21028790? ago

https://files.catbox.moe/puyqyz.png MEME friendly format!

21028903? ago

Thanks Patriot.

Should send this to Tucker. I think he covered The CFR many times before.

21023207? ago

Tulsi > not russian asset > soro rothschilds globalist c_a brennan asset.

Q 2219

Watch those announcing 2020 P(uppets) running.

"You cannot attack a political opponent"

None are protected.

None are safe..

Q 2856

Why did D's state 'things will calm down if we retake the House' prior to the midterm elections?

Was their plan to retake the House in order to 'chair' each respective committee

in order to start new erroneous investigations in an attempt to retain the BLOCKADE?

Retain the 'insurance' policy?

Retain the optical illusion that a crime was committed?

Retain the narrative?

Retain D_base outrage?

Retain D_base obstruction?

Retain D_base support to block POTUS' agenda?

If you know your opponents move, what advantages that does present?

Q 3384

"Attack a political opponent" will not work.

Hillary's fake attack on Tulsi will not work.

21022916? ago

Tulsi is Obama 2.0

21022838? ago

Wow. Maybe you could edit this to choose truth.

21022258? ago


21021607? ago

Deep State Sleeper is Tulsi Gabbard. <

She is being groomed to run against Trump in 2020, and a serious run for The Presidency in 2024.<

All the other candidates are getting DELIBERATELY burned by The [DS] in order to clear a path (Viz Anderson Copper's stitch up question to Kamala Harris as an example) for their only hope: Tulsi Gabbard. <

Save this post as I am calling it, and sticking by my decision.


21021557? ago

The legitimacy of the image notwithstanding. She is a fucking globalist piece of shit. Why does this shock you?

21021641? ago

21021985? ago

I get that the image might be fake. She is still a globalist cunt. Change my mind. What am I missing?

21021382? ago

Wow, ShareBlue style bullshit propaganda.

21021013? ago

Antifa isnt there for the main purpose of hurting people for political gain. Everyone knows that shh doesnt work.. What antifa is really doing is manufacturing stronger and more negative opinons of liberals, who most are too zZz to even realize what antifa does.. Remember these are less fortunate brothers and sisters.. Gotta show love to the everyday confused people until they come around.. Dont let small groups dehumanize colossal groups in your mind. Thats when the violence comes.

21020972? ago

Keep this pic for future reference - Fake headline, we need to not get into this one. https://files.catbox.moe/8m0a2c.png

Truth is they insult her and degrade her because she's too "conservative" in her views, which ingratiates her to the low information middle of the roaders. They try to keep her out of the debates because "she doesn't have enough backing", or whatever the excuse is this week, making her an underdog. Now Hitlery has attacked her. And... ta dahhhh... the Dem candidates are coming to Tulsi's defense. Meanwhile, moderate Never Trumpers are saying, "Hmmm. She could actually be one of us. If she runs, I might vote for her against Trump."

Never ever ever underestimate the minds of the sickos on the Left. And never underestimate Tulsi's ambition. I've met this woman. If "Jagad Guru Chris Butler" has told her she will win, she has a fire in the belly for this. Now - the HuffPo is trying to downplay Tulsi's involvement with this guy, but her upbringing was inside this cult. Think of how you are impacted by the first 20 years of your life. She has that. https://twitter.com/gregolear/status/1159639604372393984?lang=en So that is partly what informs her decision to run. Make no mistake about it... [[They]] are positioning her as an underdog.

food for thought: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bronsonstocking/2019/10/19/democrats-flocking-to-tulsi-gabbards-defense-n2555050

21021694? ago

NMBRFG hare.

Man you are SPOT ON.

Thanks. <

21023385? ago

Thanks, that's tall praise from you!

I say we watch her closely. [[They]] are up to no good.

21023430? ago

Oh I am watching her every move and gesture Anon. I have been for months.

I am doing some research now, and will have something meaningful for you all shortly.

In the meantime, I will complete the DORAL G7 decode, as this leads to a Gematria result of 'C before D' <

That was the purpose of the Doral G7 controversy/storm in a teacup. To bring our attention back in focus.

DORAL also connects to the result 'Cookie', which Trump very deliberately accentuated in one of his recent speeches.

He has left us these crumbs, and they are very easy to spot.

Speak soon.




21021901? ago

Where can i learn to read and write the comms precisely? I suck atm.

