20795395? ago

OP here is on Q team huh?!

20794508? ago

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20794358? ago

He wasn't duly elected. The white supremacist Russians hacked into the electoral college voting machines and ... oh wait.

20794402? ago

Suck it up Nadler. He won


20793238? ago


20793936? ago

Likc mah dhick adn shuck on my ballz;

20803076? ago

I'll be sure to pass on that, but I take solace and comfort knowing I hit that one sensitive nerve of yours. 😂

20803093? ago

Not really. Just love the song.


20792726? ago

Most fucking excellent.

20792502? ago

THE HELL ARE YOU ON ABOUT!? No one is getting impeached. It's all idle threats. Nothing they ever threatened came true, so why are you acting like his will? turn off your GD television and wake up.

20791815? ago

Its the satanic globalists you American hating IC glowfag.

20791201? ago

Start draining???

20791430? ago

The Swamp has been drained for months. They don't realize that their cover of murky water and algae have disappeared and we can see them squirming at the bottom.

Soon the world will see what I've seen. The meek shall inherit the Earth, a Promise.

20791005? ago

No proof for the Jesuit statement which negates anything that follows. Move along.

20790575? ago

Is it time to march into DC yet?

20790604? ago

It's time we start hitting their emails with #YouBrokeMyHeart

Subtlety will scare them harder than a March. They want us to demonstrate, then they can keep track of us.

If we move in the shadows, nothing to hit.

20790527? ago

New World Order. The Globalist Zionist are not going to let Trump change anything.

I tried to tell yous this 2 years ago. But noooooooooooo I am a shill. lol

20790611? ago

The Zionists will not have a choice.

20790637? ago

You'll see.

20790227? ago

Smedely Butler where art thou?

20790226? ago

Awwww, lucky for him. Andrew Weissman signed a book deal with Random House. Isn't that special:


20789615? ago

So invoke Insurrection Act.

Unless the other side is fake too...

20789594? ago

Who cares? Let them impeach the orange kike. He stabbed us all in the back so fuck him.

20789538? ago

This is President Trump ginning up more anger at the deep state. This is moving the normies to call for prosecution of the deep state. Many former Dem voters are being driven to the Trump camp by these traitorous and insane antics.

20789507? ago

Trump should just shrug and let them have at it. There’s no there there and the Senate won’t convict. This will make him stronger in 2020

20789257? ago

You can arrest members during session if they are being charged with Treason.

And on RICO charges while they're on recess over the next two weeks.


20789192? ago

Jesuit = Jewish Foot Soldier

Way to keep it kosher.

20789448? ago

Ya, the Jesuits angle is bullshit misdirection. Even Q makes clear it's Jews and mossad controlling the CIA and others.

OP definitely has the stink of mossad for misdirection.

20789059? ago

What happened to patriots are in control?

20788995? ago

Trust the plan. Good movies need a climax too.

If you honestly believe Trump is in danger of being impeached, kys then re_read drops.

20788926? ago

It won't be long before they start stepping on their own dicks.

That little fat fuck Nadler can't even see his dick.

20788774? ago

aaaaand the OP is a fucking Jew piece of shit

20788707? ago

Gods country?

God is currently judging america on its massive sin debt.Pretty clear who is running what.

20788657? ago

The guns in the hands of the people should at least quadruple. The ammo reserves should increase by >2,000%.

We are one of the failed cogs in this system.

20788495? ago

"Let me tell you how a Wrap Up Smear works, ..." Nancy Pelosi.

Combine elements of Congress, Media, news...Make it up and proliferate through all mechanisms.


20788315? ago

All roads lead to Rome

20789466? ago

You misspelled Israel.

20789530? ago

So did Q I guess..

20788216? ago

Nadler didnt change the rules PELOSI did

20788169? ago

They are going to get away with it too because nobody gives a fuck about their freedom anymore, not more than beer and football. AND because this president is just following the same agenda as all the others. They are putting this shit show out on purpose so that EVERYONE in the country loses faith in our government.

The left are angry that Orange Hitler got into office, and the right are angry that Orange Hitler never DID any of the things he said he would, went BACK on promises he made about the 2nd amendment (as usual for any candidate) and because the Democrats are openly allowed to be criminals now.

Donald Trump is being impeached because Joe Biden and his son did crooked deals overseas.

That alone should be enough to tell you this country is fucking DONE.

And the people who own it want you all to KNOW they can do whatever they want to you and there isn't a fucking thing ANY of you can do about it. If you TRY they will either kill you, or destroy your life.

This whole shit show is designed to leave the people sitting home on election day because everyone already knows they have no say.

20789983? ago

Only a bot would go on and on proving such a point. Pitiful.

