20914924? ago

I love that Jim is taunting "them". You KNOW the DS will follow so they can get a glimpse of their future.....or ....fall into a "Trump-Trap". :D

20909267? ago



16.25 Mins

20908976? ago

"If you find reprehensible speech, the solution is NOT censorship -- the solution is rebuttal. Only more speech can solve this problem."

20908899? ago

"In all seriously ------- " (I'll have to use that one!)

Hanging at the beach --- Does that mean he is DONE working on 8Kun Project?

I think the "weirdness" was only an act he designed to communicate to the "real" weirdos he was addressing. GREAT MESSAGE!

20908825? ago

That's Fuckin' AWESOME!

20907905? ago

It’s getting close!


20907529? ago

Good message, but seriously...he's gay.

20907609? ago

so what?

20907993? ago

so what? really? you know your mommy has been waiting to get back to posting pics of her wore out mud shark pussy

20919313? ago

i know youre jealous that i have my own pussy, idiot.

20907699? ago

Nothing wrong with being gay.

20907186? ago

The No Agenda Show uses this tactic, reveal the medias lies but also Hillary Clinton is actually a lizard. Goat scream

20906730? ago

Where is 8 chan while this guys is yucken it up on JEWTUBE!

20905618? ago

Nuff said 😎

20905491? ago

Whats the status of 8Kun?

20905222? ago

This is the face of a happy man !

I think we're all gonna be happy soon enuff.

Wot will make us moar happy ? Hearing hours of hammering on the National Mall, waking up some bright morning to see a gigantic gallows there, framed by the Reflecting Pool.

20905182? ago

“I want to to know something, You all need to Hang together because you will all Hang separately...sooner than you can expect” love it!! Good message CodeMonkey!

20907612? ago

ron codemonkey is watkins son.

20905072? ago

Here is your Q.

20905043? ago

Ta da ! Magic sword time.

Shadilay motheruckers.

20909230? ago




'o-o' <

20914234? ago

I was doing a strange dance in the shower i wasnt really in controll it was four steps, and hmmm like it was a trance, dance. Synestesia?

20918717? ago

Could be! <

20918974? ago

Oh my the # 1 infinty 7 17

20919059? ago

Yes #1 Sir. <

M = 13 = 4 = D = T

17 = Q

DJT and QAnon!

post 20918717 > 2+0+9 = 11 =/= 8 + 7 + 1 + 7 = 23 (11 pm) Thus = > 11:11

11/11 (Confirmation code from The Universe)

By the way I am just listening to The POTUS speech in Louisiana and I am riveted.

Last night I listened to the one in Minnesota, and it's probably the BEST speech I have ever heard the President deliver.

I was truly moved. I am doing a Decode on iT shortly, and will link it to you Sir.

I also LOVE to sing (badly) at the top of my lungs > God Bless America. I love that song, and I LOVE The USA.

My Dad loved the USA so much; He was from Sicily, and it was the US GIs that liberated him and his family and people from The Nazis in WW2. We never forgot. <

He always told me this story, and how much he loved America, and I love it too. He never got the chance to visit, but maybe I will be allowed to visit one day. I would love to shake Donald Trump's hand to thank him personally.

I will fight for your Country and mine, as I dearly love both Sir ..

I want a future for my children ..

The US President is one of THE greatest Men I have ever witnesseD, in action, freeing us from Tyranny .. His actions and words have changed how I conduct myself in my life.

I am honoured Sir, and will Serve any way I can ..

Peace and Shadilay to you ..




'o-o' <

cc: POTUS/QAnon

20930569? ago

Need a post about this i know its not your cuppa but its important.


20930665? ago

Hi Anon.

Thanks for your message. I will look into it. I already have been for some time, and I have already provided a short decode of the codes on the piece of paper at the end of the video Jim posted. I will find the data and post it to you all again.


Thanks for yopur interest.

I am pretty good at geo-political analysis, as I used to be a Financial Planner in another life, and I can sprovide some insight into what is going on in the World generally.

