20982620? ago

Everyone is related. We all came from two. Stop hating people because they are different or from another tribe or culture. All Jewish people are not bad. There are bad apples in every bushel basket. Trump has many many Jewish friends. He is surrounded by Jews. His daughter Ivanka took the oath and is now a Jew. Geesh ...

20981168? ago

The Champion of Truth!

20981150? ago



20980983? ago

Because... They are not white... But they are... But "hey, I'm Jewish. I'm not white". But us fellow white people should do x.

20980461? ago

When's the last time anyone seen a group of Jews running a soup kitchen, or physically passing out blankets and gloves to the homeless on the streets in New York City during the winter? I've seen plenty of Christian groups doing this. Just wondering if anyone's ever seen any Jews doing that

20980632? ago

Pure Cohencidence Goys !!! - CNN's ((( Jeff Zucker's ))) Wife Is A Long Time Friend Of Epstein's Mossad Madam ((( Ghislaine Maxwell ))). https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/3473713

20980421? ago

Man he is wide awake now and dispensing red pills by the millions!

20980672? ago

https://voat.co/v/AnonNews/3470511 Kikes & Kebab who pushed for Open Borders now eat each other. Australia: Imams say media shouldn't have mentioned that boy who forced Jewish boy to kiss his shoes was Muslim

20980297? ago

Because Jews being white is a lie.

20980623? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3473588 Like a Story from a Video Game Fantasy? pooled of acid... a room where the floor has knives coming out of it... how/why do people believe this?! !? hilarious tales?

20980156? ago

I like Stefan Molyneux but this shit doesn't belong in QRV.

20980654? ago

Oy Vey! https://voat.co/v/theawakening/3028134 Nothing is done by a person or group unless they benefit, millions have been spent on this Propaganda.......... "who do you think it benefits"?

20979541? ago

Because Captain Kirk is Jewish and he still rules. Can't do anything until after he passes away due to natural causes.

20979614? ago

‘Kirk out

20980181? ago

What. Is. Happening. To. Me.

20979379? ago

Exactly, it should be called 'Jew privilege' not white privilege.

20979566? ago

Chelsea Clinton got a "job" paying $600,000 straight out of school. Wow! Didn't know she was Jewish, too. Certainly "privileged" tho.

20981746? ago

She is by maternal descent, (((Rodham))). I don't know if real father Webb Hubble is or not. The cuckold father, Bill (bar sinister) Rockfeller is Jewish.

20979673? ago

Her husband and her parents masters submit to an evil. It's not jewish.

20979318? ago

perhaps more accurate to say that this is the ONLY place that white privilege can be found ?

20979214? ago


I now identify myself as a white English Jew who is a black Muslim (Trans) and climate change activist?

Does this meen I'm protected or have I just alienated myself even moar? What a wonderful world we all live in

20978949? ago

((())) NOT WHITE

20978848? ago

Faggot ass OP

20978733? ago

I can't wait for Molyneux to randomly post a 4 hour presentation naming the Jew, it's going to be glorious, it's going to cause so much triggering.

20980600? ago

Shapeshiter ability

20990185? ago

By their own admissions, Jews aren't white:

I disagree


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos

20979767? ago

Every Jew learns from the birth that they are not like everyone else. They learn that they are superior to everyone else and they learn about all the Scientist and Scholars who are Jewish. They are exposed to Jewish traditions and feasts, but they are not really religious ceremonies to get them close to God, but more outward demonstrations to set them apart from others.

There is never an identification as simply being a human being, or being White, they always know they are different and white people are not to be trusted or to be used as tools to their own ends.

20978100? ago

https://tweetsave.com/stefanmolyneux/status/1184687330852069377 :

Stefan Molyneux on Twitter: "If Jews are white, then they are at the very top of “white privilege.”

Why is that never mentioned?"

This has been an automated message.

