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20748319? ago

Fuck parasites. Fuck Immigrants. We want our OWN nation, and our OWN (white) culture. Not a blob of crap. We conquered it. We OWN it. The rest of you SUCK.

20748446? ago

is that you @Tallest_Skil ? hi how you been, I heard you are not cutting yourself anymore. Good for you.

20748582? ago

No, it's me, the bearfromstartrack. I don't cut myself, but I had a drug period over a decade ago. Not bad, mind you, just 2 or 3 times a year during major holiday (time off) periods. BUT DAMN was it GOOD (feels), except for the caliber of people you have to associate with.

20748780? ago

stay away from anything harder than government weed.

20748799? ago

I do, and have, for a LONG time now (over a decade). Alcohol is my Achilles heel. NEED something. Like a job in Colorado writing software (3 patents).

20749015? ago

Check out naltrexone. I just recently started. Did a write-up a few weeks ago, let me find it for you:

20749625? ago

Thanks fatty.

20752288? ago

thats not very nice there ya asswipe.

20752354? ago

Shhh. Meaningless. Jolly. WE NEED more of this. Retard.

20752466? ago

i know ya asswipe ;) lol

20750025? ago

Not sure why you included the second word, but whatever, you're welcome.

20750054? ago

For comical things. You know, funny. Fag. To me. Who CARES what YOU think?

20750310? ago


20751758? ago

Noone? No one?

20750338? ago

EXACTLY, Until. Then it CHANGES.