20787180? ago

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20579045? ago

I'm gonna go back and re-watch this movie again. You have reminded me why we have been able to be enlightened. I was a big movie goer and particularly enjoyed the more insightful stories. They can be very moving. Same with novels (eg Frankenstein, Brave New World). Apparently these stories have been 'showing' us all along, based on reality, not just from our made up fears. ....The story is the same....just different characters, names, costumes and movie sets. Idiocracy and Demolition Man come to mind as well.

20578596? ago

I noticed it as well, I think the writer is a Q follower :)

20578467? ago

Glad to see some discussion on this movie and series on QRV. I was drafting my own outline about the message and symbolism.

20576776? ago

I thought the exact same thing as your wife when my hubby anon showed it to me.

20575835? ago


Gelfling = Goyim

Here is a scene of a skeksis ritual being performed in a Star of David/Saturn.


20576517? ago

That "old symbol" the chick takes to the pirate dude, looked alot like a star of david.

20574945? ago

Watched the first episode and wondered how (((they))) let this get made. It’s not very subtle.

20574629? ago

Okay so what if Q was part of the mind control that your connecting to movies... like they want you to think this. Ive been a Q follower from the beginning but this makes it look like to me that we are saying look its in this movie! Just like Q said! So is this real or just more rabbit hole?

20576975? ago

I think they legitimately snuck shit in the series. "I plant stories and they grow into truth" isn't a line most outside of these boards would recognize. It's actually kind of obscure even here.

20574573? ago

Oh man normies... so many normies.

Knowing the website qanon.pub does not make you not = a big fuckin normie.

How much do you really know?


If you wanna see how deep and dark the rabbit hole goes, use this link and follow some of the terms, this site works like wikipedia.


20580719? ago

I read your second link, Moloch, and now have a rabbit hole of hours ahead of me.

Am I a normie? Sure, I mean, I don't know what I don't know. And I didn't know about the Moloch battery receptacles until I read the second link you posted. I want to learn, to know as much as I can, but I must verify what I learn and that becomes hard when so much of it is unverifiable.

Circumcision obviously is crazy, so the words about it being SRA way to bind the genitals to Moloch makes sense, as crazy as sense is these days.

After reading your post and then thinking about Dark Crystal, as well as other stories, I am starting to understand the line from Law of One where they say that stories like "Star Wars" are similar to the "Fairy Tales" we tell our children. They are allagories as to what is actually going on here, but told in many different ways.

Feel free to toss more resources my direction, I much appreciate your help thus far.


20576980? ago

During the Atlantian Cataclysm and what is known as the Luciferian Rebellion about 26,000-30,000 years ago, this is when the planetary star gates, the planetary grids became controlled by the NAA Controlling races such as the Reptilians, the Annunaki, the Draconians.


20575268? ago

From where did this information come?

20576522? ago

From the looks of it, someone pulled it out of their ass.

Change my mind. (sauce)

20575096? ago

hologram = "you are watching a movie"

20574366? ago

I thought this was an astute comment by Miles Mathis in his commentary on Steven Hawking. This matches what I've heard from people who are around the edges of the elites but not a part of them: That the infighting and attempts to one-up each other will eventually be their downfall. Just as all this Light will be their downfall. They've operated with impunity for thousands of years and they think it will continue. Kind of like a pretty rich 30-something who believes her good luck and good looks are guaranteed for life. But they get bored. And this is where all the evil mischief has crept in. So, here's his comment


20574253? ago

Just watched this movie again for the first time in a while. Time well spent. Is there a series / show that exists as well? Recommended?

20576995? ago

The series is way better than the movie IMO. Less subtle about certain things as well.

20573601? ago

Got shilled - OP must be over the target.

20572178? ago

Drop #1 “claimed that “HRC extradition [was] already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run” with

Drop #2 alleging “HRC detained, not arrested (yet)” and that there would be “massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US.”


Drop #15 to predict that John Podesta would be indicted on Nov. 3, 17 and Clinton aide Huma Abedin indicted on Nov. 6, 17.


Drop #25 that proof of his predictions would “begin 11.3, 18.” Again, the only significant event of this day was the president leaving for Asia. Drop #32, Q claimed that the “initial wave [of arrests] will be fast and meaningful,” with many members of the media “jailed as deep cover agents.”


Drop #34 unveiled a host of predictions for what Q claimed would happen imminently. He claimed that “over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country.” He claimed that everything he’d been talking about in secret “will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted,” resulting in “public riots.”