20978089? ago


difficult to believe he still has his blue checkmark + account at this point

20978362? ago

He's protected by one side or the other because there's no other way.

20978461? ago

He sticks to reason. Most people aren't aware, or smart, enough not to fall for the trap. Despite them pretending he is a bigot, he is not, and never says anything that isn't sound

20979793? ago

Assuming you mean 'sound' as in logical and not as in prudent, okay, I'll give you that. He is not a bigot; he is a logician. But the spiritual world does not function by comparing data points and drawing conclusions. Molyneux has flirted with Christianity and gotten parts plain wrong. I do pray for him every now and again, but he needs more consistent prayer warriors to go and plea for his soul in the heavenly courts.

The Nations, and therefore Q, are in a spiritual battle and anyone who uses logic alone is going to top out at a Corporal or Sergeant rank; only half-way up.

20980954? ago

I'd rather have an honest logician than an unfaithful Christian.

20981286? ago

You can't be an honest logician without being a Christian, or at least theistic.

Where does logic come from for an atheist? It's not materialist, so it must be supernatural. Kind of a problem if you deny the supernatural.

20981414? ago

Logic is based on reason. Christianity is based on faith. You're too much the apologist. Stick to what you know. They aren't mutually exclusive.

20981576? ago

Logic is based on reason.

What is reason based on if not a faith in God? You have no justification for reason outside of God in a materialist worldview.

Stick to what you know.

I am. That's why I'm calling you out for what you don't know.

They aren't mutually exclusive.

Prove it. What's the justification for logic and reason in an atheistic, materialistic world view? I posit there is none. "Reason" or "logic" make no sense to a clump of chemicals fizzing about guided by random processes.

20981692? ago

Christianity is based on faith not logic or reason. In fact, questioning/doubting is seen as a betrayal. See doubting Thomas. The entirety of Christianity is based on articles of "faith", ie, belief without reason. Just accept it. It's actual part of Christianity to affirm ones "faith".

Logic, reason is based on understanding the material world. If I drop a stone it will fall. This doesn't require faith since we can see the results. If I overeat I will gain weight is logical, it is also observable. It requires no "faith" since it is not a metaphysical phenomenon.

20981804? ago

Christianity is based on faith not logic or reason. In fact, questioning/doubting is seen as a betrayal. See doubting Thomas. The entirety of Christianity is based on articles of "faith", ie, belief without reason. Just accept it. It's actual part of Christianity to affirm ones "faith".

Incoherent understanding of Christianity? Check.

Hilariously doubting Thomas was an apostle and saved. So you keep using that as an example of betrayal, it's just incoherent and funny.

Logic, reason is based on understanding the material world.

Where does "logic, reason" exist in the material world? Can I touch it? Is it matter? If not, then it's not part of the material world. As something not of the material world, what right do you have to plea to it?

You're out of your league here, child.

If I drop a stone it will fall.

Why must the future behave like the past? What logic/reason can you point to that proves that in an atheistic, materialist worldview?

I know how to do it in a Christian one, but certainly not in an atheistic one.

This doesn't require faith since we can see the results.

Sure you can see the results. But it requires faith to extrapolate it out into the future. You have no reason to believe it will work the same in the future whatsoever.

If I overeat I will gain weight is logical, it is also observable.

What does this prove at all? I can't touch the logic. Where does it exist?

It requires no "faith" since it is not a metaphysical phenomenon.

As I said. It requires faith that the future will be like the past. It also requires faith that logic even exists.

I ask, again. Where does logic/reason exist in an atheistic world view? Where? Where is the matter that contains "logic"?

20981990? ago

You seem to be conflating logic with faith. That things only happen because God wills it. You cannot see a separation between anything and God. That's a limit of your view. It's pointless to discuss it since you can't even think, "god" does your thinking. And I don't mean that spuriously, by your logic all things come from God, so even you ideas are his and not your own.

