20932243? ago

Shit... I tell their ignorant asses 15/16th of my ancestors were Scot, Irish & Welsh indentured servants.

They could buy 10 of my greats for the price of one black slave, so we were considered expendable and could be beaten to death, so fuck your racism bullshit.

Indentureds didn't get their freedom until they earned it, which was about impossible in the company towns, or until the 1927-29 labor laws did away with it. Then; "Hello Great Depression and Dust Bowl".

All of the generations up to mine were low income & poor. Most of our men served in the military to learn a trade. Not one doctor, lawyer, politician or rich fucker. In rural grade school we had a list of weekly chores. We started working under the table jobs after school or weekends doing sh!t work starting in our preteens if we wanted spending money, after pitching half in for the family bills. We did yard work, cut pipes, bussed tables & hand-washed dishes, janitorial, pumping gas, whatever we could get.

After the parents divorced we did get food stamps because our deadbeat dad had skipped out to Florida to escape paying child support. No Welfare because our mom was making "Too much" working 2 jobs. The government cheese did make some tasty grilled cheese sandwiches, but gave you constipation.

White privilege my ass.

20929386? ago

By clearly identifying how you're being oppressed and who is opposing you.

20926081? ago

Those screaming white privilage are too lazy to work...they want the free load. They have no sense of accomplishments so the have no value or respect for others. They would rather drag everyone down to their level.

20926071? ago

And if there is white privilege, why did Pocahontas pretend to be Native American?

20925832? ago

The only "white" people who claim that racism against white people isn't possible are either jews, jewish, or an actual white moron.

20924635? ago

Can't ask a reasonable, sensible question to people that are not reasonable, sensible & who are nuts.

20923088? ago

You are trying to reason someone out of a position that they didn't reason themselves into. Good luck.

20922619? ago

Well I identify as an attack helicopter sooooooo ya...

20922548? ago

What about white history month? You sure don't see that now do ya!

20922518? ago

Dude, they don’t care. They know they’re racist. The revel in it. They get off on it. Calling them out on it is pointless. Honestly, it’s just virtue signaling for non Leftists.

We cannot coexist with these filthy creatures.

20922302? ago

Afterwards go buy a box of ammo and train.

20922150? ago

Better yet ask them what do they contribute to our society. I personally have never heard anti-white racial slurs from any immigrant that is working to better themselves and their family. In fact they agree that it's all bullshit and they hate it. The majority of these screamers have the belief that they will be taken care of and not have to work or contribute anything. Their projections are the Dems agenda and they are unable to see that they are being used to destroy themselves.

20922609? ago


Shared values > race/genetics

20921681? ago

I will ask them this. "So what?"

20921596? ago

WE have the High and Genius IQs, Fuck Them!

20921233? ago

Anytime a white person spouts anti-white rhetoric, tell them they could start eradicating this issue by killing themselves.

20921120? ago

change your color, of course!

20921074? ago

I tell them i'm sorry you are so uncomfortable in your own skin that you literally NEED me to hate you. Racial insecurity projection?

20920896? ago

Seriously folks. This is to the point where if someone calls me a name, I call them the name right back. Then start laughing. These fucks are MENTALLY ILL and need to be checked hard. Hopefully, they then put their hands on me and we can get down to PAIN.

20920587? ago

Seems like a very silent minority: most of it is made for TV bs like all the other bs on TV... And maybe there are people who feel that way, and maybe they mean well, but maybe they can someday contribute to society by getting a job instead of trying to censor reality through other peoples M I N D S . . . But I doubt they will find the workforce much more accommodating than the world at large, even though we have all been mandated, vaccinated, evacuated and seen their myths perpetuated on the youth.

20920466? ago

I always like to say, "How would I convince you otherwise"?

20920337? ago

The kkk lost its way when they forgot niggers and Catholics are enemies of america.

20920618? ago

Leftists got rid of the KKK and expanded the Masonic membership instead.

20932385? ago

Nah, the Democrats never abandoned their KKK. Their kids and grandkids are the new KKK, Neo-Nazis, AntiFags, & Street Gangs. They just project that shit on others.

20920189? ago

I've stopped trying to rain with them.

20920145? ago

Faggot ass racist fuck

20920119? ago

This white privilege stuff pisses me of. People who are complaining need to get a life and get to work. White privilege is relative and some of the richest aren't even white.

