20881816? ago

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20597264? ago

I would like to know what the research was that Epstein/Gates/Black were funding.

On Bill Gates.... I remember when Window 3.1 was the operating system everyone used. You could type in a numeric code and a satanic message would pop up in a dialogue box. No joke. Satanism has been in Silicon Valley since day 1. Bill Gates was selected to play his part. I remember all the secret meetings with NSA suring the development of Win 95 to put in backdoors.

20846831? ago

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20597827? ago

Most likely it was wasn't even research but funding for stuff like jet fuel for Lolitta Express. Airplane maintenance and submarines are pricey.

I had forgotten about the secret messages in Win3.1. Have you watched "Silicon Valley", the HBO series? You would appreciate it.

20609645? ago

More like paying in advance for children to sacrifice to Moloch. MIT's Media Lab was tied directly to Cambodian orphanages used as child porn sites.

20609837? ago

these people are fucking sick. why are they allowed to live

20523174? ago

MIT President Calls for Independent Investigation Into Media Lab's Ties to Jeffrey Epstein


20517940? ago

confiscate all funds of Epstein's circle of pedos; national debt likely becomes almost that much of a surplus.

20517714? ago

Scum! Gates, Black, Cohen, Epstein, Prince Andrew, Bill and Hill Clinton, Weinstein, Oprah, Hanx, Mack, Raniere, Podestas, Deniro, Harrison Ford, and on endlessly. The lot of 'em. Scum.

20518011? ago

"our faves"

20515583? ago

fter learning that the MIT Media Lab and its director had accepted money from the billionaire and accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, two researchers at the institution have quit in protest.

Researchers Quit MIT after learning about Epstein donations....

“My logic was simple: the work my group does focuses on social justice and on the inclusion of marginalized individuals and points of view,” Ethan Zuckerman, the director of the Center for Civic Media at MIT, wrote in a blog post August 20. “It’s hard to do that work with a straight face in a place that violated its own values so clearly in working with Epstein and in disguising that relationship.”

Also, what does this have to do with the death of Reddit founder

Pedophiles at MIT Media Lab

The road from Boston ends outside Phnom Penh. From 2003 till 2009, I worked on-and-off in Cambodia with an international team of anti-pedophilia activists, who were volunteers and all of them fathers. The team came to Cambodia following up on a slew of leads, including photos of naked infants taken by Newsweek Tokyo bureau chief Bernard Krisher on display at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Hong Kong, a den of pedophiles connected with the Jimmy Savile case. Former British Governor of Hong Kong, Chris Patton is now widely suspected as a high-level protector of the satanic BBC rapist and his old-boy circle. The FCCHK canceled a rented room for an anti-pedophile seminar for which I was one of the invited speakers.

Let us start by dismissing the prosecution’s ludicrous charge that any programmer as talented as Aaron Swartz would dedicate his life to stealing an archive that dispenses its academic papers for a few dollars apiece to the public or for free to students under department accounts. MIT professors, who are so full of themselves, are the only ones who might take seriously such a fool’s errand as a worthy objective for the brilliant and rebellious Swartz or the law suit as the cause of his so-called “suicidal depression.”

20531024? ago

two researchers at the institution have quit in protest.

In protest or in shame ?

Q warned us about resignations disguised as 'anything' & I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss improper behavior by the scientists/professors.

20515405? ago


Look to UN, Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, members list, These people have left a paper trail, they all need to be brought to JUSTICE

20518014? ago

One way or another.

20517985? ago

fedgov ends up owning microsoft, kek

20514920? ago

All pedos get the rope even if they are rich enough to hire a fixer.

For that matter all fixers who work for pedos also get the rope.

20514815? ago

Didn't Aaron Swartz hack and uncover a satanic pedo ring at MIT before his "suicide"?

20519254? ago

That story is beginning to break now. MIT's media lab director just recently stepped down because of ties with Epstein.

20520937? ago

I saw that. Seems that this story was published in the New Yorker over the weekend, I'm hoping that the schools will be forced to return Gates donations, stop using microsoft products, rethink vaccine safety... that pic I posted above (including Soros, Turner, Rockefeller, Annenberg, etc) needs widespread sharing.

20518100? ago

yes, he was killed

20516079? ago

Not that I've heard of. All of the stories were that he was killed for trying to warez JSTOR.