20789527? ago

You are wrong

20789049? ago

Donald Trump is being impeached

kek imagine being this gullible

20788066? ago

It makes no difference that the majority of individual CIA employees may or may not be loyal Americans or even patriots. The CIA as an institution has proven to be domestic political adversaries of this president. Accordingly, the value of any potential intelligence services that the CIA might otherwise provide is necessarily tainted by a pattern of trustworthiness as insider threat actors. The CIA should be disbanded, but that would prove a difficult and lengthy process. So, at the very least, all CIA employees, contractors and associates should be barred from the White House unless under close escort and continuous positive control.

20788522? ago

Who could believe they are patriotic?! They are funded through Graft/Drugs/Human Trafficking. They embezzle and blackmail with their honey pots and bribe when that doesn't work. They are ALL ROGUE! And work for MOSSAD/NWO!

20788794? ago

Think Bell Curve. Believe it or not, most people are distributed behaviorally around various means, including mean "patriotism." It only takes a few dedicated bad actors to subvert any hierarchical set of human beings. How many people in you workplace does it take to make life miserable? My experience is that most Americans, including government employees, are decent well meaning patriots. My take.

20815129? ago

I work for a major commodity command (~$10B budget) of the army. The halls are full of minority do nothings. I am retiring and Thank God! It is truly a joke what taxpayers are paying for!

20788153? ago

Fire all CIA employees and have them reapply at the NSA. They will be given preferential treatment...but I think you'll find a shitload of Neopotism was involved in the first place...meaning most CIA employees don't "earn" a living, they just show up and get a paycheck. In the real world, they will have to "earn' a living by working.

Hence Fire them ALL and let them reapply.

20788335? ago

Not necessarily NSA. NSA is a very specialized and focused technical intelligence agency specializing in signals intelligence, computer network operations, and cryptography. Although CIA employs a few SIGINT and NETOPS specialists, their forte is human intelligence (HUMINT, i.e., spies), most employees would be unsuitable or unqualified for NSA work. The Defense Intelligence Agency may employ HUMINT, in support of DoD, I would speculate, but much of CIA's operations are under cover of the State Department, so I would support a regime that would place those in place legacy CIA assets under DOS command and administration including budget to ensure that operations are bound to a foreign, vice domestic, mission.

20787983? ago

And the Jesuits control the Jews. Those with the Gold make the rules.

20791396? ago

You have that ass backwards. The Jesuits are pawns to the Jews. The Jews created the Jesuits as a means to infiltrate and subvert the Catholic Church. The Jews also created tons of lies about the Templars in order to destroy them so their Jesuits would have a place. The Jew lies. Don't drink the KoolAid.

20791455? ago

Yes of course I know that. But the general public and a lot of patriots haven't a clue where the orders come from, it's not Israel either.

All roads lead to Rome friend. They infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church long before Europeans settled America. Those that call themselves Jews, but in fact worship Satan.

Maybe it's one in the same.

20791489? ago

Here's where you are mixed up. Everyone we know today as "Jews" are the Synagogue of Satan. You see, Jews, as we know them now, did not exist until about 700AD. The Hebrews of the Bible, which shouldn't be called Jews, as that term did not exist back then, are not the same race. They became the Scythians. So when Rev says "Those who pretend to be Jews, but are not" what it is REALLY saying is "Those who pretend to be Hebrews, and are not". And that, my friend, is the exact definition of the modern Jewish race.

20791570? ago

Very well put. Thanks for clearing that up. Yes, you are right.

I'm sure we'll all get an education very soon on who is who in the realm of Religion.

A lot of people are going to shit a lot of bricks.

20790187? ago

Blah blah blah blah blah

20789780? ago

The Jesuits were heavily influenced, from the start, by crypto-Jews:


20789603? ago

And the Jesuits control the Jews. Those with the Gold make the rules.

Nice try, JIDF

20788468? ago

You've got that backwards.

The first Jesuits were crypto-jews... . Ignatius de Loyola (the founder of the order and the first Jesuit general) was a known occultist and marrano. The second Jesuit general, James Lainez, also came from a wealthy Jewish family.

The Jesuit order is one aspect of (((their))) infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church.

20788656? ago

U have ended the debate about this anon.

20787999? ago

The Jesuits are Jews.

Please try to pay attention.

20788009? ago

The Jesuits are controlled by Satan/Lucifer. They are Roman Catholic, but yes, underneath lies the Zionist Jew.

20788225? ago

FTFY: Jews are controlled by Satan/Lucifer.

20787648? ago

I didn't realize Nadler was a jesuit.

20787668? ago

Nadler is a Jesuit puppet. (((Jesuit)))

Just another name for the Jews.