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19893918? ago

Seems the world has been through several periods of absolute degeneracy. They want us to worship tranny’s now.

19900624? ago

The Baphomet cult. Here's another religion to consider, Temple of Mithras – London, England... "ablaq" masonry in relation to Esptein's temple and .... Now, back to Mithra. Mithra is the Zoroastrian god of contracts, and the keeper of truths. The cult of Mithra was popular in ancient Rome for a while, right before Christianity became more prominent....Mithraism includes degrees of initiation, as well as ritual enactments, as does Masonry. Included in every Mithraian place of worship is an image or statue of Mithra sacrificing a bull, aka a "tauroctony". This part of Mithra's story takes place in a cavern....immediately obvious similarities to this story are the stories of Theseus and the Minotaur in the labyrinth, and maybe even Abraham and Isaac in the Old Testament....Another structure similar to both Epstein's temple and the Zoroastrian fire temple is the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. A structure deeply sacred to muslims, the foundation rock is said to be the birthplace of Adam, and the spot where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac.