20990402? ago

Same here.

Waiting for some action also, arrests, depositions, questions, lies, accusations... even confessions!

I want to see all these criminals fall. I want to witness their suffering.

They’ve covered our world in blood, destroyed our lives and our children’s.

I may not be a nice person for having these feelings, but I need to witness Justice... some Justice, because no amount of retribution can match their evil nor the pain and suffering they have inflicted on all Humanity.

20989164? ago

If it doesn't still have /zoo I dont cur

20989612? ago

Whats that? I'm too afraid to look.

20987415? ago

Top kek!!

20986883? ago


Access Forbidden

Remote DDoS Mitigation by VanwaTech

20986692? ago

ty Patriot...good things come to those who wait...wwg1wga

20986505? ago

Add in some tendies and you've gotchyerself a rare may-may

20985987? ago

Tomorrow lol...

20985611? ago

So I’m guessing 2 weeks.

Or something.

20985595? ago

sigh same.

20985284? ago

Following Q now almost 2 years, if I've learned nothing else, I've learned patience, and faith.

With that said I'm on my second beer.

20985158? ago

No shit. Ive really let myself go since the shutdown.

Gotta get swole cuz JIDF is gonna need a fresh asswhoopin when it goes live.

20985045? ago

Cant wait for Voat to get back to normal after you guys all bail for 8Coon.

20989503? ago

I like them voat is normal sense when.

20991391? ago

mfw me irl

20985039? ago

I'll just leave this here: https://archive.ph/6oLTa

20988091? ago

lol that dude copypaste thinks he has any relevance. nobody cares.

20989173? ago


20993346? ago

my point remains, nobody cares about him

20987214? ago

He makes a good point though.... if Q is real why can some retard send out a few emails and keep the site offline?

20988407? ago

No it's not a good point. Q isn't in charge of 8ch...just like he wasn't in charge of 4chan when he first began posting there. The site is being used as a platform, and if anything this kinda proves a point that free speech is not possible online. If 8kun really does face dire issues and can't get rehosted, I believe we'll see the "big-tech vs free speech" debate flare up again (also coordinates with Kamala Harris calling for Trump to get banned from Twitter). Didn't Q say that a truly free speech platform would come out of all this in the end?

20987517? ago

Agree, but maybe the site isn’t critical anymore. Maybe it doesn’t matter if Q posts again because he has already given us what we need to know and started the great awakening.

20987466? ago

What makes you think we didnt take it down in order to beef it up and drive the lurking clowns nuts who depended on having access.

You assume too much.

And you know why they say you should never assume right.

20986448? ago

working with US govt

20986581? ago

Yes, I noticed that.

20987164? ago

Think it means Q's faction? I think maybe it's Q's faction, Hotwheels seems like a dude who'd get compromised. Especially since he's apparently trying to get 8chan deplatformed wherever they go for being a haven for le internet nazis.

20986164? ago

Give this its own thread. Put it on blast. People need to read it.

20987540? ago

I posted a thread on this this morning. Didn’t get enough upvotes to make the top of the list.

Are you surprised?

20987616? ago

Not at all, but I'm also growing a little weary of this format. Honestly, how many people look past page 1 or search? It's like 4chan with a smaller catalog and a built-in archive. Without active Q posts to analyze, we're just kind of spinning our wheels here.

20987795? ago

I share your frustration. My post was probably the most important thing for all of us posted today and it never even made it to the hot listing. Within an hour, it fell to the second page of the new list where no one would find it.

Lots of stupid shit on the hot list today in comparison.

20986656? ago

Got any 'title' suggestions? If you'd rather, feel free to give it its own thread. ;)

20986708? ago

Already did. Where'd you get it?

20986814? ago

Link to your post?

20986961? ago

Thanks ;)

20986750? ago

As I previously mentioned, yesterday I was trying this search engine I had read about (https://lite.qwant.com/) and just put in 8kun to see what 'hits' I would get (this engine is served out of Poland) and it was linked at the bottom of the first results page. I went to go 'archive' it, and found it had already been archived on the 9th.

20985275? ago

Who are these people?

20989303? ago

copypaste is apparently Fredrick Brennan, original creator of 8ch.net (Email: [email protected]).

Stephen Lynx is creator of lynxchan.

20985319? ago

I have no idea. I found that while searching and was hoping someone 'here' could shed some light on it.

20989158? ago

It seems clear that copypaste is hotwheels.

20985458? ago

See my post earlier today: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3475111

Watkins tried to put 8kun online yesterday. Fred Brennan got them blocked twice. Does not look like we will have an 8kun ever.

That conversation you posted seems like it's between Brennan and someone else.

20985601? ago

Interesting to note. By the way, I found that when I was trying the Qwant engine; served from Poland: https://lite.qwant.com/

20985794? ago

You did find a conversation between Brennan and someone else. Look at Brennan's twitter page:


His email is [email protected]

Same handle used by the person in that conversation.

20985846? ago

Okay, this is a bit crazy, yes?

20986053? ago

I would say so, but I have no idea where this conversation took place.

20986375? ago

I'm guessing, based on the text contents, they were using IRC (irc.org), which I'm amazed is still in use; back in the 90's it was THE 'thing' to use. It looks to me as though, one of them Logged the entire conversation, pasted it to pastebin, then archived it. But Why? It appears as though someone in that conversation was a bit 'shifty' and archived the whole thing for posterity.

20987159? ago

IRC never died, slack runs on IRC.

I don't understand this conversation.

20987507? ago

Interesting to note IRC is still around/never died. You don't understand that chat log? From what I understand of it, it seems that Copypaste/Hotwheels keeps getting 8kun deplatformed and this is 'why' 8kun isn't up yet.

20987831? ago

I didn't get the "JEWS registered 8kun". It gets tossed around so much I have no idea if he's saying 8ch/Q was MOS or that they tried to make sure 8ch didn't return.

The whole "trust watkins" is absurd to me, the whole idea this is a NWO setup is still lingering.

21027557? ago

It’s someone’s name

20987986? ago

I really didn't get that particular part either and really don't have any insight on that. I won't attempt to even guess.

20987454? ago


20985693? ago

Very interesting. I'm not sure how you found that. Looks like a private conversation, but completely squares up with what Brennan is doing.

20985796? ago

I thought so too. I was actually surprised. Yesterday I was trying this search engine I had read about (https://lite.qwant.com/) and just put in 8kun to see what 'hits' I would get (this engine is served out of Poland) and it was linked at the bottom of the first results page. I went to go 'archive' it, and found it had already been archived on the 9th.

20984601? ago

Not that I want but I can wait longer. And things are happening anyway.

20984576? ago

I feel the pain...sipping some wine now. Thought it might drop at 1700 ...sigh...but alas....nothing

20989188? ago

it launched. but hotwheels has a vendetta and is apparently getting it shut down by emailing service providers

20984384? ago

lol Love it!

20984350? ago

What's the latest news?

20984539? ago

Hotwheels got it deplatformed twice yesterday.

20986542? ago


20986836? ago

He is still butt hurt and thinks if he keeps it offline it will help webring

20987051? ago

Wtf is webring?

20984830? ago

hes heading for serious trump curse karma