Start here for significance of key numbers and 11. I will add more for you.




Did you like my latest decodes?

All NMBRFG Decodes in one post by The NumberFag - As requested - 5:5 - D5 - 'o-o' <



Kindest regards,



D5:5D <


'o-o' <

20930737? ago

Yes <3 all .

Reading renegade atm.

Trump implies this


Hilary is in dodo.

Her plan with pelosi is what got her canned from watergate. She took the bait, new crime shes toast.


20930722? ago

Yes <3 all .

Reading renegade atm.

20919362? ago

Eyes wide open at every turn i am lead to another. Here is what book poped at me in the library. Fluke . This was for you .

Love you brother. So many #%@*=+-/(:


I am going to check it out. Do what ever it takes to get a copy.

Working on the signs theres more to the story, i need to share. Dates are delish.

We are 1 for eternity as a cell divides and becomes two. Same cell.

Thanks again you are loved and appriecated.

When the war is over .. ...... ....




20919377? ago

Thanks Sir!

You are also loved and appreciated. Love my new Frens on here.

When the War is over .. ...... .... = DT Shakes Hand <

I can't wait Sir! ;)


20904909? ago

He's nuts.

20904773? ago

His upbeat manner tells me things are going great for 8chan. We may see it up tonight, even and this was just his personal prelude to it. That means Muh Q posts soon!

20908624? ago

https://8kun.net was live briefly

20909116? ago

Site can't be reached......won't load.

20904768? ago

My respect for this man just exponentially grew after watching this.

Jim, if you're reading this:


20904744? ago

The statement he is reading was agreed upon by possibly a committee prior to this video's making, it would seem, to me. Carefully orchestrated.

As it has to be, should be, and thank god for it. And he's a healthy motherfucker.

20904550? ago

In the beginning of a change, a patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned.

When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.

20904422? ago





20904116? ago

Oh Jimmy more working less talking. Bring that shit online. Going through withdrawal and voat ain't doing jack shit.

20904104? ago

Why is he talking like a fag? Is that supposed to be funny or something?

20904220? ago

Satire. Jim is confident enough in his heterosexuality that he uses faggot mannerisms to indicate disdain for the typical YouTube celebrity.

20907622? ago

this! teasing them on their LGBTQ+ mannerism.

20904326? ago

It's cringe inducing and he should stop.

20907618? ago

only to people with a morality mindset from a hundred years ago^^.

20904484? ago

It's genius.

20905735? ago

You have a very low standard for genius.

20915661? ago

Fuck off, shill

20904748? ago

Genius and hilarious.

I genuinely laughed out loud. The first time in a while.

20904901? ago

Me too! More important was his notice to the weasels and they are a plenty.

20905003? ago

The wiliest of the weasels!

20904033? ago

All code monkeys are wired! And that's how we like it!

20904031? ago

Hes a faggot.... my kind of faggot.

20903974? ago

I love being here with you, faggots. Jim I hope to grab a beer someday when all this is in the rear view. o7

20909064? ago

with the boogers? kek

20909818? ago

kek I think we've reached hive mind...

20903945? ago

oh wow.... check out his other videos..... so many pens..... (I haven't actually watched any, just noticed fancy pens in the links) this dude seems to be into pens..... this dude is really into pens.....

20903981? ago

oh fucking dig motherfuckers he has videos of himself writing with fancy pens in fucking Star Trek Klingon language..... some fucking uber nerd needs to translate?

20909047? ago

"follow the pen"?

20903926? ago

prepared by Q for you - brilliant

20903859? ago

I want to see hotwheelz read that script

20903833? ago

Q totally used an alternative line of communication with 8ch admin when they migrated from 4chan right? It's not difficult for me to believe that this guy has continued communication and maybe was asked/told to do that? Could those have been Q's words being read? Remember to Like and Subscribe!!!!!!

20903486? ago

Hmmm.... Ya' All think he knows something We don't?

20903463? ago

Shit, I wish I was that happy!

