21016928? ago

I'm just holding my breath at this point. I'm wishing that things would kick off on 10/30 and be done by 11/11, but I have seen too many dates come and go with nothing. I still have faith that POTUS and Q have a plan that is underway. I don't have much faith in our ability to interpret the clues provided so far.

21020079? ago

At least as far as dates go

21016441? ago

Apparently Peter Strzok thinks something unstoppable is coming because some of the more believable reports from halfchan say that he has been moving some of his financial assets out of the US. The other "news" (rumor actually) is that there's an indictment waiting against Strzok for spying for Iran. I almost didn't list that second part but decided to go with it here because, even though one anon posting with no evidence is pretty worthless, it does expand our thinking that there may well be a lot of more serious crimes that the fake msm hasn't been able to spoil by down-grading them to 'merely political bickering' in the public's perception.

21016212? ago

What kind of assumptions do you clowns make about "Q" saying time can't be stopped?

"Oh, she will be in jail, and all my dreams will finally come true!"

I'm going to miss you faggots when you finally slink back to wherever you came from. Definitely the most interesting cult for me since the Sannyasins and the Breatharians.

21016107? ago

What can start it???????

21015987? ago

...except perpetual delays

21015843? ago

who all read the post title in Dave from X22 report's voice?

21020076? ago

Actually another patriot that was banned from you tube and disappeared, I think seeking alpha, read this out and did an excellent job

21022622? ago

Yes it was them, and I also miss james allsup as well.

21016199? ago

... The Patriot fleshlight.. X22 is awesome. I have been listening since the 700s

21016577? ago

He is absolutely the best. Every night he picks me up and restores my faith in this plan. I swear he gets some of his info from an inside connection to Q.

21053961? ago

Also consider listening to the "In Pursuit Of Truth" (IPOT) Channel. They guy is kinda a crazy crackhead but he has great info on a regular basis.

21017133? ago

Yeah he's a great pick me up with my morning covfefe drinking out of a liberal tears mug

21015835? ago

Q said timelines change, and disinfo is necessary.

Like the ancient Hebrew wedding ceremony... no one knows the day or hour when the groom comes to take the bridge to his fathers house.

So then, no one knows the day or hour one will be taken and one left. One arrested, one left behind to inherit the earth. One falls away from this timeline, and one inherits this timeline.


21016722? ago

The bridge?

21017017? ago

Typo... meant BRIDE

21015763? ago



21015412? ago

Apparently, nothing can speed it up either.

21016659? ago


21015052? ago

We hear from Q+ every single day, sometimes all day long! XD

21015771? ago

That's a FACT Sir. <

I Member...

21015881? ago

“Going public for a reason”

The 💊 to 🛰

21015999? ago

The transmission of the "Red Pill". I get it Sir. 5:5 <

But some people on here and beyond, STILL don't see what is going on, and are speculating crazily!

It's kinda frustrating to watch :(

This is why we need Q to come back ASAP.

Q did say > "Trust The Plan" <

So, I am.

21022265? ago

Was praying one day about something completely unrelated to Q (a business dilemma) - and God Answered back "trust the Plan". Thought that was pretty funny!

But it was also a good reminder to keep focus, remember what Q has conveyed to us, and not get drawn into a bunch of nonsense.

21023135? ago

Lazer focus <

21016013? ago

Nothing can stop what is happening.


The story of Q is being told by many. It’s on the chans. It’s been many other places as well.

21016049? ago

Thanks. That was an interesting video considering it's age. Very accurate.

21016061? ago

The source as well. He’s the real Jack Ryan. Worked w Tom Clancy etc. ran 8 coups. Camp david accord was Him.


21016081? ago

I see. That's great. I like what he says, but I must admit, I was confused, and not sure where he stood, after seeing him on Alex Jones' Show so many times. <

21016166? ago

Same. To be fair he was usually clowning Alex Jones and more using the show as a platform? Dunno there but he’s been on my radar.

Much of his recent videos and over the past 2 years are real keen. Good info that pans out

21016224? ago

OK. I will keep a close eye on his work going forward. <

21015016? ago

At this stage I read it as "Doing nothing will have the desired effect of stopping what is coming."

Q was an effective piece of propaganda/LARP. Trump will win 2020. I'm glad for that.

But wholesale changes to the evil that runs the planet will not be "coming" any time soon imho. I wish it weren't the case. Frankly I've given up any hope that HRC will be arrested or that John Podesta will ever pay any kind of price. I'm also convinced that Epstein is still alive and being sheltered by the intel services that he worked for.

