20990403? ago

Maybe tonight at the rally when POTUS was saying 17 + 1 equals 18 he was talking about When 8kun comes online.

20989423? ago

I'm betting the green light has to do 100% with political timing. Seems they caught a snag, potus team. Tomorrow?

20988437? ago

There have been. Hotwheels is a butthurt faggot.

20987371? ago

Makes sense why there is no top post about 8kun

Um there have been no 'top posts' for 3 months now. No stickies, no flair, no nothing. The moderators have abandoned this sub

someone maybe should mention to PuttItOut that v/QRV appears to be an orphaned sub

20987206? ago

I posted this in the morning. It didn't get bumped. Fred Brennan, creator of 8ch, is sabotaging 8kun.


20987194? ago

Why are you embarrassed? You may need therapy.

20987316? ago

Why would I be embarrassed I take this whole thing as a grain of salt. It's thrle father and son that's fucking shit up. Get ur shit together u so called genius. How does one fucking guy shut Q up so easily? Q can shut down spy satellites, yet can't fix this simple solution. Makes u wonder huh?

20987385? ago

Yeah dude. Go get help. You are fucked up.

20987177? ago

It's supposed to be online when it is online.

20987140? ago

Another nothing burger with beacon.