20903352? ago

He's pokin' the fag haters in the eye! Gotta love it.

20904019? ago

poking all the fame whores too

20909083? ago

That's THE BEST part!

Priceless. <

20903327? ago

Reading from a script? Wonder if it was given to him by someone who knows.

20903289? ago

Bless him.

20903255? ago

Very interesting. He know more than what he is leading us to believe.

20903872? ago

I think so too.

20903230? ago

Aint no fag worthy.

The sell outs are those that up voted this rainbow keyboard warrior.

Kneel before him chuc's

20903068? ago

What if that is Q? Or SB2?

21080847? ago

I have stumbled onto some code in his videos that leads me to think with significant probability he is just that.

20914626? ago

Jim is way smarter than sb2 for fuckin sure.

20903267? ago

Q aint a pole smoking faggot like that asshat.

20904969? ago

Lol. Computer people are so...quirky.

20903045? ago


20903025? ago

He's weird as fuck but you can tell he's reading a prepared statement. What a world

20902976? ago

Is he flaming? Also his whole grill is centered off to the side. But hey, if this is what winning looks like I’ll take it.

20903525? ago

Maybe. Could be a victim of childhood abuse, fighting the system that hurt him.

This is the right thing to do, instead of resigning oneself to it.

20903326? ago

Definitely a little limp in the wrist.

20903251? ago

Thats how you elected obama right.

20903117? ago

Seems a little fruity

20909152? ago

He's being sarcastic and impersonating the You Tube Fame Faggers.

He is giving them shit bro!

20902961? ago

He seemed really upbeat, and not worried at all. This is good.

20903207? ago

That was my takeaway too.

20902914? ago

He's kind of a silly motherfucker.

20903240? ago

But smart enough to be former MI and as a civi to write and sell software programs to the DOD. He made enough money to coast along. Last I read about him he owned a hog farm and lived in the Philippines.

20903934? ago

Most MI are like Jim, especially those on the ops floor. We call them boogereaters.

20904739? ago

hahaha! Why that "boogereaters" in particular?

20904813? ago

a lot... of time.... sitting around on watch...we notice all sorts of gross stuff analysts do.

20904854? ago

oh jeez! I seriously thought that stuff only happened in kindergarten.

So my wife is very observant. Whenever she drives, she's always pointing out the people in the cars that are picking their noses. People don't realize that they're oftentimes being observed in the rear view mirror and their personal habits taken note of.

20906726? ago

I just don't give a fuck. It's a fun game to flick the boogers out the window efficiently.

20911022? ago

hahaha! this thread is making my sides hurt.

20904888? ago

BLeck...I know what you mean. People think they're in their little bubble, maybe some slightly tinted windows..nobody will notice if they go knuckle deep up their nostril. I also notice, at like 80mph. I'm somewhat of a OODA loop person, not sure why. It takes all kinds I guess.

20904982? ago

When I first started dating her I was surprised at the number of people who publicly picked their noses - especially in their cars. Windows are transparent! My gramps always taught me to blow your nose into a hankie/tissue or take care of it privately.

I KEKed at the freeway reference. Thing is, now that they've dug that booger out, what do they do with it?? It's why I always wash my hands after shaking hands with new people. People are unhygienic.

20906733? ago

Boogers are not dirty. They're healthy.

20911036? ago

Do you, man. I prefer to not deal with other people's body excretions, thanks!

20905045? ago

Oh agreed, I don't go anywhere without at least a little pack of tissues in the car or in my bag if I'm carrying one. I take it a step further, I'll usually blow my nose away from people. I don't go far out of my way but far enough so that people don't have to hear my nose trumpet.

Oh man, this is gross. Ok so I've seen people put it in their mouths...not the worst honestly...I saw this guy dig out what looked like grey matter and flick it on the inside of his windshield. It was blood covered and had to be around the size of a half dollar. It was stop and go traffic too...I was orbiting that booger for at least an hour for several miles. Once you know something like that exists your eyes inadvertently get drawn back in. I concur with the hand washing and if I can find it, purell or whatever brand of hand sanitizer I can find. I don't think I'm OCD, just.........aware. =)

20905201? ago

So you're OODA and OCD. If I had your skilz I don't think I'd ever want to be around people.

