21198555? ago

Freemasonry Hidden In Plain Sight In Hollywood Movies & The Music https://voat.co/v/8chan/3493194

21056013? ago

My God in heaven help us!!

21054600? ago


So I read it, both the pages you linked.

Afterwords I felt, different. My head hurt a little and the world seemed darker.

I don't think I want to know, I mean curiosity exists, but some things... probably don't need to ever really see or know about the horrid details.

It is wise to know about evil and know it is real? Not only "wise" but absolutely necessary.

However the details of depravity I can do without.

Nonetheless, thanks for sharing this horrid shit.

Time to go pray.

21055778? ago

I understand your view, hence the warning and explanation of my motives. For me, it made me more determined to want to see this depravity ended, with an intensity I didn't feel before. And a new found appreciation for those that fight this for a living.

"The choice to know will be yours". Think I'll go pray too.

21055857? ago

We all need to pray...without ceasing.

21054050? ago

This absolutely breaks my heart...

I am a survivor of human trafficking. I was drugged and taken by satanists in July of 2016. I was only missing for a month, but in that time, I endured and experienced some dark things.

I'm thankful none was as gruesome as this. I was only raped and beaten by my abductor, who was a vessel for demons. He had split personality disorder and many of his personalities were different demons that would come forward.

Some would torment and beat me as I was raped, and another personality would later come forward and apologize for the previous alter's actions.

It was a horrific experience, but I survived it.

Reading material like this only takes me back and reminds me why I am so dedicated to this movement and why I fight!

These pedos are all going down! They cannot hide from the judgement of God! From dark to light, everything they have done will be exposed!

21055877? ago

I'm sorry you had to go through this - I will not pretend to understand the horrors that you have endured and survived. God's plan is bewildering and difficult to understand at times: why some are chosen for great hardship and pain in this life and others not. I would say though that He is allowing many to now see what they once could not bare to believe was possible. The wicked will be punished, in this plane or the next. God bless.

21053938? ago

There's a guy on youtube who tells his story about looking for a silencer on the dark web and finds a chat room where men are paying bitcoin to see a man torture an infant, including pouring acid on the baby.

There's a woman who talks about her younger infant sister being abused by parents, locked in a room constantly and with broken bones and a broken jaw. When the older sister tried to run for help the parents killed the little toddler.

I want to get off this ride. Right now. This is the face of evil. Satan truly runs this world.

21054366? ago

The media says the Elite and these grotto, shrine and grove do not exist. they lie. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3459053 Old Myspace? Archive it! Adriana Ross & Rachel Guinness/Rothschild Chandler's With many Epstein Co-conspirators... "connection " private profiles yet pics are fucked. 2 girls inside a pentagram

21053374? ago

There are videos of him being interviewed. Search “paul bonacci interview”.


21053358? ago

I just want the world to end. All matter to cease. I think I am vile. for I would destroy all that is good , just to eliminate the evil.

I would collapse all time and space. STOP THIS beast eat system.

NO MORE killing to feed. NO more murdering , no more rape. All learned through the progression of souls. THEY TRY TO cleanses it through life. over and over again. the suffering of the soul bound in the cage.

UNTIL IT is renewed through the fire.

Oh I would end this systems and all systems.

21053652? ago

"I just want the world to end. All matter to cease."

Some days, I agree. Some days, I need to focus on the positive or else my brain will be all 'splody.

Being red pilled is difficult. Finding the balance between the reality of the scope of evil we face and the beauty of God, His creation and Plan is difficult. Yet, God made such an incredibly beautiful and diverse world and humans are capable of the most heroic and mind bending acts of compassion, kindness, selflessness, bravery and love. All those adjectives are a mirror of our Creator. Whether this ends badly or we pull out of this madness...at the end of the day, Jesus is the only answer. Cuz, this world is temporary and not our home. We're just passing thru...

Hang in there, patriot.

