20757609? ago

The planet is A LOT colder now than it used to be even back in the 90's. Winter is starting much earlier too.

There is talk that a long term solar minimum is due. Some say now, some say after the next 11 year min max cycle, but the truth is they do not know the exact forces that govern these cycles. What we do know is the sun had been very quiet, and the Earth is cooling rapidly as a result. Expect a long and cold winter.

I noticed the skunks here were out feeding in the daytime - like it's an emergency or something. I've never seen them do that before.

20757038? ago

Early snow in eastern WA tonight too.

20756933? ago

send it here too hot... 90s is BS for this time of year. summer vibes are beyond stale now. need a change of scenery! also my electric bill for cooling is 230!! in the fall my bills drop to under 100.

20756795? ago

In SW Ontario there's still a few weeks to go before harvest time for my (legal) pot plants. A blizzard could cause a problem but that would be rare.

20756422? ago

Yeah they have been saying all day the storm is going to be bad.

20755977? ago

90 degrees here!!

20755956? ago

Just picked 25 lbs of tomatoes to can today. It is 96 degrees today with no rain in sight. Anywho, this is the climate change scam, please share.


20755540? ago

For fucks sake. Can't have a fucking storm without sticking a ((( ))) in there somewhere.

Fell off my bike ... damn jews. Why the jews make me fall off my bike? Let's hunt them down.

20755031? ago

I feel so sorry for you. It's 80 degrees and sunny in the northeast, I can't even imagine dealing with snow today, my garden is still going and I haven't even taken all the potatoes out of the ground.

20754990? ago

It's gonna be a winter like 2008, probably worse. 11 year sun spot cycle determines our weather.

20754976? ago

Check out adapt 2030, ice age farmer, and oppinheimer ranch. Climate controll is no longer we shot them out of space and took over one. We are in Controll of the planet. Wait till the winds refuse to stop. Its coming to a theater near you.

20755450? ago


20755548? ago

All cylinders are 0O on fire.

Lava burns from my. S0l.

It overflows and scorches all whom it touches.

Time to % and Conquer. §



20755559? ago

Let it rain! <

'O-O' <


20796545? ago

Found this and thought of you.

Cincinnati.com international space station will be passing overhead for 17 min.

Sep 20


20797074? ago

I wrote this and thought of YOU! >


20796843? ago

Thanks. ;)

20755773? ago

A star appeared and it light my path i was on the pon with an awakend. It showed me the x it for the day. I was ?. And was verified days later. It was a big as a football fileld five sided yellow and perfect as can be on this side of the clouds then after 30 sec it dissovled back into a cloud.


Who could of showed that power?

And when last did a * appear?


20755818? ago

I got FIVE FIVE on it... <


20755806? ago

Power right from the TIPPY TOP. < *

20755856? ago

Woah gtg let animals out they need freshness.

20755910? ago

No problemo. <


Lot's to do here...

POTUS tweets analysis next stop...

'o-o' <

20755498? ago

Oh gawd its like we are they teachers obione.

Miles to go before we wake.

Icu ‘O-o’<


20755532? ago


20754904? ago

2 feet of snow in September? That's winter precipitation not 1 week after summer ends.

20754423? ago

Weather isn't climate.

20754125? ago

I'll take all the heat I can get. I despise the cold. Snow, ice, sleet, busted pipes, high utility bills, etc. I'm just fine at 100 degrees. But the climate change agenda is indeed bullshit. Bill Cooper did a helleva breakdown of this BS agenda & exposed it in just a few minutes, during his Porterville presentation.

20753429? ago

We are entering a solar minimum. The sun has an 11 year cycle. Space weather is where it is at : solarham.com as an example. Never miss an aurora event again.

20755057? ago

Nothing to see here kek, 11 11 GA .

Galatic superwave inc.

Tg for tesla shield.

Course corrected.


20755409? ago

'o-o' <

20755436? ago

Lol im busted.


20755480? ago

I told you I was paying VERY close attention... <

20755693? ago

Ha poker?

Did you see the A in the hole yet? It suits the emporer very well. The spiders have been turned. OO very close.