20905401? ago

Nah. I love people, most people. I like places like this...there's no real reason not to remove all guards and just talk about whatever.

20911090? ago

I sorta like people, but always from a safe distance.

20905167? ago

Me right now.

20905187? ago


20905219? ago

nah, all good. Haven't read something that short...yet...that well described.

I had to ask about the boogereaters, though, didn't I?

20905351? ago

That's why I love this place and 8kun when it returns. Just a bunch of us guys and gals hanging out doing what we do.

20905571? ago

Couldn't agree with you more. Was just thinking how refreshing it is to start on topic with Jim Watkins and then have good laffs over random human behavior. One of the best convos I've had in a while. Thanks, fren. :)

20902838? ago

Another hint that 8 was improved to host evidence?

20902660? ago

Fucking Legend

20909745? ago

GUys! check out the rest of his YouTube! Theres some strange shit - is he sending out coded messages? Please have a look at my post here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3466786

20909051? ago

They attacked 8chan as they tried to destroy voat ... ? Many users on voat posting here . .. saying soap box will destroy voat? where else? try ? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol . https://saidit.net https://www.16chan.xyz/pol/ , https://gab.ai/topics ... https://www.minds.com/newsfeed , https://poal.co/ , .. and https://kiwifarms.net/threads/ . ... friendi.ca , blog.diasporafoundation.org , buddypress.org/category/news , pillowfort.io/users/sign_in https://www.dreamwidth.org/latest https://memo.cash (open-source decentralized blockchain) , steemit.com , . sealion.club ? gnusocial.club/favorited/ .. , medium.com, https://bitchute.com ?? https://www.brighteon.com/browse/popular ! , http://reason.com/blog , https://notabug.io/t/all/

20940920? ago

All your links are useless to other anons. You are not linking to the specific sauce you refer to (soap box will destroy voat). You are linking to generic webpage where anons would have to dig to find which thread/post you are referring to on the respective sites. Please link directly to 'which' comms you're talking about...;)

20904468? ago

True American Hero. When this is over, I want him honored at the White House.

20904913? ago

I’ve thought about that. How should Anons be honored? Attention is the exact opposite of what is wanted. Besides, what if they are needed again?

20915695? ago

I don't think most Anons want public acknowledgement. I hope that someday they are able to somehow connect with a 'secret sign' or something. Doing everything digital is lonely and not how God intended us to communicate :(

As for Jim, he is public and I think he should be honored for himself but also in the name of all Anons everywhere.

20917182? ago

I think you are right. They probably just want their lives back.

Yeah, if certain people contributed publicly for the benefit of others, then I don’t have a problem if they are honored. It is a given that some have to be public because of certain job requirements and tasks.

If people contributed publicly for their own selfish reasons, then that’s another story.

Yes, it is lonely, but who wants to shower?

20908879? ago

We have an army of digital soilders.

20911504? ago

Anonymous digital soldiers. Maybe a blank monument.

20907522? ago

My good Sir or Madam, you are both absolutely right and totally wrong at the same time!

Because he is no Anon, he is the board-ownder who (probably unintended as well) has become an named actor in this play and should absolutely be honored in some way when all is done!

You could even say: "- He is named and shamed, so the rest of us can walk down the streets in private..."

20911553? ago

Good point.

20907205? ago

Whatever he was in the past, he's no longer anonymous.

20906221? ago

Anons are honored by being unknown and thanked, that's all.

20902447? ago

That guy is a bit weird.

20909926? ago

I tend to get on better with 'weird' people. That probably makes me weird also...

20909752? ago

You thought that was weird, check the rest of his channel out: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3466786 .

He may be sending coded messages

20909349? ago

He’s seems like he has asbergers.