21023100? ago

Patience. This is a learned skill. <

Here are all my posts >

All NMBRFG Decodes in one post by The NumberFag - As requested - 5:5 - D5- 'o-o' <


Start on these for foundation knowledge >



ii) CODES & DECODES EXPLAINED > THE MASONIC WAR FOR CONTROL OF PLANET EARTH - An insight into 5th Dimensional Thought - By NMBRFG > 'o-o' < PART 2


Read all of POTUS tweets, and other important messengers (i.e. The Military).

Watch all of the videos The White House put out, and all of Trump's speeches and Rallies. Pay special attention to when POTUS does weird stuff like visit Box and Paper factories for example. Pat attention to his words, phrases, and hand gestures.

POTUS' accentuated comments are what we want to analyse, along with the Capitalized letters of his tweets. Sometimes time stamps and video lengths are deliberate and correspond to numbers in gematria.

I am doing one on DORAL at the moment. The G7 is no longer being held there, but it was a BIG distraction that Trump wanted us to pay attention to. Why? >

Because Doral = C before D in Gematria... <

More coming. <TBA.

Ps - Stay in touch regularly, and ask as many questions you deem necessary to fill in the gaps of knowledge you may have.

This is all very new, and it takes a different (higher 5d mind) train of thought, and practice to wire your brain up to cope with all the new thought processes and stimuli.

Speak soon.


Kindest regards,



'o-o' <

21020873? ago

K the fact that you guys are lieing like this is outting yourselves

21020663? ago

I would totally pee in her butt.

21028913? ago

Wait... I know this statement. Hmmm, How to state this? Whats up Great White! orrrrrr 3 blades and a skull patch? You may recognize one of these.

21020643? ago


21020584? ago

Thanks Anon.

The photo and it's legend (notables in photo):

  • https://www.hallwalls.org/community/community-images/VeteransRespondVets.png

  • Legend: "Veterans at Standing Rock, North Dakota, Dec. 5, 2016, clockwise from back row left: Evan Duke (Occupy Wall St.), Matt Crane, Mark Sanderson (Red Beard), Joe George, Brandee Paisano, Jessie Ilnicki, U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), and Ed Higgins (Bernie Sanders Campaign staff). Matt Crane (Buffalo, NY), Mark Sanderson (Georgetown, TX), Joe George (Dallas, TX), and Brandee Paisano (Seattle, WA) will all be appearing in person at the January 8 event in Buffalo. (Photo courtesy of Brandee Paisano.)"

21021236? ago

Met some of these people during Bernie campaign. Sad that we didn't know all along. Thank God, President Donald J. Trump won! Considered myself woke then because I knew much of what was going on, but I was completely ignorant of politics, elections, etc.. Always hated that shit. Now, I know why! Q'ed in now! TRUMP2020

21021410? ago

Welcome Patriot.

I was a 'moderate left' 5 years ago.

I was 'nudged' by the incoherent reactions to the financial crisis, but have gone back to sleep.

Then gradually woke up to the gender war first, then Gamergate, then Islam, then marxist academia, then culture war, then white genocide, then Q, then bolshevik Holodomor, then (((them))) versus us, then Good vs Evil.

21022641? ago

Thank you, Patriot. Started with finding loads of county adoptions records from 40s-60s in a house (circa 1981); vitamin B17 (circa 1998); academic bs; Agenda; 1994(?)U.S. Bio Diversity Map; camps, cages, and family sized plastic coffins; 5 eyes trafficking and all that was surrounding on reg web (but only studied 4, as I figured one was front and center); local cyclical sex abuse, familial and otherwise; grew up in two of the most obviously corrupt states (oddly not mentioned often or is it that they are all so corrupted, hm) and so much more head spinning; personal level; trauma and "instances". It is good to be home with patriots and more away from the evil than ever. I was born with an uncanny distaste for injustice and wickedness, but was vulnerable to it. The constant downplay of patterns and actions that I saw, show me now that there were so many trecherous liars surrounding me all along. I thank God for those He placed in my life here and there who were obviously His goodness.

21020288? ago


21019899? ago

Wow, where did the hate filled liberal reddit fags who keep posing the shit come from? Be gone Hillery lovers!!

21021088? ago

be gone Tulsi lovers. maybe you forgot what we're here for. it aint this clown bitch. so GTFO yesterday

21022294? ago

Ah fuck you Hillary tranny wannabe soy sterilized eunuch. At least we like them young and beautiful and not old, smelly and all crusty.

