21026997? ago

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21026933? ago

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19894801? ago


Fellini made a movie of the Satyricon. Check out the images, complete with adolescent boy with makeup and flowers in his hair.

Here's a link to a bunch of the images: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=satyricon+movie&atb=v58-2_a&iax=images&ia=images

21036368? ago

Epstein at the MCC: Prison was suddenly under staffed, but overflowing with mass murdering inmates? https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3381788

19894416? ago

Yep...considering all the strong European/Mid East ties, along with all the outright symbolism everywhere (Epstein's Bacchus arch keystone/temple/statues)...I'm thinking Cult of Dionysus or some derivative...there is OLD money involved here. And I will tell you something...the only reason old money involves itself with new money, or young wayward girls from broken homes, or penniless models, etc - is sex and blood. And people and the MSM still haven't had the courage to call out the Jewish connections here...In my opinion this is not about some Zionist agenda, the reason most of the top players in the Epstein case...and other recent sex cases are Jews, is that to them once a girl or boy is vat/bar mitzvah'd they are considered an adult...so they rationalize that they get a pass somehow. Notice how all the girls were 13+ ? Again, they consider them adults...regardless of our laws. And as such they are technically hebephiles not pedophiles.

19896238? ago

I had never heard the term "hebephile" before so I looked it up. They have this crap named in categories. Here's what I found within just 5 minutes...


Hebephilia is the strong, persistent sexual interest by adults in pubescent children, which is typically ages 11–14. It differs from pedophilia, and from ephebophilia.


Ephebophilia is the primary sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19. The term was originally used in the late 19th to mid 20th century. It is one of a number of sexual preferences across age groups subsumed under the technical term chronophilia. Ephebophilia strictly denotes the preference for mid-to-late adolescent sexual partners, not the mere presence of some level of sexual attraction.


The term chronophilia was used by John Money to describe a form of paraphilia in which an individual experiences sexual attraction limited to individuals of particular age ranges. The term has not been widely adopted by sexologists, who instead use terms that refer to the specific age range in question. An arguable historical precursor was Richard von Krafft-Ebing's concept of "age fetishism".

These people are sick!

19894229? ago

Yes, the sun. The ancient Babylonian schools that we r currently fighting all worship the sun anon.

21026969? ago

Why do Shriner Masons say prayer to the Moongod al Lah?

19894108? ago

Celebrated gods for Mardi Gras

21026980? ago

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19894997? ago

I looked into the Krewes at Mardi Gras after that party. They are very fond of Atlas, who is also Marduk. If I remember correctly, Marduk is the son of Lucifer or Enki.

19894257? ago

Red Shoes ... Royalty fled Europe arrived in America with their money, the new people had a new blackmail building in the South....an old song for many years there is a New Orleans Prostitute Blackmail House....Who Are The Royal Order of Jesters? Uncovering a Police-Driven, International Sex Trafficking Ring that Actually Happened? The international Masonic exploitation, abuse, trafficking? Alan Dershowitz Wanted To Bar Press From Courtroom Where Judge Is Ruling On Epstein Case? http://archive.is/s0sQE @killer7 @Sw0rdofDamocles seems like the cult has been around a while

19893918? ago

Seems the world has been through several periods of absolute degeneracy. They want us to worship tranny’s now.

19900624? ago

The Baphomet cult. Here's another religion to consider, Temple of Mithras – London, England... "ablaq" masonry in relation to Esptein's temple and .... https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1150274730181586944.html https://twitter.com/Lady_Miss_M/status/1150274730181586944 Now, back to Mithra. Mithra is the Zoroastrian god of contracts, and the keeper of truths. The cult of Mithra was popular in ancient Rome for a while, right before Christianity became more prominent....Mithraism includes degrees of initiation, as well as ritual enactments, as does Masonry. Included in every Mithraian place of worship is an image or statue of Mithra sacrificing a bull, aka a "tauroctony". This part of Mithra's story takes place in a cavern....immediately obvious similarities to this story are the stories of Theseus and the Minotaur in the labyrinth, and maybe even Abraham and Isaac in the Old Testament....Another structure similar to both Epstein's temple and the Zoroastrian fire temple is the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. A structure deeply sacred to muslims, the foundation rock is said to be the birthplace of Adam, and the spot where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac.

19893841? ago

Jim Morrison.

19894042? ago

all conspiracy talk @Nadeshda myth and history? @theoldones @Empress @Thisismyvoatusername @Anson

19960559? ago

I, Anon, have nothing to comment here. Why did you tag me?

19897683? ago

On vacay but will get back to you...


19893749? ago

strange times

21027006? ago

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19894156? ago

Lots of Masonic symbolism. He's in Paris also, owns a place on some very posh expensive street @Jimmycog anyone got film or news items or photos of the ranch? @CluelessInTheDark @edgydude69 @downton-stabby @KebabAndNoseRemoval

19893794? ago

This statue is on the fornt of the Epstein NYC Mansion. @yiddlerontheroof Jeffrey Epstein was into some weird shit, sometimes the stories would remind you of a fake NGO Charity, Roman Catholic Priest or some British Royalty or Saudi who are degenerate behind the scenes. @icuntstopswearing @TheGreatAustralian @JesusRules @Conspirologist The front is all fake but in their hideaway home they have all these weird paintings and symbols. They say Epstein also has a collection of eyeballs in the Mansion. History says Jews who settled in Rome 2000 yrs ago were expelled charged with "corrupting" cult of "Jupiter Sabazius", in the Greek pantheon, Dionysus absorbs the role of Sabazios, a Phrygian deity. Others say a Hollywood cult, the CIA and Mossad Behind the global connected DC / Florida Pedo Ring, in the Epstein group they trafficked people from Europe and S.America to compromise and blackmail US leaders in both US politics and business. Flaying of Marsyas painting shows the killing by flaying or skinning alive of Marsyas, a satyr who rashly challenged the god Apollo to a musical contest it was made maybe for the King Philip of Spain, the painting sits in Czech Moravia since 1673. The Epstein Gym or Music room looks nothing like a music room, the mattress has strange stains, did they devour a pig or goat at some weird island ritual? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3351511/19893156 WHO is Lynn Schusterman? HOW is she connected to Wexner?

19894246? ago

I don't know how all of this is connected to Lynn Schusterman, but I guess such insanity is to be expected in dealing with people connected to Epstein. Time for more research on the Sabbateans and Frankists...

19894300? ago

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