21061167? ago

During the centuries there was always this symbolism. The difference is now it It used for evil.

21057298? ago

to make your lief easier why the heck do not one use


  • load images in
  • add the text layer
  • some arrow or comic ballon text
  • publihs download for free
  • 5 min no skills except good imagination and taste required

21056992? ago

where is the best place or link to learn how to meme?

21057777? ago


21056745? ago

...I've only learned to decypher symbolism. Memes are above my pay grade.

21058896? ago

Hotel California? "Check in anytime you like, but you can never leave".

The swamp on the west coast. People caught in the corrupt lifestyle of Hollywood. Using their symbolism against them?


21058586? ago

an old House ... car company Alpha ... look at the family Crest, really Ital i ain Rome or Babylon or global? .... Snake Eating a Child ... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3462868 time to wake up fast

21056338? ago

Something I learned in AA and the military. Shut up and not only listen but hear what is being said. That's what I did in this storm for the longest time. I never commented just liked. I was computer down right stupid. So I took a basic computer course and worked hard on how to use it proficiently. Now I am pretty good. By studying and watching and hearing, I have come to the point where now I am supplying info to others and meme like crazy. Even learned how to archive on thumb drives. To you younger folks, you are probably laughing and I dont blame you. Lol. But when i went to school, we didn't have computers. The cool thing then was a electric typewriter. lolol. But i could build you a kick butt house. Not sure where I'm going with this comment other than if you have the will and desire for what is taking place. Then learn what you need to learn to fight the good fight. Was bummed when 8chan went down. Had just started figuring out that site a poof gone. Lolol. God bless Patroits and its because of you I got the desire to better myself with the tech needed.

21059790? ago

Respect โœŠ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

21058634? ago

Good work!

Here you go, I bet you don't know this trick. A tiny program that you can use to screenshot! Free. https://getgreenshot.org/

If you need help using it, let me know!

ps 8kun is coming soon. Going to be unbreakable, so when the Storm comes, it cant be taken out.

21058673? ago

Thank you very much. Cant wait for 8kun.

21058622? ago

Woman in video of Prince Andrew at Jeffrey Epstein's house is daughter of ex-Australian prime minister https://voat.co/v/QRV/3394344

21058076? ago

Build a house? Not many can do that. You rock!

21058684? ago

Lolol. Thank you.

21057332? ago

a liddle help for man willing to learn and advance https://www.canva.com/create/memes/

21058693? ago

Thank you Patroit, I will accept the lesson. God Bless

21056028? ago

Anyone Here Read History? Greeks, Babylon and a Temple in Syria? ...Cult of Dionysus, They pray to wine, phallus & hole symbols? Dionysus was involved in sodomy, Silenus Bacchus and Pan/Satyrs. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3351814/19893918 Seems the world has been through several periods of absolute degeneracy. They want us to worship trannyโ€™s now.

21056486? ago

Baphomet personifies both genders as it represents the union of dualism

21055978? ago

I'm more the messenger type, poor computer skills but I can steal memes and disburse them. Of course I don't do facebook or twitter or the other stuff so I don't get a lot of exposure...even reddit has me banned.

But we each do our part, in the Service you learned to do your job and let the next guy do his. If we each are effective just once it is a victory.

So, make it and we will steal it...

21058136? ago

shut up carl

21057312? ago

fuck I just found they created a meme generator


21057751? ago

HAHA!! Touche, cos I knew such things existed. Ok then, Imma lazy fook who steals the memes instead of doing my own work. I keep telling myself to invest the time and can't get it done...

21056810? ago

I was just thinking about this, how we all have different jobs, and some of us make the memes and some of us are distributors. we're all part of the plan and we each need to play our own role to the Be Best of our ability.

21066637? ago

Back in the 2012 election, the Dr. Ron Paul supporters would say "WAHOR" -- "We All Have Our Roles."

21056036? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3358715 Mainstream media? has been focusing on left vs right, red vs blue and not the groups / companies, girls trafficked, ignoring the DeepState Clown aspect and Wexner / Epstein's role in politics and war.

21057619? ago


21055465? ago


21058887? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3357932 Vatican and Junkermann? Epstein's blue striped markings are symbolic of an age-old lucifarian transgenerational elite cult whose goal is to eradicate Christ - The House of Lusignan

21058672? ago

Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine?? The Sabbatean Freemasons, the Jesters, the Grotto, Shriners are always trying to get the Children? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3400980/20947617 Of course this got zero traction. Good job, OP. Here's a recent interview with David Icke on the topic of the Sabbatean cult (the death cult behind Israel).

21056008? ago

Their Symbolism Will be Their Downfall Anonymous https://voat.co/v/anon/3451514