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20990785? ago

"dad" is the kind of demon who goes and gets a PhD in Psychology, weaponizes it to use against normal people, lies, cheats, steals, and bribes ex-wives to bear false witness in order to send "The State" off abusing people based on these lies. Then, they all project, accusing me of things I never did, but they're dong to me themselves because they're SICK FUCKS and it's HOW THEY FUCKING ROLL. I'm sick of shits like this and they are only enabled by the current system.

20991402? ago

Brown University reveals that Jeffrey Epstein was directing Bill Gates' donations to MIT in secret. leon black is also the head of the MOMA in nyc and bought a 100million dollar painting a few years ago

20991417? ago

I'd say he probably got a whole lot of pizza and hot dogs delivered with that painting.