20796665? ago

And the author on twitter has been banned great.

Backup link?

20793629? ago

We should start posting images from this show to ((their)) twitter feeds. No captions, just show them the damn mirror and watch them squeal.

20789503? ago

Thread author has been suspended on Twitter, Thread Reader can not access this.

20787642? ago

It's worth noting that when Henson made the original Dark Crystal movie, he couldn't find a (((producer))) to fund it. They had to make the movie entirely off their own dime.

20786893? ago

The last time I used netflix, they were mailing out DVDs.

20786682? ago

nice try, not watching netflix

20786546? ago

Well i read that thread.

Here is my take. This was a movie made back in the 80s by Jim Henson. The same jim that created the muppets.

I watched the movie as a child when it came out. Loved it. This series is a prequel to the movie. So everything they are doing in the series has to line up with what happened in the movie. And guess what. They had to get any and everyone they could that worked on the movie back then to do the series in order to make it match the movie. Now being awake and aware of the cabal today i can see Similar things to the adrenochrome and other aspects. But as anyone is aware of the movie the the skeksis had a counter part who were the Mystics. They were both 2 halves of the same beings. One good and one evil. And when the movie ended when the gelfling restored the Dark Crystal by putting the broken piece of the crystal back into the crystal the skeksis and the mystics reunited to form the beings that were always were supposed to be. Now this is much like when Adam and Eve 8 the Apple from the knowledge of Good and Evil and we're separated from God we became two halves the halves we were supposed to be with when were with God and the have we were because we were not with God. We were separated but when Jesus sacrificed himself for us. We were able to reunite with God and become what we wete always supposed to be much like when the skeksis Mystics reunited. So you can take it to be anti-Semitic or whatever you want or you can take it to be what it is or just as a movie where are the good guys in the end always win.

20786250? ago

Its spelled SKEKSIS, and if you rearange the letter you can make it say. KIKES-SS. It could just be a coincidence or maybe Jim Henson was saying something.

20788886? ago


Super Saiyen K1kes? i.e. the overlords

20785833? ago

Gelfling=Goyim. Tell me this isn't a perfect representation of a jew.


20785832? ago

I stumbled on this a couple weeks ago. Pretty unique, creative with the puppets and all; but It was a bit too far out there for me. Not my cup of tea. Seemed like something these “My Little Ponies” people would watch.

20785864? ago

The only thing that keeps me watching is the blatant anti-sematism.

20785819? ago

Stop advertising this damn show already. We get it, jews are vampires.

20785995? ago

https://voat.co/v/anon/3451514 Their Symbolism Will be Their Downfall Anonymous

20785796? ago

Yesterday I stumbled upon a group on twatter that put a lot of time into drawing these characters. The group seemed to be a bunch of npc's. But they loved this show. Might be able to red pill some of them.

20786019? ago

The LOTR NotAllOrcs memes were also funny in a ways ... and the weird elite news? https://voat.co/v/whateverAnon/3327670 Vicky Ward tried to publish details on Epstein for Vanity Fair but was blocked by Editor Graydon Carter. Pic, Carter hugging Epstein's girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell next to Weinstein.

20785722? ago

Sounds very familiar

20785815? ago

20812351? ago

I am a sharing kind of person. I like to share things that i put in my stylish locker - putlocker.style

20789180? ago

Thanks for tagging me fag. I enjoyed my review copy of Dark Crystal rebooted. It was barely tolerable because of how cutsie the gelflings and podlings were so I skipped through about 1/4 of it, but the story was a damn good intro into how politicians manipulate the masses. There was a bit of crap about how "we're all equal" but that was just for the different tribes of gelfling. Absolutely people with kids should watch this. You should have tagged @Empress instead of me

20786989? ago

Just dropped it this week. Realized I don’t need their shit.

20785892? ago

Not in years.

20785577? ago

Not an original, it was a movie in the 80's I believe. Popular, but the theme was the same, the Skesis drained the Gelflings life force. I believe Jim Henson and Frank Oz did the movie.

21026976? ago

Anyone Here Read History? Greeks, Babylon and a Temple in Syria? ...Cult of Dionysus, They pray to wine, phallus & hole symbols? Dionysus was involved in sodomy, Silenus Bacchus and Pan/Satyrs. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3351814/19894108 Celebrated gods for Mardi Gras

20785909? ago

jim henson christian scientist

20785763? ago

Yep. It's been around for a long time.

20787132? ago

It's an "Original Series" in that NETFLIX produced a prequel series whereas the movie was made in the 80s. Def reccommend watching the series, lots of parallels.

20788336? ago

I never liked the dark crytal because all the gelflings look like they have downs syndrome, lol. But may those who love it flourish.

20787273? ago

keep watching your electric jewbox, finding those parallels

it's really helping

20788887? ago

muuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh jooooooooooooooooooooooooosssssssss



The Jews are pretty cool, actually.

20790490? ago

If they are pretty cool, why do they defend the baby eaters?

20790654? ago

If you want to get away with massive crimes, your best bet is to frame an entire group of people for all your crimes. Then when your crimes are discovered, the victims get mad at the group you have framed while you sit back and laugh at the silly Gelfling tribes murdering each other.

See how it works?

20793355? ago

That doesn't answer my question. I get the premise. I'm asking why the "pretty cool" people, defend the "baby eaters", after having this happen hundreds of times, resulting in many deaths?

This is like some gelflings knowing the Skesis are bad, but helping them anyway.

20788284? ago

looking for parallels is 'research', which of course is different from mindless TV watching.

they question is, WHY are YOU trying to dissuade us from watching such a series?

20788861? ago

he's probably mad the critical mass of knowing isn't to his standards yet. I can relate.

20785528? ago

A whole lot of work went in to tell a story nobody gives a shit about.

20785683? ago

your nose is waaaay tooo biiiig

and hangs down

20785507? ago

Netflix made the green gelfling have faggot dads. I like when the old woman keeps calling the skeksies parasites.

20785586? ago

So... It has faggot dads, but you still think it is 'naming the Jew'. Kek. You are going to see what you want, i guess. It doesnt have to actually make sense.

20785794? ago

Not original postwr, but happy to exchange gay marriage/parentage for overthrow of vampiric elites, the fed, the state, monarchy, and (them).

20799298? ago

Isnt gay rights how all this pedo shit got big? But you are okay with it lingering after POTUS is done? Smh... What is the point in cleaning out the cancer if you are going to leave some behind?

20785332? ago

I've watched most of it and this take on it is certainly feasible.

20785802? ago

more hollyweird @Wheatstone @Firinmahlazer or is it watchable @SerbianKebab ?? @UKD @elcob32 ?

20785981? ago

Skeksis - not Sheksis , thats too confusing

20785624? ago

Good job. I recommend not making it so blatant in the beginning. Make it subtle, until it really gets going.

20785145? ago

Excellent. Thanks.

20787076? ago

Also remove the “s” from skeksis and you can spell kike

20788091? ago