20910728? ago

It's aspergers with a "p"

Saying it wrongly with a "b" is why so many normies tease us with the term "Ass Burgers"....

Many wrongly also say aspergers with a "soft" g (like a "j"sound) but the guys name was Hans Asperger (pronounced with a hard "g" sound)...

Annoys the hell out of me people don't get it right...!

....I guess that's the Aspie in me wanting everything to be correct tho..lol

20910835? ago

Glad u new what I was talking about, now get the fuck outta here with that bullshit, u clearly understood wtf was being said, just as I understood u typing “lol”.

20905687? ago

Joker like?

Nah I thought the Joker was pretty good, but here's what I like about the "Crazies" ...Like the real ones, not the left. They tend to speak their mind fairly clearly. You don't have to agree, they just want to be heard. But in all the madness they don't really seem to lie...

Some do, but that's a whole different type of crazy.

20903923? ago

psssst...where you are...is 'weird'.

20903992? ago


20903885? ago

Hes almost as weird as I am lol

20903410? ago

He's probably a deep state kike

20903388? ago

Hahahaaaa I love that he makes fun of Youtubers while delivering this serious message on YouTube. So great! Plus, we get to see his "everything is fucking fantastic" mood, which I totally dig. I found him odd when he was attempting to be more measured in the past... Mr. Guiliani was goofy on Fox the other night, and it was equally great to see, in my opinion. They're personable, even when they're giving big ol' "fuck you"s to the enemy. Again, I dig that sh!t. But hey, we're all different with different perspectives.

20908922? ago

Troll the fuck out 'em! Send them to the Mental Ward. <

20904145? ago

I agree with you .

20903237? ago

Call'em faggots in Texas

20903210? ago

is he gay? At first I thought he was just being dramatic but it didn't end, only lowered in intensity. Reminded me a little of Jame Gumb at times.

20902929? ago

Weird is good.

20903645? ago

Gotta be within the weird and crazy zone.

20907473? ago

Ya got to be a little bit crazy just to get by in this world!

20902893? ago

Oh and you are 100% normal? Everyone is weird in their own way faggot.

20903243? ago

Show that homo love

20902471? ago

did you expect him to be a normie?

20908845? ago


20904938? ago

I look like a normie but kek a wolf in sheeps clothing is Omega for them. Keep your frens close an your enemys closer.

Shadilay bitches.

20908901? ago


Originally an Italo-disco song, Shadilay is a song made by the Italian artist P.E.P.E in the 80's.

It was found on a 7' record with a frog holding a magic wand, with the words 'ASS. ART. PEPE.' on the bottom. This record is an example of the wonders of Meme Magic.

Followers of the ancient god Kek, say this term to praise the dark lord.

"Shadilay brothers!"

"Praise Kek!"


The Jewish word for peace and unity.

"Could I get everyone to say "shadilay" for me? It would mean a lot to me because I'm Jewish."



20913055? ago

LMAO ! KEK is working hard today.

20913218? ago

I am on the job Sir ;) <

20909372? ago

Stfu, shadilay is a Madonna song!

20909530? ago


20906447? ago


20906285? ago

hello fren

20903671? ago

I didn't expect the top military intelligence in this nation to throw their hat in the ring with this demented degenerate living in the Phillipines. I don't even think he's a true patriot, just another grifter.

20905294? ago

Cool story, Bro. This guy made a site where the fucking 2nd American Revolution is taking place, what have you done?

20904023? ago

What makes you think he's a degenerate?

20904102? ago

Flamboyant demeanor and speech.

20905025? ago

The flamboyance was his making fun of fake YT thots and fags.

20908148? ago

Got cha. Was wondering why he was doing that.

20906662? ago

the left can't meme nor do they know when they're being made fun of.

20902802? ago

I honestly didn't know what to expect.

20902490? ago

Aren't we all in some way.

20902496? ago

weird or a normie?

20903408? ago


20906668? ago


20914190? ago

Kek stole 666 . Winning ! 17 hours ago!!!!!!!

20903541? ago
