20804523? ago

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.............it's a coup.

20798711? ago

Tracy's twitter account:


Unfortunately, I couldn't see in 1 minute or less which tweets OP is referring to, else I would have linked directly to it.

20798330? ago

Calling a duck a duck.

20798016? ago

His tweet decoded. The latest >


20797238? ago

nothing will happen. President Adam Schiff and Vice President Jerry Nadler will be just fine.

20796671? ago

The Death Penalty>>>Congressman/woman others who participated in coup. This is the right thing to do. They sold us out and was going to do a hell of a lot more to us than just this also. Their slipping in their own shit right now.

20796310? ago

As if you're not Tracy Beanz and as if Beanz has any reason to be mentioned here.

20795902? ago

What're they talking about? The US gov has been under israel/jewish coup for decades.

20795392? ago

Maybe the dems need to be tracked during their 2 week break?

20794980? ago

Nobody needs to follow a namefag. If they say anything worthwhile, it'll be repeated by an anon.

20794684? ago


20794503? ago

Twice now DJT has mimicked a patriot on this board.

The callout for Adam Schiff (can't find that one) but DJT the next day called for him to be removed from office on treason.

and now this https://voat.co/v/QRV/3451747 DJT is getting really ballzy lately. We must have them cornered.

20794477? ago

So enough bullshit talk then. Arrest every fucking clown, confiscate their secret decoder rings and glocks, and put them on trial in gitmo. Or must we endure years more stupid tweet fighting and investigation kabuki by rich assholes and spooks?

20794304? ago

He actually said coup?

20794623? ago

Yup! Coo-pay. Right there in big print.


20795238? ago

He also called it a coup back in February.

Wish he would just start with the declas.


20794298? ago

Move slowly, carefully --- and then strike like the fastest animal on the planet!

Donald J Trump 2013

20794268? ago

Search Qmap for "coup".

From March 2019- #3125 - title: The ground has been prepared (public support) for major prosecutions. (you'll have to go to qmap to read the drop, I just posted the title that Qmap gave the drop.)


From Feb 2019 - #2786 -


The President of the United States, the Commander in Chief, AGREED that an illegal coup was attempted against him.

Stop and understand the GRAVITY of acknowledgement.

Do you believe nothing will happen?

Do you believe no one will be prosecuted?

POTUS making statements for no reason?

How do you introduce the TRUTH to those still asleep?

DECLAS coming?

The message must be direct (bypass the non reporting of the TRUTH (facts) by FAKE ‘spin the narrative’ NEWS).


20794244? ago

I'd kall meh a pizza but dey ain't gowt no moa minutes on dis phone I stole in military skhuul

20794436? ago

grow up fool

20793939? ago

Holy shit is this huge

20794266? ago

Yah mane you kan make you shit look like a snake in de toilet wit enough practice

20795446? ago

ah, yes... the 'striking-cobra' 'coiled-snake' 'titanic'.. ( both versions, aft sticking up above the water or broken-keel), 'mine-field' ( floater remnants are for mine-sweeper, next user...) FYI.. mine sweper, is also knoawn as 'assteroids'

20795080? ago

This sounds like one Rob Lowe's little faggot sons ^^

20795362? ago

No, definitely Tom Hanks' son.

His mixtape is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

20793767? ago

Op could provide a link to the beanz if it’s so interesting

20795908? ago

Beanz is a jewess.

20794255? ago

It isn't.

20793454? ago

Trump is a newb. Deep State is two steps ahead.

20794178? ago

Keep thinking that.....


20794082? ago


20794884? ago

No why?

20795056? ago

You’re definitely not paying attention.

20793425? ago

Muh beanz

Fuck beanz with a barbed wire fencepost.

20793892? ago

I wanta eat your face then make your children eat my shit. luv

20793773? ago

Beanz is a good read in my book...go away shill!

20794069? ago

Beans is a paytriot who caters to dumbasses.

20793443? ago

she turn down your affections or something? there, there my good fellow

shes just out of your league

20793697? ago

They sound kinda scared don't they? It would appear that Nothing can stop what is coming...Nothing!