20808926? ago

A FORMER US cop [John Mark Dougan] claims the FBI may be helping cover up Prince Andrew’s alleged role in the Jeffrey Epstein sex abuse scandal.



20840634? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3441418 Ex-cop who MI6 fears has leaked files on Prince Andrew's friendship with Jeffrey Epstein to Russia breaks silence to say he's got [hours of footage] taken from inside paedophile's Florida mansion

20803581? ago

This is still all hear say click bait bullshit for right now though. Not the Epstein stuff, just this one guy. He may be legit who knows. But You know this dude's dick is hard from all the attention he's getting

20809875? ago

agreed. expect FF document dumps. retain a high degree of skepticism.

20803776? ago

This is the third John Mark Dougan post I've seen recently. He seems like a scam (click bait/selling a persona, performance actor) to me. Will there be a rash of posts about him intended to start some viral videos or to distract from other research?

20803830? ago

Perhaps. Seems like a PAYtriot to me honestly. Time will tell. How is he any different from WaPo articles claiming an anonymous source ya know what I mean? Especially the Facebook posts. I urge people to get off FB ASAP and here this guy is, doing a Q & A on it? And he's supposedly on our side?

Yeah right

20803898? ago

I urge people to get off FB ASAP and here this guy is, doing a Q & A on it? And he's supposedly on our side?


20802598? ago

As for this being maybe faked or whatever, it certainly follows the information we've received before along these lines. Hard to know anymore.

Sadly, as we sit here day after day discussing what Q has sent us to research, I have begun to realize that probably 90% of the people in any power position from govt to corporations to city leadership are as corrupt as the day is long. Everyone seems to be trying to get what they can. And it's not new. I've read a lot of the Mathis stuff that's been discussed here as well and it seems [they] have been busy pulling the wool over our eyes for hundreds of years.

20802853? ago

My computer won't me open it.

20813533? ago

Also seems to your verb.

20802513? ago

Tweetsave link says this --- ahhhh Cloudflare --- there you are!

This page (https://tweetsave.com/johndoe78359022/status/1179041504758767616) is currently offline. However, because the site uses Cloudflare's Always Online™ technology you can continue to surf a snapshot of the site. We will keep checking in the background and, as soon as the site comes back, you will automatically be served the live version. Always Online™ is powered by Cloudflare | Hide this Alert

20813526? ago

How many pieces of flair does that cloud need?

20802158? ago

Isn't this guy a career scammer?

20802449? ago

sauce? What does that mean? Is he known for lying, or is he known for being an opportunist and releasing accurate info when he needs more clicks?

20809917? ago

Sauce - the goods, the data to back up ones claims, proof, evidence that verifies wat you are putting out to the rest of us is in fact the truth

20802880? ago

He's known for making claims he can't and doesn't back up. There were a couple threads on him yesterday but I'm too lazy to look them up on my phone while at work.

20802077? ago

Sitting on this for 14 years

Not our friend.

20805030? ago

so it seems. on te other hand, divulging this in 2005 or say 2008 would not be very healthy, now, would it? Sometimes you just have to sit on it.

He said he came forward AFTER mi6 had made it public he had it. And he claims the FBI has a copy of the disk.

20804936? ago

I took the article's wording indicated he found them during the 1st investigation in Florida starting in 2005. Wiki

20802412? ago

Let's say for instance, YOU had these files. Would you be willing to go around blabbing about it and posting info on the internet during any of the previous administrations??? Hmmmm???? Didn't think so.

20808541? ago

Trump has been in office for nearly 3 years....

20802478? ago

I wouldn't blab, I would have distributed far and wide. WikiLeaks, kimdotfatty, porn hub etc

20804974? ago

you think you'd be the first person that's tried to expose them? get real. they control EVERYTHING. they run THE WORLD. they are more powerful than you can ever imagine.

20805082? ago

Yes you are right. Just let them be.

20802997? ago

I'm sure there were plenty before who tried. That's why we see dead cops turn up every so often. This guy is the one who finally made it. Still involved getting over to Moscow. That's probably a necessary first step even now.

20802315? ago

I would put a qualifier on that, the people who went to Epstein Orgy Island and his New York Mansion are the leaders and owners of the USA, they are the law.

People for a long time have been trained to think that we are a Nation with the rule of Law, that is a lie we are a Nation Ruled by law.

20802357? ago

Nation Ruled by selectively enforced Administrative law.

20802044? ago

https://tweetsave.com/johndoe78359022/status/1179041504758767616 :

John Doe on Twitter: "Yesterday on Facebook, John Dougan said he & a journalist opened the Jeffrey Epstein material

"There were videos dating back to 1994 until 2005...we immediately had to turn them off because they contained girls that appeared as young as 14 engaging in acts with men as old as 60"… /daz4NUuBrX"

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