward permanently removed from power. Epstein, pappy buschler, rat ryan, cosby, Weinstein, others have fallen. Let the domino effect kick into gear.

21066111? ago

Did someone say learn the comms? I share this Q code thread every chance I get! https://twitter.com/JimericanTweets/status/999150018404679680

21065643? ago

yep.. lots of evergreens growing in the desert... all those rag heads giving gifts to each other..

STOP appropriating indigenous european pagan traditions into your jew-moeslum-christian unholy trinity


21065491? ago

Philosophers stone; Diamond, Circle, Triangle, Circle.

21065437? ago

Head is spinning here. So many possible Falls. Titan missiles; Titans of Industry; Titans of Wall Street...

Clown downed Satellite?

--Titan is a Saturn moon, second largest moon in our solar system, after Jupiter's Ganymede.

--Def: "any of a family of giants in Greek mythology born of Uranus and Gaea and ruling the earth until overthrown by the Olympian gods."

--"Titan is a scalable graph database optimized for storing and querying graphs containing hundreds of billions of vertices and edges distributed across a multi-machine cluster." --thinkaurelius.com

"Watch the Water."

21065399? ago

The stone not cult with hands is the Person ofmthe Lord Jesus Christ.

21065300? ago

You didn't explain anything

21065228? ago


Just had a hive mind moment.

Youre using a handful of words i was thinking about last night

21065169? ago

Operation Titan Fall done at Lancaster County. Lancaster County is obviously named for Lancaster England, which was the home of the Lancaster Bomber, which was used to drop the dam bursting bombs in WW2.

Sounds like the Dam is about to burst on all these evil ones secrets.

21066096? ago

WIKI note "Sons of Satan MC

Sons of Satan Motorcycle Club, known locally as The Sons, is an outlaw motorcycle club and support club for the Pagan's Motorcycle Club. It was formed in 1949 and incorpohrated in 1954 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania by returning World War II veterans. The club was eventually taken over by its namesake, John 'Satan' Marron, who later became the National President of the Pagan's Motorcycle Club."

"John 'Satan' Marron, who later became the National President of the Pagan's Motorcycle Club.[1] Marron is thought to be the one that converted The Sons from a fairly friendly, family-oriented club into a violent outlaw motorcycle gang. "

21065361? ago

Dont forget Lancaster California. Neighbor is Palmdale. Home of Lockheed Martin. Rockwell, northrup, Boeing. Edward's air force base 40 miles away. China lake also near by. Mojave desert. All currently over run with southern invaders.

21065121? ago

The evergreen is linked to saturn the god of light and knowledge. He was also the god of the trees and wildlife. People would celebrated the winter solstice by putting a star on top of an evergreen. The star of saturn.

You know this as Christmas without an angel.

21064730? ago

A keystone, perhaps?

21064608? ago

Guzzle the suds! Nice find, fren.

21064638? ago


Is this IET???

21064834? ago

nah...simply an entertained anon fren

21066765? ago

Got it.. thanks!

21064200? ago

Honestly dude... take your fucking meds.

21064441? ago

'Peace and Love' has always been trash, aka 'PnL baker'.

21064107? ago

Or...its just practice lol.

21064172? ago


FOR Operation Titan Fall...

21063938? ago

I just got huge metaphysical boner bro.

21063976? ago

One of those superconfusing ones? XD

21064053? ago

yes. table lifted in front of many passerby's. they're confused. I'm confused. who wins here...and should they?

21064689? ago

Occulted Cockstand SuperConfusion Syndrome? First I've heard of it. Is that what actually goes on at a Say-once?

21063895? ago

The phrase 'hold my beer' is used when you are witnessing somebody doing something idiotic, and you are joking that you are going to go do something even dumber.

I'm not sure what your conclusion is. Is it that the Nebraska National Guard naming their exercise mission Titan Fall means that Hillary is going to be arrested?

While it is fun to make silly theories, there is not going to be a secret clue of future events. That's not how it works.

21063888? ago

Maybe u drank too many beers already bro?

21063949? ago

I did!

21063788? ago

That was a gematria result from last week. <

Now I know what POTUS meant.

21063858? ago


Can you post it nmbrfg??


21064249? ago

Today's decode > Smoking Gun. <




21064197? ago

Trump Tweet T-9283 - Gematria Analysis > "TIPPY TRIPPY TRISCUIT" - 'o-o' <




Donald J. Trump

‏Verified account


"Our record Economy would CRASH, just like in 1929, if any of those clowns became President!"

4:29 AM - 16 Oct 2019




titanfall 297 570 95 53

titan fall 297 570 95 16

I knew this was important. <

21064650? ago

Holy crap....

21063759? ago

With a mighty voice he shouted: "'Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!' She has become a dwelling for demons and a haunt for every impure spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal. - Revelation 18:2

a dwelling for demons and a haunt for every impure spirit

Well, that certainly describes Hillary with perfection.

21064819? ago

And the light of a single lamp shall shine in thee no more.