20515380? ago

Likely something like that

20514888? ago

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20514847? ago

I don't know for sure. There is a userid at GreatAwakening called "ghostofaswartz", please repost op there and you'll probably get better comments.

20514388? ago

leon black is also the head of the MOMA in nyc and bought a 100million dollar painting a few years ago

21206383? ago

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20991407? ago

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20514794? ago

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20514677? ago

bought a 100million dollar painting

laundered $100million in human trafficking profits

20517960? ago

that's what we're coming to understand lately...

20514327? ago

Bill Gates has been evil from probably birth. He committed theft and fraud to build his Microsoft brand. He was one of the leading tech CEOs that pushed hard to be able to do business in China. He's involved with vaccines. Every single thing he touches is based in evil.

20522711? ago

You forgot that he co-owns the top 4 floors of the Mandalay Bay with none other than dopey prince Bin Al-Taweed, right above where the Vegas shooting happened. Not suspicious at all....

20521446? ago

Watch the wives.

20516724? ago

Absolutely true. Sciencefag here. Been programming computers since early ‘80s (pre-microsuck). Gates is absolutely ruthless and evil and always has been.

20515276? ago

to build his Microsoft brand

he's just the public face for the CIA

same with Zuckerberg

they pick these guys and set them up

20514982? ago

yes. I work in tech and there has been this pervasive rumor for a very long time that Gates has a large room in his main home dedicated to satanic worship.

20515259? ago

That is very interesting. If you had a source for this it would be helpful.

20519223? ago

Look into Bill Gates and the Lucis Trust.

20516182? ago

I don't have a specific source, but I went to school for comp sci (bachelor's and master's), at a school where Microsoft recruits fairly heavily. I have a lot of former classmates who either work at Microsoft currently or who have for a period of time. I don't have any more than anecdotal evidence but I heard this from several people while my friends and I were going through the interview/recruiting process, either for summer internships or full time positions.

20517941? ago

I was acquired by Microsoft, a company in Boston. They sent us a new VP. "He" had just transitioned to "she" (but kept his dick -- and, used the women's rest rooms!!!), so they sent us two emails -- one to announce the new leader, and another, to announce the new leader's depravity.

It was then that I knew, I was not long for this place.

20518001? ago

Thanks for the moment of levity.

20518094? ago

Certainly! Here's some sauce; the fucker (and I mean that) transitioned back.

Kept his wife the whole fucking (right?) time.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Wallent (was Megan for a while -- reminds of "Wendy, formerly Walter Carlos" who did the music for A Clockwork Orange!)

20519359? ago

Wow. Wtf. Also "due to complications with hormones"... Yeah... Right.

20531567? ago

"due to complications with female coworkers" is my guess, but I left there long before he "bounced back"...

20514379? ago

Confirmed. I added the pic to the op everyone should have.

20514291? ago


attention patriots this is a verified joofag they want us divided by race n shit. These antisemtic post are against q


20530768? ago

Nice impression of the CapsLockKike but you need ... MORE CAPS !

20531211? ago


20514209? ago

More exposure...good.

20514872? ago

Homosexual Hoover FBI Mason? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3419172 NXIVM Burke/Bronfman... Susan & Plaza Hotel where Cohn & Shriner Hoover...Lynn & Andrew Stein? Virgin Islands gay boyfriends...Epstein helps Wexner supply Iraq? Maxwell & library in Moscow?

20526767? ago

Random questions Q wannabe ?

20514074? ago

No one gives two shits. Got anything else of importance to post?

20514350? ago

Are your pedo handlers worried?

20514447? ago

Are yours?

20526616? ago

In any case you seem to be worried.

20514225? ago

I thought the connection to Bill Gates was kinda significant, and it talks about donations not just MIT but all the other top colleges, prep schools and art museums. But mostly this article establishes a definitive link that connects Gates and reveals the intent to hide that connection. You can always chose not to read posts you know.

As for anything else, I'll certainly post it when I do, but honestly I stopped major digging a while ago as its frustrating without major arrests. Anyway, I got a lot of errands today, if you expect a response I'll be afk.

20514999? ago

it was definitely a noteworthy post anon, don't let the shill(s) tell you otherwise.

20514382? ago

The shill level is high, anon.

Thank you for this post, it has helped me make some connections via Epsteins connection to the MIT media lab.


20514410? ago

GolocalProv has been doing good digging.

20514216? ago

How many nukes do you think Israel has?