21062942? ago

The pedo-shills /clowns are panicking. They know that the sealed indictments with their names are about to be unsealed and are quaking in their boots. So what do they do when confronted with their perversions and lies? What all commies and satirists do: PROJECT.

That’s okay because us anti-pedo anti-shills patriots are enjoying the show just waiting for the pedo-shills to rounded up and going to prison. (And we ALL know what happens to pedos in prison, don’t we boys?)

So go ahead and project-panic while you wait for your door to be kicked in and your kiddie porn collection to be collected. We are laughing at you PEDO-SHILLS.

21066427? ago

Here you are, imagining people having sex with children again.

21066808? ago

Pointing out that YOU desire to have sex with kiddies, pedo-shill / clown.

Your projecting (just like you commie friends) is failing more and more everyday. Nobody is buying your fucking bullshit anymore pedo-boy.

21067366? ago

Those voices you hear are coming from inside you.

21068312? ago

Your pedo desires are coming from inside you, and unfortunately for young innocent little boys, you're acting on them.

21068406? ago

You're laughably ridiculous, and you think about sex with children constantly.

21068661? ago

What I do is point out that shills (like you) are pedos. You are projecting your guilt on others.

21060459? ago

They aren’t Q followers. This is/was an open anon forum. Are the Nazi lovers. Jew haters, flat earth faggots, etc. all Q-followers? Nope and neither are the pedos. They’re just trolling idiots like yourself to make you think that. Go chew on a shotgun-kabob, Skippy.

21060415? ago

Try harder faggot. Nothing can stop what is coming. EVERY PEDO WILL BE SLAUGHTERED.

21060444? ago

So the "patriots" are going to be wiped out?

21060463? ago

ANY AND ALL PEDOS WILL BE DEALT WITH REGARDLESS OF THEIR POLITICAL STANDING. Are you ready for it? Tell your friends they should be worried.