20982022? ago

What's hilarious is you refuse to justify your worldview because you can't, so you just attack me.

Defend your worldview. Don't just tell me I'm too stupid to understand, actually tell me your argument, or concede you have none, and you live by faith alone.

20982111? ago

Logic and reason are purely materialistic. It doesn't take a "leap of faith" to take a step down a sidewalk. You don't need faith to swim. You don't need faith to understand poison will kill you. You can do all of that with logic. Observe the physical world, make a hypothesis and test it. It's simple, God is nowhere in that physical reality. I can learn to swim in a pool with 3 feet of water, then make the logical conclusion that I can swim in a four foot pool.

20982134? ago

Logic and reason are purely materialistic.

I ask, again. Where are the logic and reason matter? Where is the matter that contains logic and reason? Where is it? Where can I buy it?

20982243? ago

Unfortunately you cannot "buy" it. It is a process, not the end result. It is the construction of a building not the building itself. You can't buy it, you can only pay somebody else for the results.

20982394? ago

So it's not purely materialistic?

Why would you lie to me?

20982481? ago

Is growth a material? Is time a material? Is swimming a material? Is walking a material? Is breathing a material? Is gravity a material? Were micro organism real before the invention of the microscope? Was uranium real before the publication of the first periodic table? Were humans real before christ came? Stop spouting nonsense.

20982821? ago

Is growth a material? Is time a material? Is swimming a material? Is walking a material? Is breathing a material? Is gravity a material? Were micro organism real before the invention of the microscope? Was uranium real before the publication of the first periodic table? Were humans real before christ came?

You said everything is material, so I guess? Do you not know where they are? Are you realizing that what you said is absurd gibberish?

Stop spouting nonsense.

sadtrombone.mp3. No you haven't realized you're the one spouting nonsense. You think the mirror is spouting nonsense.

I'm just repeating what you said, and you say it's nonsense. Then you insist that it's my nonsense.

I mean you can say that, but it's not convincing. You're just angry at yourself here.

20983054? ago

No. You setup the false binary at the beginning. Either Christian logic or a random clump of cells. You've learned well from the sophists.

20983098? ago

From the beginning I asked you to defend logic and reason from a materialist world view.

You first said logic and reason are purely materialist, then you said they're not.

So can you please tell me where logic and reason come from?

20983121? ago

You've quoted lots of what I said but not that???? Where did I say that logic was purely physical. Or did I say something else so you twist words to fit your delusion.

20983217? ago

You already forgot what you said?

You said, and I quote:

Logic and reason are purely materialistic.

I accept your apology.

20983716? ago

And you picked the wrong quote. Material== physical

20983799? ago


Keep up kid, what do you disagree with? You're lost.

You asked:

Where did I say that logic was purely physical.

and I showed you. Then you got mad.

Let me know when you want to defend that point of view.

We both know you can't.

20983863? ago

Is light physical? Can you buy it? Put it in your pocket? No. But it is still part of the material world. It exists. Your problem have an "answer" but no idea of how to get there. You are attempting to lead me with your "questions".

The material world, the observable universe and all its machinations. Not wizardry and nonsense. Zues isn't upon a cloud causing thundestorms, zephyrs are not causing the wind to blow, the sun isnt carried across the sky upon a chariot.

20983930? ago

Is light physical? Can you buy it? Put it in your pocket? No. But it is still part of the material world. It exists.

So you think photons aren't physical? You think I can't buy fire or a lightbulb? That's your contention? You don't think light exists in the physical world? You should write a paper to physicists. You'll get a Nobel prize for it.

Your problem have an "answer" but no idea of how to get there. You are attempting to lead me with your "questions".

This is incoherent gibberish. You have no idea how to answer the question? Is that what you're trying to say? How is asking you where logic is in your worldview a "leading" question?

You state something exists in your materialist worldview. I ask where. You ree like a retarded leftist. Not convincing.