21053894? ago

Oh maybe I should read the bible. I THINK I would be able to understand it to some degree. a bit differently now that i Have seen and know me. Maybe it will ease the pain I've felt and help let me accept. FOR I have seen things that would render me a madman in this life and the next. but it seemed true. of course others would look on with disbelief.

SO maybe I am a true believer in that I have witnessed it. BUT then again my lack of trust is the problem or maybe that is the solution?

I am the way I am by the grace of "GOD"

21053766? ago

I don't believe. JESUS is the answer. for the answer are in ME. he proclaimed. Jesus says “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

Now I don't believe Jesus was saying that through him I will be saved. NO not at all. but through me I can meet the father. FOR I am, the way and the truth and life. "I am"

THROUGH me, you get to the father. NO other can bring you to him. FOR "I am"

so through self reflection and honesty with the self can you meet the MOST high.

but who cares that is just what I think, WHO knows maybe I do need "JESUS" in that his parables have meanings I out to seek.

BUT I'm no good reading dusty old books made by a council of priest I don't know nor trust.

21054377? ago

Well, not trying to be a dick, but those are quite some mental gymnastics and incorrect biblical interpretations.

Jesus said, "No one comes to the Father, but thru ME." He used a personal pronoun. He meant himself.

Twisting that scripture into 'you" are the way to the Father is incorrect. We wouldn't need Jesus if "we" had the power to save ourselves. We don't.

21059323? ago

I don't care its how I read it. I'm only going to know GOD through me. NOT through any other person alive or dead.

Sorry YOu look for a savior to save you from yourself. WHEN I know I am the only one that can change myself and save me.

21061118? ago


21053636? ago

If you're so hungry for an ending, eat a bullet, faggot.

21053704? ago

IS that really an end?

21056023? ago


21053334? ago

FYI, part of these events apparently happened at Bohemian Grove

21054282? ago

HUGE graph showing connections from Epstein and the US Government to every other person involved...... SPIDER WEB!! https://voat.co/v/QRV/3481671

Leaked screenshots of letter the cabal sent a newspaper threatening to sue if they don't cover-up Epstein's associates. (QRV)

submitted 3 months ago





This guy is no small fish. He's former prime minister of Israel, Ehud Barak.

The crazy thing is that he's suing for BLOOD LIBEL!

21054837? ago

Whatever happened with that?

The last I recall MailOnline shot them double barrel middle fingers and went on with their lives.

21053267? ago

You still havent seen evil if thats all you have.

More is coming,so much more.

Mens hearts will fail.......

21055975? ago

TruNews infiltrates Epstein Ranch Anonymous ....before getting chased away by dogs https://voat.co/v/AnonNews/3381003

21053782? ago

way worse. cloning and vrill lizards

21053286? ago

I fear you're right. Pray God protect us all.

21054158? ago

He protects those very few that serve him

21054147? ago

Book of Enoch,read it

21053241? ago

OMG! :(

21054303? ago

pedo Epstein wasn't just an agent for london or jerusalem, didnt just work for CIA or KGB ... Epstein had 13 different phones of Prince Andy...agent for Illuminati? & illuminati doesnt even exist? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3479128

21053235? ago

Hard to believe that poor kid survived. God be with him and all the abused people.

21053169? ago

Holy Shit!

21054339? ago

This Mirth...What are the the Royal Order of Jesters and their Bizzare Acts? Do they Connect to Judges, Euro Royalty and FBI? The Trouble With Occult Jesters, Masonic, Vatican, Jewish, Arabic Rituals? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3457657/20835628 The Court of Jesters is a masonic order that primarily deals with social events for Masons. They need to have l to extraordinary venues and are very wealthy.

21053391? ago

Pretty much. Humanity keeps falling for the same scam over and over. When will we end it once and for all?

21053480? ago

Would that involve killing/imprisoning/eliminating INDIVIDUALS based on their beliefs and not their actions?

Then we become all we despise. Definitely not MAGA.

21053862? ago

Actions. I know Jewish people who are against this evil.