21014524? ago

There literally could not be a more boomer thumbnail for a post than that one.

21013172? ago

This almost makes me think the Tom Arnold tweet was scripted, by those in control [patriots]

21006968? ago

Yeah OP nope..it was 1036-37 days not 1000. OP Let's Personally Make America Great Again in Math and Research skills .

21006860? ago


21006762? ago

Millions of poor deplorable bastards have been waiting in vain with blue balls all this time. And then..... poof, the sun rises and no one is punished. "A Voat may not be adequate to solve these issues!" said Captain Obvious.

21007031? ago

In reference to ?

21005688? ago








21004931? ago

I checked several sources, and they all agree President Kennedy served 1036 days as president.

21004470? ago

On his 100th day in office, JFK was murdered.

A post that leads off with a blatant, easily debunked falsehood, is not worth a click.

21004308? ago

150 upvoats for a lie? Paul? Did u even take 30 seconds to verify that jfk died on his 1000th day in office? R u a dumbfuck? JFK died on November 22nd and potus was in Texas on October 17th. Now for some quick elementary math........ if the presidents have always been sworn in on January 20th (barring a death or impeachment) then how could one presidents 1000th day be near the end of November while another presidents 1000 day in office is in mid October?

21004085? ago

Thats an incredible observation. Hadn't consisted that connection.

21003628? ago

I cant keep up with the gematria, deltas etc, so I'm glad to see a post like this. NOW I know why it was important for The President to go to Dallas ON this date and do what he did which was tell the DS "FUCK YOU. We're here and we aint leaving". Thanks for that post.

21004860? ago

So you "can't keep up with gematria and deltas" but you are easily fooled by a post which can be fact checked in 5 seconds? JFK was in office 1036 days.

21009109? ago

So let me see if I understand you. Because the exact amount of days isnt correct that negates the fact that The President went into Dallas and told the DS to shit in their hat?

21003564? ago

What's interesting some people on this twitter feed pointed out JFK c_a splintered into a 1000 pieces quote and globalist clown 1000 points of light quote.

21003845? ago

A Thousand Points of Light > Multiple Meanings > 'o-o' <


21003240? ago

Can one of you video geniuses do something with this? A storm is coming

21004974? ago

Yet another jew bastardization of an otherwise decent book.

21002520? ago

it began before 1963

21002482? ago

I have a suspicion, seems like everytime Trump goes into the lion's den, some royalty or VIP is flying to another country, like Kate and William to Pakistan. There was also am incident where they couldn't take off, twice, due to bad weather.

What I am saying is that white hats forced VIPs in a situation where they don't dare touch Trump.

21002474? ago

The jew coup?

21002736? ago

The Tesla coup. DJT knows the truth. Musk will try to beat him to it. The Payseurs are still pissed about the Revolution. See, they own the railroads - where we get 90% of our energy. The patents for that energy belong to these evil bloodline families. Disable the DS to end the patents, and Trump can finally tell us what his Uncle found. The FBI has to go too. It's bigger than we know.

21006101? ago

Railroad energy? patents on it, too?

Never heard of such a thing....do you have any recommended sources?

21006925? ago

There are a lot of articles, I just search "Payseurs own railroads" and it goes further on from there. Citizen research.

21003735? ago

Parents don't last forever, I think 10 years. After that patent protection gone and anybody can use the information related. That's why some companies use trade secrets instead, because they can be kept secret whereas parents after intentionally public. Patents after intended to give the inventor a head start on capitalizing in their invention by.

Main point being that any parents they have energy be expired, unless you are taking about more recent energy patents

21006948? ago

Me I though that parents lasted a lifetime (at least their lifetime).

21008742? ago

yeah but the one on leather shoes has expired

21003511? ago

The jewish Mafia had Oswald(and maybe a few others) kill JFK and then killed him so he wouldn't talk.

21004950? ago

If you think Oswald ever even took a shot, you're stupider than he was.

21011002? ago

Then who did it?

21007573? ago

Well he did bring a package with “curtain rods” in it to work. That’s on record from his carpool driver.

Also, it seems that the a bullet may have impacted the traffic light signal over elm street, from above. On a line from Oswald’s perch. This was only discovered decades after the event for some reason.

Personally I think he did try to do it but the backup shooters ensured it happened.

The fact that the conspirators were so able to enfold Oswald into their plan while he wasn’t in on it speaks to their capabilities of manipulation and control.

Until you guys can wrap your heads around the level of control we’re dealing with we’re going to be at a major disadvantage.

21003155? ago

Do you have more sauce in this?

21005331? ago

Uncle Trump & Tesla:



For the patents, a simple search of "Payseurs own railroads" should lead you to plenty of citizen research articles about who owns railroad energy.

21003783? ago

No the payseurs

21006922? ago

Payseurs are an old family in which the French King descendants were brought up into the United States, after the French Revolution.

As noted in this thread, they owned much of the railroads in the U.S. from their inception.

21003181? ago

yes find it on Twatter search for Trumps Uncle

21002342? ago

I just checked yesterday and JFK died on his 1036th day in office. Check for yourself at Date Calculator: Add to or Subtract From a Date

21005775? ago

Here is a screenshot of wolfram alpha. https://files.catbox.moe/nchx0w.png

Don't forget to downvoat disinfo!

21005188? ago

So tired of disinfo getting upvoted here. Thanks for putting out the real numbers.

21003451? ago

No date fagging! J/k

21002415? ago

That would make 45's 1036th day the 22nd November. Will Nancy try again to kill him on that date? She's tried twice already.

21003455? ago

Every six or eleven years the dates again fall on the same days of the week. (It would be every seven years every time, except leap years change the pattern.)


Of course 2019 aligns with 1963.

Of course 2019 also signs with 2002 (17 years ago).

And of course it also aligns with 1974, 45 years ago.

And also, the next two date alignments happen in eleven year gaps:

2030 (+11)

2041 (+22)


Do you believe in coincidence

21003595? ago

Oh I am loving this! <

Thanks <

'o-o' <

21006867? ago

And numberfag shows up. Love it.

21008822? ago

tba <

21002996? ago


21002320? ago

https://tweetsave.com/paul_furber/status/1185143818573754368 :

Paul Furber on Twitter: "On his 1000th day in office, JFK was murdered in Dallas.

On his 1000th day in office, President Trump deliberately holds a rally in Dallas.

The coup that began in 1963 is finally about to be destroyed."

This has been an automated message.