Those who see know.

Helps when you use the stuff for hangging at night.

^ are old school and a burden.

Scissors wont cut and almost dulls an exacto knife.

Will delete after you oo

20755776? ago

A in the hole! <

20754600? ago

yeah, i think i'll pass on the batman shooter(s)

20753388? ago

If they were doing trial and error testing large scale weather manipulation.... IF they were... they'd need some way of tricking the public into thinking that the crazy weather we experience is natural.

Now, how would they convince everyone that erratic weather is natural?

20755075? ago

All weather is now natural. Hehe. Ty space force. Heres to all you unsong heroes blasting around the universe !!!!

20755432? ago


20754590? ago

I recall NASA put out a "s'cool" page a few years ago showing "new cloud formations" to teach the children that the man-made formation are actually natural.

20755437? ago

h <

20753364? ago

Watching it blow in over the foothills this morning was comfy. I'm 30 miles from Kananaskis. The North belongs to the Nords.

20753286? ago

The Paris Climate Treaty was the framework for the UN Global Governance, the same way all of Europe is a Quasi/defacto Communist State ruled from Brussels by an unelected Politburo so would all Nation under the Paris Climate Treaty be ruled from the UN.

20753239? ago

Don't worry global warm will have it melted in the morning. So snuggle up to a warm fire in the firplace witn an adult beverage of your choice and relax. It all be gone in the morning.

20754561? ago

dump some ice in the river while at it!

20753186? ago

Just stopped snowing here(North Idaho). I'm hoping that means the meat of winter will be January, as it was two winters ago. Having the worst of it in February this year was brutal.

20753518? ago

Still snowing hard and fast just outside of Priest R.

20752968? ago

Haven't you heard. Not 'Global Warming', but 'Climate Change'.

One of those is, at least, quantifiable (in some manner as yet to be discovered). But the other is simply OPEN-ENDED.

Let's say that the globe IS warming such that in 100 years it will be Cel. 2 degrees hotter. We could 1) see that coming for decades (which we currently do not really see); 2) it COULD cause PROBLEMS for some number of people and COULD cause some deaths. But the arc is long and slow and shallow. Plus... a little extra heat will NECESSARILY result in higher yields of Biomass throughout the world. As long as there is water and shelter,a person will generally be uncomfortable in a hotter environment, but people as a whole, will thrive under such conditions.

Now, remember, we are talking Climate Change, BUT all of the 'prescriptions' presented revolve around FIGHTING AGAINST long-term, shallow growth in heat.

What we are ignoring of course is that the if opposite, COOLING, should it come upon us, has some different characteristics. RAPID ARCTIC COOLING could occur that could create conditions for FAR GREATER expansion of cooling effects and glaciation. Cooling of such a nature has been reported, suggesting that glaciation could start in only a couple of decades. And it's spread toward the equator could be very rapid.

One other thing, while warming (2 degrees in 100 years) might create UNCOMFORTABLE conditions, Rapid-onset COOLING - WILL BE DEADLY. Crops will fail. Arable land will become tundra or ice sheet. Massive migration from colder climes would be intense.

What contingencies exist for Rapid Onset Cooling? None. They are Planning for and taxing for the opposite. Thinking logically, whatever steps they take to protect us from Discomfort to millions would exacerbate the mechanisms which could KILL billions.

Thanks, Greta.

20753174? ago

yep crop failures

20752834? ago

Back when the national oceanographic institute was faking its temperature readings in like 2014 it was so cold where I live that it snowed in December and didn't melt until April, which never happens here.

20752811? ago

dam I miss snowboarding.

20752790? ago

They must be hosting a Global Warming confab at your local convention center. That is what usually happens with the weather whenever they have one of those things. It's like God trying to tell them, but they still don't get the message.

20754515? ago


20752440? ago

In Montana here, snow is just a few hundred feet in elevation above here but will be snowing here this evening.

20755965? ago

NW MT here....just had major outage last 7-8 hours with Charter/Spectrum and Verizon.....just got back on line. All local retailers affected....have not seen that ever before either.....all internet down impacting cellphone service

20754512? ago

what about the dental floss crop?