20921618? ago

You're a racist white supremacists.

Yes I am.

This is the appropriate response.

20920781? ago

yeah. most at the top are (((white)))...

20920851? ago

You have Rose colored glasses on, or you are only looking from your own perspective. For example Asians look at whites like whites used to look at blacks, and there are way more Asians than white. So, your argument is on its face ludicrous.

20922310? ago

"used to" LOL

20920885? ago

Really? How many parentheses should go with Payseur? Rothschild?

20920092? ago

This is a great interchange. Ty

20920003? ago

Never heard it real life

20919952? ago

Great point

20919787? ago

"Does israel have any nukes?"

20921819? ago

Our "Great Ally" Stole US Nuclear Weapon Technology.

Pollad got a life sentence, but is probably not really in prison.

20920341? ago


20919919? ago

Or a space program?

20919780? ago

"You dont need to advocate for yourselfe because you have white privilege and are not oppressed"

20921605? ago

Stop pandering, convincing, or caring what these brainwashed idiots call you.

The appropriate answer to being called a white supremacists is,

Yes. Yes I am. And you are a white traitor.

Do. Not. Apologize to these scum.

Yes I am. And we will win.

Who is the bigger fool, the fool or the idiot who thinks he's smart enough to convince the fool?

20922514? ago

The appropriate answer to being called a white supremacists is, Yes. Yes I am

That's exactly what the Jewish supremacists want you to do.

Any white person doing this is accepting and promoting the Jewish supremacists propaganda.

If you are going to turn yourself into a tool to help the Jewish supremacists, you might as well go all the way and turn yourself in to a pedo promoting tranny while you are at it.

20922551? ago


Fighting the words are what they want.

If you simply say yes I am, then go on to explain why, it diffuses the negative connotation.

Look up the agree principle.

20922574? ago


Agreeing with the Jewish supremacist propaganda is what they want.

Look up framing the argument.

20921914? ago

Well thats a given.

When they try this shit and outnumber me I just say "yeah sure whatever that word lost all its meaning anyway" this makes them shut down for a second then reboot in blue screen mod, from there on out its pointless to use words, all you have to do is make sure they dont sucker punch you.

20921447? ago

Jews claim to be white people so that they can promote a scam called "White Supremacy".

The idea of White Supremacy is used as camouflage to cover up the fact that we actually live in a System of Jewish Supremacy.


Meanwhile, America's Most Famous Rabbi Admits that Jews are a Race, not a Religion


reddit links that can be shared with non-Goats:



20921649? ago

Jews are a severely inbred "race." And morally reprehensible.

20920711? ago

from: doglegwarrior

id then ask ok if that is true what do white south africans do at this point? they clearly have no privilage left and are obviously a minority?

20921317? ago

I thought that was obvious. They die.

20920319? ago

Heard that exact shit before.

20919950? ago

"The ludicrous notion that whites can't be oppressed is oppressive itself. You can't fix racism by being racist. You can't fix oppression by being oppressive."

20920311? ago

oH yeAh?? WAtcH Us REEEsist.

The only ones who really think that way are such an insignificant portion of the population that they would go unnoticed if it weren’t for the MSM and their network of elite spokespeople pushing it as propaganda. Think about that - they make the ideology of less than 1% of the population seem like a movement. It’s propaganda 101 and it’s what Trump asked for examples of conservative censorship, constantly attacks fake news, and he has suggested in his tweets that what they’re doing may actually be illegal...sedition. We are already in 1984. I mean that 100.

20921071? ago

It's powerful enough to have brainwashed many many people into advocating for the destruction of their native tribe.

I experience it constantly with my stupid inlaws.

20919924? ago

You are in the act of oppressing me ow mother fucker

20919759? ago

A: there is no way.

20919734? ago

Or just "why don't you move to one of the many countries created and run by people who look just like you?"

20919819? ago

Bceause you fucking niggers and spics and retards decided that all the treaties you wrote with my people were worth less than the shit the jews have been feeding you all for centuries.

20920946? ago

Check a map of the USA, Tonto. There's huge swaths of the country set aside for your "societies". And for a genocided people, there sure are a lot of you flooding across the southern border. Who the fuck do you think all those Central and South American savages are?

20919862? ago

Big fucking yawn. How much do you get paid to post this bullshit?