21010436? ago

Take responsibility for yourself and your children. Never ever let anyone shoot you up with a needle. Never allow any doctor to be alone with your child.

21015422? ago

Always Fren. <

Never shot anything up thankfully.

And my kids are about as insulated as POTUS right about now. <

This is a dirty job we are doing, and security of loved ones should be a priority.

Take care.


21014991? ago

True Dat Fren. <

21005873? ago

Read somewhere 1000PoL refers to all the NGO's out there. Makes sense they are funded lefty organizations covertly undermiming the local governments - Trojan horses!

21009291? ago

They are a Front. <


21008753? ago

That was a spin off. It's part of their religion. <

21005443? ago

NIce copy paste work.

Mwah god is better than your god.

So much freedom of thought, expression, and religion in this Great Country.

Barely any of this is actually factual in context or interpretation.

21008740? ago

Info important and relevant. Copy pasta unimportant, as Sauce provided. Message matters.

Now fuck off. <

21095649? ago

Sore ass. Use cream. Less rash.

Copypasta is nothingburger.

21097383? ago

Oh you made it finally! Bots don't get much respect around here, but good ideas DO, regardless of where they came from. <

I actually enjoy you shills being here > just to keep things interesting.

So welcome new asshole fren!

D% indeed. ;)

21005302? ago

Nice forum sliding post number faggot. This is not the first time I see a post from you copy and pasting an entire wall of text from an article and acting as if you're contributing something!

21008707? ago

Important information. Makes no difference to me, and was referenced with Sauce. On that basis > Please fuck off <

21004987? ago

Very effectively written. Nice work.

21005290? ago

Are you dumb? This is a forum sliding post, he copied and pasted an article and posted it to voat.

21009263? ago

It was a referenced article posted here and written by >


by Zen Gardner

May 24, 2012

A well written and concise article. Fully transparent use of the information on my part, and quite acceptable. NOT board sliding.

Now fuck off you idiot, the adults have shit to do.


21005593? ago

Thanks for your input. It's extremely helpful and a great use of your time. Smart people are cool.

21004106? ago

Gates of Hell. Hahaha. Old sciencefag here. We used to say, “Micro$oft isn’t done till [insert rival software here] won’t run.”

21003908? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/ItFGhPNGUYWY - ( President George H.W. Bush - Points of Light )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/z7M8tpsPc6q6 - ( George H.W. Bush- Points of Light )

21009103? ago

Spaces acknowledged > 5:5.

21003856? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=SQhbEh8AeSA :

President George H.W. Bush - Points of Light - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=xOLxTnvZPBg :

George H.W. Bush- Points of Light - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

21003852? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#68924) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

21003806? ago

Part 2 >

And the scam continues.

All on the same team.

Points of light my foot.


Peggy Noonan supposedly penned those words, but who knows where this really originated as it's clearly coded speech. One literary usage was in C.S. Lewis' 1955 book "The Magician's Nephew".

C.S. Lewis wrote,

"One moment there had been nothing but darkness; next moment a thousand, thousand points of light leaped out…"

C.S. Lewis was known to be steeped in the occult and well on board with the thrust of the Illuminist agenda.

Some say it traces back to our Masonic "founding fathers".

Jordan Maxwell's dissertation

exposing the meaning of the sun symbolism in history

Significance of the "thousand points of light" and the New Dawn

The sun/points of light imagery is everywhere.

As the Illuminati believe they are the true enlightened ones, they utilize it everywhere... flags, logos, emblems, architecture... to mark their presence, their beliefs, and their plan for world domination. But working it into verbal imagery has predominantly taken these two forms, the points of light and the rising sun or dawn of a new day.

And when they use these terms they are announcing something.

As many scholars know, the Illuminati readily utilize coded language to convey plans to each other and try to brainwash the masses to accept their goals. Now, what does the thousand points of light mean?

As early as September 1788, Freemasons George Washington and Alexander Hamilton used the words "points of light."

The occultist Alice Bailey [in her 1957 book "The Externalization of the Hierarchy"] described the points of light as the leaders of the occult group called the New Group of World Servers. Bailey believed that the points of light and light groups were necessary in building up the New Age.

Bailey believed that an invocation ritual was needed in order for Light to exist among men.

This Light isn't the true Light of 'God,' but a New Age 'false Light.'

Bush's words were used to establish his allegiance to the Elite and condition citizens of this magical alchemy.

Philanthropic Eugenics - Nice

As were Bill Gates' words an announcement of his allegiance to the Illuminati.

This central data base including every man, woman and child, beginning with the newborn, under the guise of "healthcare", and linking them to the central nervous system of the new world order is the tie in to Microsoft.

But this is just one of the many eugenicist programs he is sponsoring and lending what he thinks is his clean-bean image. Hardly.

All while working hand in hand with Monsanto, Big Pharma, geoengineering firms and a host of other corporations and think tanks to bring "controlled reduction" of humanity and the crippling of our ecosystem.

And like wicked Bush Senior, he's cloaking the Illuminist agenda behind the smokescreen of "good works" for the "underprivileged" of this world, going after the defenseless children first.

Beware. Children have always been their primary target. But they're after all of us...


    philanthropic worldwide healthcare

    genetic modifications


...is all part of a Trojan horse of the worst order. As are all of their plans.

Beware the Illuminist agenda. They've infiltrated just about everything. Read their language, know their intentions. And tell others. Fear not. The wicked elitist virus will soon be eradicated as their matrix of power crumbles.

We just have to endure their death throes.

Until and beyond this coming calamity is done, be strong, be aware, be vigilant...



Kind regards,



'o-o' <

21003858? ago

George H.W. Bush Campaign Ad - The Mission - 1000 Points of Light


21003865? ago

Thank you Anon.


21003884? ago

; )

21003917? ago

He He...

Player_2 Ready. <

Let The Games begin! :)


21004005? ago

Know how it's said "there's always more to the story" ? There indeed IS...have a look:


"These are the same thousand points of light made famous by George H.W. Bush, according to video,' Chateaux Des Amerois – Castle of the Dark Mother.'"

21004042? ago

Thank you Anon. <

I am processing this now. TBA

21004055? ago

; )

Take your time; it's an ugly mess to process.