20750125? ago

heard a news report of there being 22 million illegals in the country now and most are in those sanctuary states we all know and love. dam we will need many more ice people. or if they fail we the people can remove them. then the company's that hire them need to be punished bigly.

20748562? ago

All on welfare too.

20748453? ago

Let's not forget Eric Clapton's speech:

In an extremely public setting (an arena full of fans in Birmingham, England), Eric Clapton proudly made these comments:

“Do we have any foreigners in the audience tonight? If so, please put up your hands … So where are you? Well wherever you all are, I think you should all just leave. Not just leave the hall, leave our country … I don’t want you here, in the room or in my country. Listen to me, man! I think we should send them all back. Stop Britain from becoming a black colony. Get the foreigners out. Get the wogs out. Get the coons out. Keep Britain white … The black wogs and coons and Arabs and fcking Jamaicans don’t belong here, we don’t want them here. This is England, this is a white country, we don’t want any black wogs and coons living here. We need to make clear to them they are not welcome. England is for white people, man … This is Great Britain, a white country, what is happening to us, for fck’s sake? … Throw the wogs out! Keep Britain white!”

20749031? ago

love the italics between the two "_" "u" replacements in the two "fuck"s! :)

20748505? ago

Please tell me this was recorded.

20748573? ago

It was and there is footage but good luck finding it. During a documentary they dug up tons of footage it was not shown it was "addressed". These statements were allegedly made on stage by a heavily drunk Clapton during a concert in Birmingham, UK, in 1976. Clapton is referring to British anti-immigration Conservative MP Enoch Powell. Clapton made similar further comments to the audience later in the evening.

20753525? ago

I've seen that. It's a Clapton documentary isn't it, I can't remember the name of it though. They did show some of that speech and him getting booed. Put it all down to the substance abuse at the time of course.

20748438? ago

thanks jews

20748350? ago

Except it's 49m and 29m in the labor force.

20748319? ago

Fuck parasites. Fuck Immigrants. We want our OWN nation, and our OWN (white) culture. Not a blob of crap. We conquered it. We OWN it. The rest of you SUCK.

20748584? ago

We have to RE-conquer it by removing all the niggers and Jews.

20748664? ago

I'd be happy with just the niggers. Jews are okay if they're not Kenites (children of Satan...Madoff, Weinstein, Sanders, Cosby (Kenite toady))

20748677? ago

You are the problem if you think niggers and Jews aren't a problem. YOU are the reason why England is lost.

20748698? ago

I just don't KNOW if Jews are behind it all. I think ELITES are behind it all (no niggers obviously until RECENTLY). Evil is EVERYWHERE fag.

20748715? ago

Wake up! Follow the money and you will always find a Jew behind the scenes.

20748745? ago

AT LEAST, they had accomplises (sp?) that were not Jews. Admit that fatty.

20748833? ago

Sure, the Jews pay off Goyim all the time. Lots of whites have sold their souls for shekels.

20748848? ago

But Danielle Harris is hot.

20754248? ago

So is hell.

20840471? ago

Just sayin. Who knows WHAT they think, except I'm pretty sure Danielle is only good for a fuck puppet.

20748446? ago

is that you @Tallest_Skil ? hi how you been, I heard you are not cutting yourself anymore. Good for you.

20749000? ago

Try killing yourself, coward.

20752260? ago

I might do that, but then you would try and hump my corpse ya worthless ass wipe.

20748582? ago

No, it's me, the bearfromstartrack. I don't cut myself, but I had a drug period over a decade ago. Not bad, mind you, just 2 or 3 times a year during major holiday (time off) periods. BUT DAMN was it GOOD (feels), except for the caliber of people you have to associate with.

20748780? ago

stay away from anything harder than government weed.

20751516? ago

Stay the fuck away from government weed! Grow your own or you'll end up getting fucked over by some genetically modified version.

20748799? ago

I do, and have, for a LONG time now (over a decade). Alcohol is my Achilles heel. NEED something. Like a job in Colorado writing software (3 patents).

20749015? ago

Check out naltrexone. I just recently started. Did a write-up a few weeks ago, let me find it for you: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3395669

20749625? ago

Thanks fatty.

20752288? ago

thats not very nice there ya asswipe.

20752354? ago

Shhh. Meaningless. Jolly. WE NEED more of this. Retard.

20752466? ago

i know ya asswipe ;) lol

20750025? ago

Not sure why you included the second word, but whatever, you're welcome.

20750054? ago

For comical things. You know, funny. Fag. To me. Who CARES what YOU think?

20750310? ago


20751758? ago

Noone? No one?

20750338? ago

EXACTLY, Until. Then it CHANGES.

20748004? ago

"But the post 1965 immigrants are legit to the last man, goy . They are patriots, how dare you nazis!" - Qoomers