Drop #38 continued with the conspiracy fantasizing, predicting “other state actors attempting to harm us during this transition,” along with “increased military movement,” “[National Guard] deployments starting tomorrow, and “false flags.”


Drop #44 that “before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter,” used Drop #47 to warn his readers to “be vigilant today and expect a major false flag,” and claimed in Drop #55 that President Trump would unleash the massive military purge (now nicknamed “The Storm”) with a tweet reading “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…….”


Drop #61: that there would be “Twitter and other social media blackouts” that would accompany the massive deep state purge. Drop #65, Q claimed “it has begun,” with Drop #67 predicting that news of John Podesta’s military plane being “forced down” “will be leaked” with a prominent “fake news anchor” being pulled off the air.


On Dec. 10, 17 Q predicted in Drop #326 that “false flag(s)” would occur, with “POTUS 100% insulated” and to “expect fireworks.”


Drop #647, Q seemed to predict a major event involving the Department of Defense for Feb. 1, 18, calling it the “[D]ay [Of] [D]ays.”


A few days after that fizzled, Q insinuated in Drop #700 that the weekend of Feb. 10. 18 and 1 would be a “suicide weekend” for individuals targeted by the president. There were no high-profile suicides by public figures that weekend.


Drop #796 was a post full of quasi-military chatter that seemed to predict a possible car bombing in London around Feb. 18, 18. No terrorist attack of any type happened in London at all that month.


As talk of President Trump’s military parade ramped up, Q predicted in Drop #856 that “a parade that will never be forgotten” would take place on 11/11/18. That parade has now been postponed until next year due to costs, and likely won’t take place at all.


Then, in Drop #912, Q claimed that the intelligence sharing alliance known as “Five Eyes” “won’t be around much longer.” As of August 2018, it is still in effect.


Drop #997 predicted on April 3, 18 that the Pope would “have a terrible May.” The closest to this that happened was the resignation of several Chilean bishops in June after Pope Francis criticized them over their handling of a sex abuse scandal.


On April 7, 2018 Q made a cryptic post in Drop #1067 that read simply “China. Chongqing. Tuesday.” The next Tuesday was April 10, 18 and no newsworthy event took place on that day in that city.


Drop #1302 on April 27, 2018 Q claimed a “Mother of All Bombs” related to negotiations with North Korea would be “dropped” in the next week. Never happened again.

Q predicted on March 5 in Drop #854 that “HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5)” [sic] would soon emerge, and that it would be the “nail in many coffins.” She went on a tour with William Clinton.


Q predicted in Drop #1043 that “pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire,” and insinuated in two April drops that photos of Obama with a young girl named “Wendy” would appear and open him up to charges of pedophilia. No such pictures have ever appeared.


Q predicted John McCain’s resignation from the Senate as “imminent” several times, including Drop #1319 and Drop #1850, as well as predicting the “end near” in Drop #1555. Only this week did McCain announce he would stop seeking treatment for cancer.

https://qmap.pub/?pg=23 https://qmap.pub/?pg=19 https://qmap.pub/?pg=14

On April 4, 18 Q claimed in Drop #1014 that Mark Zuckerberg was going to step down as chair of Facebook and flee the United States. The same day Q predicted this, Zuckerberg reiterated that he was NOT going to step down—and he still hasn’t.


Q has also made some fizzled predictions about Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, saying “goodbye” to him in Drops #525 and #598, insinuating that Dorsey would be removed from Twitter in Drop #799, predicting in Drop #1102 that Dorsey was “next”

https://qmap.pub/?pg=36 https://qmap.pub/?pg=35 https://qmap.pub/?pg=27

Q’s use of the phrase “next week” to denote the occurrence of something important started with Drop #243 when Q told his followers “just wait until next week” without making any kind of claim as to what was going to happen. It would be the first of over a dozen times Q would kick the can down the road to “next week.”


In Drop #464: Q vaguely predicted a “BIG NEXT WEEK” on Jan. 5, 18 doubling down in Drop #527, predicting “Next Week – BIGGER,” repeating the claim three drops later.

https://qmap.pub/?pg=37 https://qmap.pub/?pg=36

Drop #1594 became one of Q’s most famous blown predictions, as he claimed that July would be “the month the world discovered the TRUTH.”