Seriously, Tulsi scare's you all to death doesn't she. Poor little coward's.

21022537? ago

what are you doing here pushing Tulsi on a Q board?

21022596? ago

I'm not pushing Tulsi and that's the problem. I'm just annoyed by idiots pushing hate and telling people what to do. I sit here and say I like and appreciate what shes doing but that I'd never support her for president and all you all do is think people like me are Tulsi lovers willing to mindlessly vote for her and hatefully attack. You should be asking the haters why they are here pushing hate? It's one thing to remind people what she truly is not get distracted and another to go all hateful liberal like on everyone who don't hate her outright unconditionally because she's a "liberal".

So many Hillary shills here...

21023031? ago

She's pro-choice and a climate freak. She IS fucking Hillary, you slow twat.

21023048? ago

Shes many things we all don't like but shes no Hillary you fucking faggot.

21021859? ago

The voice of reason. <

21019493? ago

Fake fake fake

21022481? ago

Tugshe Grabhard

21019472? ago

Fake news. The photo is from Standing Rock. The people are not Antifa, they are native Americans and others protesting the pipeline at Standing Rock. Always check your sources.

21020308? ago

Yep shills know Tulsi is where the anti-establishment vote goes if they succeed in their coup. They are in here in force eroding any support for her with lies. They need to safeguard the wars

21021064? ago

anyone who supports her should GTFO immediately. we're here to support POTUS and Q. It's the very reason this board exists. You want to support some bitch the DS set up to suck support away from POTUS, just leave. Now.

21028876? ago

Actually I am glad they are here so I can get meme-fodder to work against them. I am lazy so its nice they bring it to me.

21022664? ago

Oh fuck off. DS fears her and that's why triggered people post about her here smearing her. Trying to poison the well against her like they do to everyone else they oppose.

21023013? ago

What are you doing on a Q board promoting Tulsi?

21023030? ago

What are you doing on a Q board telling others to hate her? I didn't start this thread.

21023077? ago

nope, focus. the goal posts are right here, asswipe. What are you doing on a Q board promoting Tulsi?

21023129? ago

Fake news pushing fake narrative.

21021669? ago

Exactly. <

21020510? ago

They are in here in force eroding any support for her.

Nobody can erode support for her in here, because she didn't earn any yet, besides (((all of you))).

21019559? ago

Evan Duke, just next to her, is Pantifa.

He's also another key suspect identified in the report for attempting to disrupt security operations at the U.S. southern border by staging an armed rebellion.

21021352? ago

If the photo was taken in Standing Rock then she might not have known the dude's Antifa.

21019598? ago

Evan Duke, just next to her, is Pantifa

means nothing more than the photo of Trump with Epstein did

you creeps seem desperate

21019630? ago

It means alot, given they have Bernie Sander' campaign staffer (a colleague) in the same picture.

It means: Full bolshevik endorsement !

21020342? ago

If Bernie had the backing of TPTB then they wouldn't be backing Warren and Biden against him. Bernie is playing along but Bernie represents populism which can't be allowed.

21020448? ago

Everything in that Primary is scripted.


Who's backing who, who says what, who gets the mike, who doesn't get the mike, who opposed or didn't opposed bussing, who was part of the 2nd class to integrate the public schools in California and who was not.

Entering the bolsheviks' mind games is a folly. You enter at your own peril.

21019501? ago

the ZOG is really threatened by Tulsi

but apparently they're not sending their best. . .

21024203? ago

Notice ^^^ nazi shills luv gun grabber kook Tulsi.

21019328? ago

https://tweetsave.com/badluck_jones/status/1185728764061405185 :

badluck on Twitter: "Antifa Fascist Fangirl Tulsi Gabbard posing with Evan Duke, leader of Portland Antifa and Occupy ICEā€¦ "

This has been an automated message.

21019521? ago

It was still 'nothing'. Like CFR 5 year membership, 'nothing'.

It reminds me of that Talmud quote "Something, something, it is 'nothing'.

What was it again ?

21028881? ago

raping a kid or killing the goy, I forget which but that usually covers the Talamud.

21019571? ago

CFR 5 year membership

I know. Imagine all the intel she collected during that time

/ourgirl/ is like a Jane Bond type spy /warrior /legislator

21019853? ago

Man you (((guys))) sure like her