The material world, the observable universe and all its machinations. Not wizardry and nonsense. Zues isn't upon a cloud causing thundestorms, zephyrs are not causing the wind to blow, the sun isnt carried across the sky upon a chariot.

This is just incoherent. You don't believe in Zeus or zephyrs? OK that's fine.

Just answer the question. Where do logic and reason exist in your materialist worldview?

This isn't a hard or trick question.

20984018? ago

The human brain. And fire and lightbulbs produce light, they are not light themselves.

The answer you have, is God gives us reason and logic. Not our brains, because "animals have brains" har har har. They aren't logical. They don't reason.

Humans (and civilization) existed before Christianity, which nulifies your contention that you can only have logic if you're Christian.

20984117? ago

The human brain. And fire and lightbulbs produce light, they are not light themselves.

So you still think photons aren't physical? I say again, you really should write that paper, the scientific community entirely disagrees with you. You'll be rich.

The answer you have, is God gives us reason and logic. Not our brains, because "animals have brains" har har har. They aren't logical. They don't reason.

You're not smart enough to tell me what you think, you're really not qualified to tell me what I think. So just don't.

Just tell me where logic and reason exist in your materialist worldview.

Humans (and civilization) existed before Christianity, which nulifies your contention that you can only have logic if you're Christian.

This is a retarded point. Just absolutely retarded. You honestly think that what you said makes any fucking sense? It's also completely irrelevant to your argument.

Just answer the question, your musings on what I think are retarded.

20984168? ago

You christcucks are all the same. Refuse to acknowledge reality before you. Refuse to protect your sons and daughters. "The magic wizard in the sky will save us".

You have no foothold in reality so you cannot face it. You cannot orient your life and thoughts in a meaningful cogent structure.

20984329? ago

You literally can't explain where logic or reason come from.

You project hard. It's really embarrassing.

If you want to ignore the point then you're not worth talking to. Answer the question

20984356? ago

I already answered. The human brain.

20984485? ago

So you think logic comes from the chemicals in your brain?

Ok. So it's the result of evolutionary processes? So the only purpose of logic is to aid reproduction? So it has nothing to do with reality and everything to do with survival of the fittest? Do I have that right?

20984507? ago

I didn't say any of that, you did. Again trying to frame the context of the discussion. Creating false binaries. You must be one of those judeo-christians.

20984514? ago

Well maybe you should try answering the question then, genius.

Fuck you're dense.

20984566? ago

Nah. I'm done with this. I've seen your Jew tactics. It's boring. Reframing the context, moving the goal post, creating false binaries. You are a nonsense creature. This will continue to infinity with your Jew logic "bestowed by Yahweh". Or El, or whatever creature you call god

20984592? ago

Well considering logic and reason come from my brain, I don't know how they can be Jew tactics.

You have an incoherent worldview, and were exposed. Thanks for showing everyone.

20984603? ago

No problem kid. Take the W. It's yours. Have a blessed day. all that jazz.

20980170? ago

You’re only issue with him is his view of Christianity and it throws off your critical thinking.

20988304? ago

My critical thinking tells me that not everything can be resolved by critical thinking. Your bias against Christianity throws off your critical thinking. Molyneux's view of Christianity is in flux and I have no "issue" with that while he keeps seeking; if he ever claims he has arrived and determined it is false, then I will have an issue with him.

20980158? ago

“Prudent” has been skewed. “Prudent” is now something that is “in the eye of the beholder”.

20980018? ago

With all due respect, the reason for the discontinuity between the "white privilege" narrative, and the lack of inclusion of those using it as a weapon, is strategic.

Those who stray from sound arguments needlessly make themselves incorrect, and subvert their own interests by becoming their oppostion's boogieman.

Stefan Molyneux can not legitimately be accused of bigotry, because he's not a bigot, and his arguments are sound. He is capable or pointing out inconsistencies, and asking us all questions, without negating himself falling "out of bounds".