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20783524? ago

Yes. This is true. It makes perfect sense. POTUS will be impeached and brought to trial. Why brign on Rudy? Because he needs a defense lawyer. When the public finds out the truth, POTUS will be acquitted and the retards wont be able to walk the streets.

What if all the work anons did for years is introduced into the trial? Socratic open source digging makes connections that no investigator could do in any reasonable time. The Truth. Anons would be heros for saving the republic!

20784516? ago

omg there are like 3 threads all coming together here. This one and...

Notable theory - Did Watkins turn over 8chan data as whistleblower records?


20786481? ago

Storch - interesting reading. Expect his name to surface to normies soon.

20785941? ago

“Offline for a reason”