After not posting for about three weeks, Q posted in Drop #1687 that “something BIG is about to drop” with links to various press articles about QAnon. He made the exact same claim in Drops #1708, 1748, and 1802.

https://qmap.pub/?pg=17 https://qmap.pub/?pg=16 https://qmap.pub/?pg=15

QAnon baked a whole loaf of lies March 10 2018 alone.

No Storm.

No perfect storm.

No Crisis.

No it's not coming.

How many times have you brainwashed Q-tist's predicted it's coming? Too many times to count.

What’s supposed to happen? Absolutely NOTHING.

But as Q would say, enjoy the show.

You folks are being Larp'd by the DS Illuminati Cabal.

Red October – FAIL,

Sessions – FAIL.

Mattis - FAIL.

Kelly - FAIL.

Huber - FAIL.


Obama in GITMO – FAIL

Hillary in GITMO – FAIL

Brennan in GITMO – FAIL

Clapper in GITMO – FAIL

Stzrok in GITMO – FAIL

Page in GITMO – FAIL

Steele in GITMO – FAIL

Baker in GITMO – FAIL

Lynch in GITMO - FAIL

Q-anon Update 12/3/2018 THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO CHANGE – HUBER FISA Doc release - FAIL

Wednesday, December 5, often presented as #D5.- FAIL

1-1-19: National Emergency. FAIL

Hey Q - How is everyone going to celebrate the 11-11-2018 failed prediction?

20580400? ago

So what is your alternative? Sit at our computers, take our castor oil, accept being screwed and shut up? You seem to have no purpose in life other than being 'right' about Q. You are just another sheep with just another opinion. TRUMP is the one with the TOP JOB! So take your castor oil and wait.

20580545? ago

The forefathers gave us the Second Amendment for a reason. Who is sitting at their computer whining, bitching and crying?. Pffft! YOU. You are just another sheep with just another opinion who thinks they are awake. NOT

Trump is just another PUPPET

Since too many answers here dodge the truth, are not acquainted with the truth or are purposeful misdirection, let me just say, plainly.

All leaders in the position of power are playing a role. This is why many if not most people are still walking around in the dark and do not SEE that a Veil of deception has been pulled over our eyes. It is the same GAME that has been played since FOREVER. Different players but the same GAME and many people fall for it every single time.

It is the same GAME the Deceivers have been playing on many unaware [lost] Sheeple souls since the beginning. Different players, same Divide and Conquer reality presented.

The puppet masters or the Overlords, if you will; along with their offspring the Elite Leaders create "dis order" so the people will demand "order". The price of "order" always entails a handing over of control and loss of freedom on the part of the citizenry. Out of "chaos" comes "order" - THEIR order - their new WORLD order. ORDO AB CHAO

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by those Rulers.

Continue sleeping kid.

20580940? ago

They must pay you by the word, as you vomit forth a great deal of hopeless negativity and name calling.

20580973? ago

Name calling? lol Where?

20572306? ago

how many times before it is mathematically impossible.....

20572392? ago

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE.

The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not.

Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by those Rulers.

All leaders in the position of power are playing a role. This is why many if not most people are still walking around in the dark and do not SEE that a Veil of deception has been pulled over our eyes. It is the same GAME that has been played since FOREVER. Different players but the same GAME and many people fall for it every single time.

It is the same GAME the Deceivers have been playing on many unaware [lost] souls since the beginning. Different players, same Divide and Conquer reality presented.

Evidently you do not know your real enemy and their Tactics, Motives and Agenda and you will not until you receive the Holy Spirit of Truth and Enlightenment. .

20571621? ago

You are absolutely correct.

I watched the whole series and had the same impression as you did.

Now, do remember that the series is a prequel. If you watch the original movie you will find out the true message that the DS/Cabal wants to communicate. "That THEY will win in the end"

The original movie starts off when basically ALL Gelflings, except for 2 individuals have been killed (in other words genocide) and the Skeks have begun removing the essence of Podlings, but only for the emperor to consume, as the quality is not the same as from Gelflings.

At the end of the movie, when all three suns align, the Mystics join with the Skeks and are transformed into god-like beings and that starts a new Eden for Gelflings.

THEY cannot be more obvious about their plans and their goals.

Watch the original and you'll see what I mean. It's difficult to address some of the points in writing here.

20573261? ago

What "they" don't realize is if they win in the end, everyone loses, including them. It's a death cult. When it kicks into high gear these deluded fools think they can contain it. The different people, factions or families at the top have probably have plans in place to kill each other if/when the plan comes to fruition.