21016209? ago

Yet here you are! Wasting your time to keep us from wasting our time. How noble of you.

21015759? ago

Ukraine arrests and detentions at border crossings.

21015838? ago



UK family arrested in US for 'inadvertently crossing border'

Four adults and three children were held in ‘baby jail’ in what they call ‘scariest experience’ of their lives

Matthew Weaver

Wed 16 Oct 2019 04.05 AEDT

Last modified on Thu 17 Oct 2019 23.37 AEDT

The Foreign Office is helping a British family of seven who were arrested in the US and said they were subject to the “scariest experience” of their lives at the hands of the immigration authorities after inadvertently crossing the border from Canada.

David and Eileen Connors and their three-month-old son were on a family road trip on 3 October near Vancouver with David’s cousin Michael, his wife Grace, and their two-year-old twin daughters.

All seven members of the London family were arrested when Michael, who was driving, took a detour to avoid an animal in the road and crossed into the US without realising it. They remain in detention awaiting deportation to the UK amid fears for the welfare of the three children involved.

British family deported after saying they accidentally crossed US border

Read more

Since the family were arrested they have been subjected to an ordeal that Eileen said would leave them “traumatised for the rest of our lives”. She made the comments in a statement that forms part of a legal complaint against the US Department of Homeland Security about their treatment.

In a statement, the Foreign Office said: “We are providing assistance to a British family after they were taken into custody in the US and are in close contact with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.”

Eileen Connors’ statement was released by her lawyer, Bridget Cambria, from Aldea – the People Justice Center – an organisation that provides legal help to immigrant families to the US.

An email to the Guardian from an unnamed staff member at Aldea said the case exposed the poor treatment facing many migrant families in the US.

The email said: “While we are conscious of the extreme vulnerability of this child due to his young age, we would take this opportunity to highlight that there are approximately eight children under the age of five, half of them two years of age or under (including the British citizens), in a facility that is not licensed by the state to hold children.”

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) insisted that the Connors were being held in “a safe and humane environment for families”. In a statement to the Guardian it said it was “unequivocally false” to suggest that conditions were inhumane.

In her statement, published by the Philadephia Inquirer, Eileen said the US police ignored protestation of innocence and ignorance of crossing the border. After they were arrested, David and Michael were separated from their wives and children, it said. For the first night Eileen was held with her baby in a women’s cell with only foil blanket to keep warm, the statement claims.

Despite being told they would be released to a family member in the US, David, Eileen and their son were then taken to a detention centre in a journey she likened to “an abduction or kidnapping”. David was then held in the centre while she and the baby were put up in a hotel in Seattle. Eileen’s statement only describes her treatment and that of her husband and son.

But it is understood that all seven of the family were flown 2,400 miles from Seattle airport to Pennsylvania on 5 October and taken to the Berks county residential center, one of three places in the US used to hold migrant families. Campaigners, including Aldea, the organisation now representing Eileen, have labelled it a “baby jail” which they say is not fit to hold children.

In her statement Eileen complained about the cold and filthy conditions at the centre where she and her baby were given bedding that smelled “like a dead dog”. She said her baby boy’s eye became swollen and his skin blotchy while in the centre. She was also told she could be separated from her baby.

Her statement said: “We have been treated like criminals here, stripped of our rights and lied to … We will be traumatised for the rest of our lives by what the US government has done to us.”


21015824? ago


21015073? ago

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We've been hearing that from the getgo.

What are you doing hanging out on Q's board if you think Q is a LARP?

Are you a retard? Do you have nothing else to do with your life?

21016110? ago

What are you doing hanging out on Q's board if you think Q is a LARP?

These Qultists are stupid. Apparently this specific subverse is the only part of the internet this retard uses. And it thinks "Q" is a Live Action Role Play, when it's blatantly a PSYOP. This level of stupidity can't be faked, but the degree of stupidity these people exhibit boggles the mind.

This is a Qultist, folks.

21022155? ago

Please shill, you honestly have to do a better job. I would say you guys are deteriorating, but you've never really been very effective.

21022449? ago

Pffft, I've been mocking cult members since the Breatharians in 1982. As usual, you guys are going to slink back into the woodwork as you begin to realize how delusional you've become. (i.e. Worshipping an anonymous internet riddler...) I wish there was some kind of tattoo or something so you people couldn't hide from your pasts.

