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20985039? ago

I'll just leave this here:

20985275? ago

Who are these people?

20985319? ago

I have no idea. I found that while searching and was hoping someone 'here' could shed some light on it.

20985458? ago

See my post earlier today:

Watkins tried to put 8kun online yesterday. Fred Brennan got them blocked twice. Does not look like we will have an 8kun ever.

That conversation you posted seems like it's between Brennan and someone else.

20985601? ago

Interesting to note. By the way, I found that when I was trying the Qwant engine; served from Poland:

20985794? ago

You did find a conversation between Brennan and someone else. Look at Brennan's twitter page:

His email is [email protected]

Same handle used by the person in that conversation.

20985846? ago

Okay, this is a bit crazy, yes?

20986053? ago

I would say so, but I have no idea where this conversation took place.

20986375? ago

I'm guessing, based on the text contents, they were using IRC (, which I'm amazed is still in use; back in the 90's it was THE 'thing' to use. It looks to me as though, one of them Logged the entire conversation, pasted it to pastebin, then archived it. But Why? It appears as though someone in that conversation was a bit 'shifty' and archived the whole thing for posterity.

20987159? ago

IRC never died, slack runs on IRC.

I don't understand this conversation.

20987507? ago

Interesting to note IRC is still around/never died. You don't understand that chat log? From what I understand of it, it seems that Copypaste/Hotwheels keeps getting 8kun deplatformed and this is 'why' 8kun isn't up yet.

20987831? ago

I didn't get the "JEWS registered 8kun". It gets tossed around so much I have no idea if he's saying 8ch/Q was MOS or that they tried to make sure 8ch didn't return.

The whole "trust watkins" is absurd to me, the whole idea this is a NWO setup is still lingering.

21027557? ago

It’s someone’s name

20987986? ago

I really didn't get that particular part either and really don't have any insight on that. I won't attempt to even guess.

20987454? ago


20985693? ago

Very interesting. I'm not sure how you found that. Looks like a private conversation, but completely squares up with what Brennan is doing.

20985796? ago

I thought so too. I was actually surprised. Yesterday I was trying this search engine I had read about ( and just put in 8kun to see what 'hits' I would get (this engine is served out of Poland) and it was linked at the bottom of the first results page. I went to go 'archive' it, and found it had already been archived on the 9th.