20840636? ago

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20728580? ago

Remember the pics of Gaga at 'Spirit Cooker' Marina Abramovic's parties? two degrees of separation between Maxwell girls and Lady Gaga https://voat.co/v/QRV/3438187/20694438 Do your part, unplug the TV from the wall. You are funding the satanic pedo agenda.

20715632? ago

So yesterday was looking at some old Princess Diana car crash footage. Started to wonder if there's a chance she didn't die and that was faked, so I was reading all the comments. (I still don't know the answer to that, but one can hope.) What was remarkable in the comments was this: Posting it as it was... from https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=_1YtUqz0xNY

Macy Flowers3 weeks ago (edited)

@M Stephens Are you serious? What rock are you living under? Prince Andrew and Jeffery Epstein! You haven't seen any pics? Serious?...Meghan Markle former Yacht Girl at 19 for Jeffery Epstein. Wearing her famous Panama Hat! Its a trigger to remind the Royals all the dirt she has on them. Baby Archie? Have you ever seen him move? No because he is a reborn silicone doll. MEAGAIN gets away with a lot because she is blackmailing them. You''ll soon see. Rumor has it she even spent time with PA on the island and the Yacht. That's how she really met Harry. Blackmail. The Queen is SILENT right now trying to figure out what to do with her.

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I have NOT been able to figure out how that marriage happened. It's against the bloodlines stuff, it goes against their hidden racism, it makes zero sense. Until now. If she's blackmailing them, well then, now I get it. Not sure on the baby reference, but will be watching that one. Could be why they wouldn't bring the baby out for awhile. Either the "first born" of this couple was sacrifice and replaced with a clone, or they are not going to allow a mulatto child to carry the Windsor name. So, "We are so sorry to announce Archie has suffered a SIDS death..." And -- ARCHIE? Really? For a little royal baby? WTAF?!

Interesting to watch panic inside the "royal" usurper family

Also - since we are starting to see how many times we have been lied to by the "elites" (and I use that word loosely... certainly not our betters,) one can see why they thought they could pull off the Obama Hoax. They've been doing it for a century or more.

hmmm are epstein and diana “deaths”related? What does little stripper-princess Markle know? Stay tuned. The movie is just heating up

20712165? ago

announcing you have evidence and not releasing it at the same time = Suicide by Clinton.

20711707? ago

dont talk about it just release the shit already.............

20711578? ago

Blackmail the blackmailer....I love it when man devoures itself. Sin eaters. But why does a guy need to go to Russia all tue time and to be provided safe space?

20711079? ago

Guy obviously never played hot potato. Just put it out there, warning them means you get burned. To death.

20711076? ago

"Please Kill Me"

20710495? ago

Sounds like the kind of stuff a severely depressed man might say

20711071? ago

made me giggle

20709767? ago

They never release the photos or footage though.

20709368? ago

This guy needs to release everything NOW! Remember... People that might have just saw the videos on Weiner's laptop keep dying.

Release the stuff and go off the grid for 5 years.

20709171? ago

He better just release that bitch before he gets depressed.

20709110? ago

not really plausible, fled to muh Russia? uhhhh

20709063? ago

this fuckstick is dead by the weekend. deadman's switch required for this dude.

20708924? ago

from: doglegwarrior

hey just release it online u stupid faggots stop talking about it.. spread it far and wide.. spread it on the dark web first so it can be copied and resent..

like we need whistle blowers with the god damn internet these days. wtf.

20708798? ago

Literally every single whistleblower:

I hAz fiLeS, WilL RelEASe


Hold my beer

20708564? ago

he said the FBI has the same flies he has. therefore the FBI can make an arrest anyone on those videos anytime they want.

20708426? ago

How stupid is this! If I had evidence of one of the elites diddling kiddies the last thing I'd do is tell someone I had it without producing it!

20711422? ago

No doubt! Everyone who's all, "I've got evidence! I've got the goods! I'm gonna release it!" seems to suddenly die. That "Task Force" investigator died in a DC hotel mere hours before she was to deliver evidence on Bill Clinton diddling kids.

Kappy was (IMO) either pushed off a bridge or forced to toss himself off a bridge before any real case could be assembled on the HW elite pedos.

Epstein "suicided himself" amidst incredibly suspicious circumstances in the SHU alone in his cell after his roommate was suddenly removed, the cameras weren't working, the guards were taking naps and one of them wasn't even an actual guard.

Ed Buck's days are certainly numbered since he's most likely super involved in drugging victims for Schiff and/or Ted Lieu and the Standard Hotel's "special guests" - and maybe the dead O.D.'ed victims are being eaten down the street at The Cannibal Club too.

The Overstock.com guy dropped off the face of the earth it seems - haven't heard anything about him since his wild interview on Fox News.

The Clinton Foundation finance insider seems to have vanished. Ditto for the guy fighting cancer who documented boat loads of evidence re: HRC's Uranium One deal.

Survivors of the Vegas shooting keep dropping like flies - AFTER they survived the actual shooting.

Nearly a dozen NYPD cops (at least one of which is confirmed to have seen Weiner's laptop files - likely more) are getting their heads blown off at an astounding pace and all being labeled as "suicides."

How can these people - who may very well have TONS of real evidence - not realize that waving around a threat of "I'm gonna expose you!" is like waving a red cape at a charging bull?? Nooooooooooooooooooobody should say diddly shit about what evidence they have until they drop it - full stop - to every law enforcement and DOJ entity possible, Chan boards, and every seemingly legit new outlet/recipient possible (i.e., John Solomon and Sara A Carter, and to a lesser degree Hannity and Tucker, etc.).

I pray for these real whistleblowers to stay safe somehow. But I'd encourage ANYONE who seriously has major evidence to keep a lid on it until it can be simultaneously blasted out to the world and law enforcement in one fell swoop.

20708231? ago

“Although he did not work on the original Epstein investigation, copies of the original files were secretly given to him by a colleague“

Interesting very interesting

20840611? ago

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20723152? ago

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20708190? ago

why every one of these whistleblowers has such big ego and such small brain ?

20708401? ago

No shit just fucking release it

20712131? ago

And have thousands of "freedom fighters" go to prison for possessing pedo content? With intent to distribute?

He'll prob go down for possessing child porn, be killed in prison and nothing will change.

20711683? ago


20708153? ago

What good are the files if no one sees them, or he has to be dead for us to see them. Sounds like a guarantee that he will die. Poor guy.

20707871? ago

Juicy!! Andrew would be a good first one to go down via video. Not really of a certain political party. Everyone already knows his shenanigans.

20707861? ago

He dead.

20707848? ago

Good luck, Ex-cop Chan!

20707845? ago

I wonder if this guy has his affairs in order.

20707821? ago

https://archive.ph/tJwDg :

2019-09-24 | Ex-cop MI6 fears leaked secrets on Prince Andrew's friendship with Jeffrey Epstein breaks silence | Daily Mail Online

"It's against my principles. 'In a statement, Dougan said the Epstein files are encrypted.", "And asked by MailOnline about what information he has, Dougan said: 'Do I have dirt on Prince Andrew?", "The former cop who MI6 fears has leaked damning secrets about Prince Andrew's friendship with Jeffrey Epstein to the Russians has broken his silence to say he has hours of footage taken from the billionaire paedophile's Florida mansion.", "I have lots of things. 'But I'm not a Kremlin agent and I did not share any materials with the Russian Government.", "Buckingham Palace has refused to comment on the latest claims having earlier issued denials about Andrew's involvement with Giuffre."

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