21015688? ago

I think it's reasonable to doubt but still come here for news. There's new movement on the Hillary front. That's pretty good. Will it result in her arrest on the 30th? I sure hope so but it's hard to get your hopes up for ANOTHER date where nothing will happen. (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE prove me wrong there. I would love to be wrong there.)

21015820? ago

BTW > I've just 'future fagged' the fuck out of that date for HRC, and for Skippy on the 3rd Nov. <

21014928? ago

Just another line of text on the internet at this point.

Clown world is showing no signs of slowing down.

21014818? ago

Ol' Hill has just changed her name to Nora Othing.

21014773? ago

This speech is coming, word for word

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

21018665? ago

Future proves past (hoping).

21016773? ago

"the fake news"

How many times has POTUS said this?

21016711? ago

Yeah okay we will see.

21016191? ago

The "our great military" is totally potus's words. 100% he would say that.

21015792? ago

'o-o' < > 11.3 = November 3rd, 2019

THIS ^ is D-Day Anons. <

[PODESTA] getting arrested this day.

[SPUNKY] Hillary getting arrested October 30th, 2019. <



21015340? ago

Does not read like a speech. Reads like something prepared for the web.

21020052? ago

I don't think it was ever specified, but my speculation is that this will be the message coming across the emergency alert system

21016883? ago

It'll be like tho severe weather announcements on the radio and television.

21014706? ago

Does Q mean The Kalergi Plan?

21014642? ago

Stay delusional, my faggots!

21015782? ago

Stay a CUCK pedo-shill

21016136? ago

"They accuse you of doing what they're already guilty of."

21019687? ago

Poor cuck, projecting over and over. Face it, you're a pedo-shill, who is scared shitless that your door will be kicked in and your pedo shit will be exposed. Then BUBBA will have his way with you until he's satisfied that you've been sufficiently punished for your pedo ways. After that... well you know.

21022147? ago

Ever notice how all you talk about is pedophilia? We know what that means.

21039916? ago

I didn’t expect to hear back from you boy-lover. I read the article about thr pedo busts and assumed your hands were tied.

And yes we know what it means...shills on QRV are pedos who are terrified that POTUS are rounding you all up. And we also know what happens to your king in prison. Enjoy it CLOWN.

21043763? ago

You sound pretty retarded. Is that why your life is so awful?

21045790? ago

You and your projection. Maybe they'll round you up on the next pedo bust. You're nickname in prison: walnut-sauce

21045813? ago

You're the only one here with an interest in sex with children.

21052181? ago

Nope. By definition - you as SHILL are automatically a PEDO. You'll pay the price for your actions boy-lover.

21060406? ago

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21014545? ago

10/30 is just around the corner and birthdays are always fun.

21016470? ago

the Wall, the Borders, the Corruption, and Europa? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3478532/21012372 The dream is over. I was there in 1996! Loved every minute of it.

21015056? ago

If the earliest Q posts were referring to this year we'll have to have a bday sing along :P

21014809? ago

9/11 : 11/3

Proof to begin 11.3.

21014538? ago

No doubt. Zero. Thanks for the reminder.

21014533? ago

3 shill points in 10 minutes

21015778? ago

Day r sceeeeerd.

21014495? ago

A cripple in a wheelchair just owned Q and the entire military.

21014569? ago

LOL baybe. How are them shillings

21014973? ago

You really think this quarantined fucking forum is worth paying shills for?

21015224? ago

Hahaha. So true! Well said! That is just what I was thinking when I read your words!

21015067? ago

So you're an idiot for free? That's even worse

21014472? ago

Q also claims to see and hear all, yet the deep state bitch-slapped him to death by deplatforming 8chan.

21015863? ago

Really? But Q created US, and WE are still here...

So, It makes no difference to us OR The Plan, whether or not Q or 8KUN ever come back online.

But I would wager, the Mathematical probability of QAnon never posting again is > BUCKLEYS and NONE Pal. <

Thanks for playing.


Now fuck off idiot.

21015888? ago



Everything he said was true.

The irony of Q repeatedly telling us all to back everything up... and then Q is caught completely unprepared and curb-stomped by the deep state.

21016017? ago

Unprepared? WTF?!

We were warned ALL along this would happen, so what the fuck are you talking about?!

Curb stomped? Get real. < WE ARE Q. And I am feeling fine thanks.

Just getting warmed up <

21014585? ago

No worries bay 👌

21014454? ago

Nothing will happen.