20887958? ago

Those boy buggering brits.....Brussels, city of London, Frankfurt, Dc pedorings

20886011? ago

OMG.......and that's the tip of the ice berg......

20883666? ago

Saved this page as a pdf in my offline archives. Thanks anons.

20883482? ago


20883104? ago

Celtic Football Club, basically the Penn State of Scottish football.

20882844? ago

Appreciate your effort in keeping and posting this list. People need to know about this and never forget.

20882258? ago

20882047? ago

The late Max Spiers constantly gets referred to as a UFO researcher, but was actually investigating much darker subjects, including pedophilia rings and ritual abuse:


(Lots of in depth interviews with Max on YT)

Also, the Hampstead kids:


20881920? ago

You have been wearing and eating humans, thank you senomyx and fast food

20881820? ago

The House Keeper March 5, 2010: Hillary Swank, Zorro Ranch House https://voat.co/v/QRV/3417942

20881813? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3419045 Brown University reveals that Jeffrey Epstein was directing Bill Gates' donations to MIT in secret.