20579182? ago

Yes!! Essentially it is unsustainable and they do foolishly think they can contain it. (Don't they need to breathe the same air the Chemtrails are poisoning?) Great point about killing each other in the end, look at the Saudi princes...And then there was One! How about all the homelessness and increasing diseases from it. Viruses mutate so in the end, even vaccinations won't keep up with the unmaintained outbreaks. Some TB is already antibiotic resistant. What kind of life does one really enjoy after 100 years in an underground bunker, no beautiful skies and natural sunlight. Sure stay alive for a while.... until you go crazy.

20787222? ago

"after 100 years in an underground bunker, no beautiful skies and natural sunlight"

These idiots think they are immortal, either by being reborn into a new body with the same memories as past lives or by simply not aging. Then they fear death, due to how shitty they have been while alive, so they extend their lives literally forever. Or so they hope/think..

Watch the movie "Altered Carbon". It is another allegory (like dark crystal, like star wars, like infinity war, etc. etc. fucking etc.) for what the elites want of this planet.

20574353? ago

They think they can destroy humanity, and Earth, as though they aren't a part of humanity, or dependent on Earth as a home.

They are sick.

20573748? ago

20574892? ago

It wouldn't be the first time.

20574819? ago

Should make this its own thread. I know plenty of Jews that are normal living people. We are being brainwashed to think its all of them. Its the INFLI_TRAITORS that are doing this.

20576198? ago

Exactly. Glad you're paying attention.

20571518? ago

dumb wife = 1984 life

20571498? ago

post is gay af

20571493? ago

Only cucks still have Netflix.

20579276? ago

Actually, I disagree. The OP has shown you how useful it is to work with the things we have and learn from what we watch. Great discussion points. Boycotting 1 out of millions of things influencing us and sticking our heads in the sand is not the answer. How about you give up your smart phone? Good luck with that. One day they will require all use a smart phone to buy food and goods instead of physical cash. What will you do then? There are many 'red-pilling' movies on Netflix. Perhaps that is why we are supposed to boycott. One good movie like the Dark Crystal can suddenly avalanche into many red-pilled moments. Good going OP!

20581154? ago


Actually, you're still a fucking cuck

20576202? ago

Some of us keep if fir research like this numpty else this thread wouldnt be here .. Jeez if this red pills people by giving them the lens thru which to view our world then that's good.. Even dark forces are used by the light now and then

20572291? ago

I'm sure you can torrent the show by now faggot.

20576507? ago

I would never support netflix.

I happily torrented it and was delighted.

I immediately realized Henson was warning us about (((them))).

I'm not one of the ones who touts that, but I could see it plainly.

"I plant stories and they grow into truth" - Skeksi Chancellor

20571500? ago

30 Day free trial

20571534? ago

I'm offering a free 30 day trial of me kicking you in the nuts.

20571567? ago

you're talkin to a tranny that hates their nuts

20571585? ago

cool & hilarious

20571532? ago

is having a gay, infected jewish dick inside of your asshole for 30 days, really free?

20572133? ago

yep, that's Netflix🤮

20576210? ago

Lick my hairy nob Cheese

20571428? ago

You should see the original as well. It's also on Netflix.

20572683? ago

read somewhere that jim henson died after Dark Crystal's movie release because the resemblance was made to good by his team of the real uk royals

20572914? ago

The movie was released in 1982. Henson died in 1990.

20573355? ago

1990 is after the relase still

20573440? ago

Yes it is. I would like to see side-by-side comparisons of the Dark Crystal Skeksis and the real life skeksis.

20579308? ago

We actually do see them everyday. Hillary would just look like a misshapen, fat blob of a vulture!

20571421? ago

that Rothschild ass who went rouge and answered a bunch of questions to anons

do you have an archive of that?

20574853? ago

I remember this one.

But as I've said before, s/he sounds miserable. Sooner than later, when you have power, you learn to make laws that work everyone. And people think you are good leader for keeping things organized. No matter what your goal is, you end having to become a good leader.

So it doesn't matter. Just be good, and do good. Respect for others shows respect yourself.

This girl (and I think it is a woman), sounds miserable.

20573424? ago

Yeah WHAT? how did I miss that

20571501? ago


20571719? ago


User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 01:49 PM

Have you been to another planet?

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

That question presupposes that there ARE other planets


20571565? ago

cool thanks!