20758420? ago

I am a dental floss tycoon, it will be fine. LOL

20752400? ago

Holy crap. That would be a shock to my system, but if you live there year after year then maybe not so much.

20752363? ago

Learn how to grow crops at higher and cooler temp zones. Oppenheimer Ranch Project will teach you how, on YT.

20756316? ago

Winter Purslane or Miner's Lettuce

20752291? ago

post a vid OP. Would love to see. Stay safe.

20752226? ago

Is it real snow? Go make a snowball and try to melt it with a lighter.

20752613? ago

yea, that plastic snow sucks

20751979? ago

90 degrees here. Southern state.

20752483? ago


20751971? ago

Greta predicted this!!

20752303? ago


t.16 year old climateterrorist

20755341? ago

Her Parents stole her childhood and innocence.

20755366? ago

There is good reading in this <


20754454? ago

I don't fucking get it. My laptop cost $5k. But when I play a fucking video through a browser, it takes a full fucking minute to full-screen it before I can pause it again; the video lags often; feels like I'm on a $500 machine!

20755391? ago

(THEY))) are watching you and fucking with your machine.

20762341? ago

i believe

20755012? ago

That the spyware in action frien.

20753594? ago

KEK...thats perfect.

20751903? ago

Blizzard is a 4 letter word...but thanks for sharing. Great reminder of what a fiasco "global warming" is. I hope you have plenty of cocoa & popcorn....and may your trees and shovel survive :)

ps....please keep snow contained to your area

20751852? ago

I need to move!

It's still over 100 degrees, hasn't rained at all this month and only twice last month.

I'm so tired of this heat!

20752477? ago

would rather sweat than shiver..

20756943? ago

easier to put layers on than to melt your skin off.

20757065? ago

no thanks

20755000? ago

Only prob i see with your theroy it doesnt account for the millions whom perfer those conditions. Imho your better off cold with no one around.

20755171? ago

I haven't met too many of them, people I've talked to like the heat better. Bro.

20755245? ago

Thats what i was saying. And its trouble, too many people is a disaster when the shtf. Your better off moving to the cold.

20755323? ago

Well not me, never, I hate it.

I'm in Texas, I can grow stuff 10 or more months out of the year.

I got AC..if you can get thru the four or five months of heat, the weather is gorgeous.

20752829? ago

if your shivering you just need more layers

if your sweating, well thats a bit more costlicated

20753345? ago

you're (you are)

20754493? ago

If you're going to grammarnazi, do it right faggot.

20754420? ago

way to totally miss last word

20752017? ago

TY. We have prepped pretty well. Natural to do here in the sticks with unpredictable weather. We hunt too and just put our kit together. Oct 10 bambi watch out!

20752796? ago

don't tell the 16 plus deer that are a family unit every day mowing the grass outside my back deck every day. they cant hunt them here we only hit them in our cars because there is so many.

20754418? ago

hmm... to deer whistle, or not to deer whistle? we nailed a deer in NH last year and then, put deer whistles on all our cars.

but if ya can't hunt, then, ya hunt with your two-ton directed projectile! :)

20752591? ago

Damn that's an early deer season!

Having a deer steak for lunch today.

20753083? ago


20751690? ago

Fire up a kettle of soup!

20751660? ago

Ditto that but I’m right in the Rockies. One foot down. Two more plus to come. Good day to stay inside, put on a pot of coffee, and beat some shills senseless.

20756435? ago

lol I like your attitude. Stay safe.

20755227? ago

Let's do it! Git 'Er Done.

20751640? ago

I’m in FSJ and our summer was much like Alberta’s; lots of rain, cool temperatures and frankly disappointing. We had snow in the forecast for last night but if it hit it’s gone already. I think it may have just rained.

Good thing the Hoaxers changed the name from Global Warming to Climate Change otherwise people might think they’re full of shit. Oh wait...


20751991? ago

Bummer but I'm jealous FSJ one of my fav areas.

20751617? ago

Stay safe, fren.

20751571? ago

solar minimum

20753096? ago

^ this