20749022? ago

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20306461? ago

I hope it works, man, best of luck for you! I'm pretty prone to addictions too, so I know how hard it can be to curb them...

20305063? ago

if you want to try something without drugs, there is a great method to deprogram your mind, called BSFF - be set free fast, by larry nims. it works fabulously.

there is also the possibility to contact a classical homeopath. s/he will treat your entire being with all its phenomena. there are many homoepathic remedies that deal with fear, angst, panic.

both methods combined - homeopathy and BSFF - could bring you quick results.

20304741? ago

Ah, the advertisements have finally begun.

20304483? ago

I was a beer drinker for 40 years.

The amount I drank increased as time went by, from a social weekend drinker to a drink alone daily drinker. The last five years of my addiction were the worst, I was averaging a 18 pack a day on weekdays and a case a day on weekends.

In the end when I tried to quit my side affects were - Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, craving a drink, shakes, cold sweats.

All I had to do to relieve the side affects was to drink some alcohol.

I was caught in a trap, I compared it to trying to climb out of a funnel but I kept sliding back down to the bottom. I compared myself to the ant trying to crawl out of a Doodlebug hole.


This sound to simple to believe it would work but it worked for me. I took Benadryl like you find in the grocery store, I preferred the children’s liquid Benadryl because it gets in the bloodstream faster and you get relief from the addiction.

Adult dose is 10ml every 4 to 6 hours up to 6 doses in a 24 hr period.

I took 10ml every 4 hours, if I was asleep I would take the next dose when I woke up.

The first addiction to subside was the alcohol cravings then the shakes and cold sweets went away then the insomnia went away and I could sleep.

This took about a week.

The Benadryl side effects were light headedness, headaches, easily confused.

Don’t drive while detoxing.

I tapered off of the Benadryl and used 1/2 doses of 5ml every two hours as needed for Anxiety and restlessness

Anxiety and insomnia were the two worst alcohol side effects for me.

Once the insomnia let up and I could escape into sleep and rest that helped so much.

Restlessness slowly faded away and Anxiety happened less and less but was the last symptom to leave.

Now I don’t crave alcohol or want alcohol and it doesn’t bother me to be around people who are drinking.

I would be dead right now if it wasn’t for Benadryl.

This is my true story and I hope it benefits somebody.

20304076? ago

I've seen the torture some go through with booze. I quit a 15-20/day beer habit 20 yrs ago last month. I quit, cold turkey, and have never looked back. No withdrawal, no desire to drink. Apparently, I'm not an alcoholic. I just really enjoyed drinking.

A few years ago, I was at a friend's place to visit. He's an alcoholic who had at that time been sober for about 5 years. He went to regular AA meetings. It was a bad night for weather, lots of snow. He got a call telling him his AA meeting had been cancelled because of the weather. Within a few seconds, I saw his face change from placid to concern and then, panic. This man was terrified! He was addicted to AA meetings. They were the replacement crutch for his booze addiction. There has to be a better way. Good luck!

20303728? ago

Sorry ANONS, but alcohol will kill you -- and pot won't. True fact. Every time you crave a drink, sit down and smoke a fatty. Maybe it's a crutch, but Naltrexone isn't? See results from God's gift of THC? Time to move up -- Rick Simpson oil thru a dab rig. High quality shatter -- THC without the carbon -- it will keep you sane in a pickled alcohol world. Flush that shit -- time to toke up.............

20302766? ago

My friend, you need a proper weaning program if you're drinking every night.

Alcohol rewrites how you go to sleep. So without the booze you can't sleep the way you can with the booze.

I'm not against a medication like the one you describe. Just pointing out that you can do it with a weaning program.

20301161? ago

Praying for all Patriots. May God Bless and Protect you and most of all guide you to the place you need to be in Him. May Our Heavenly Father break the bonds of addiction and fill us with The Peace that passeth all understanding. AMEN.

20299443? ago

Alcoholism is not the disease, it’s one of the symptoms...

20299249? ago

Removing alcohol from my life was arguably the best decision I've ever made.

Many people throw booze at the hole in your soul where God is supposed to be.

It never works, and the hole gets bigger.

20299050? ago

Thank you OP for this post, despite some criticism. My fiance is a long-term alcoholic. This kind and gentle man had been sober for a couple years when he moved in with me. But he quickly returned to his addiction as a coping mechanism. He went to rehab for 30 days and did well for 3 months until 2 weeks ago. He began drinking at a church camping retreat ar get this "Celebrate Recovery" from addiction. I don't know what made him want to drink again, all I know is that this kind soul woke up from a drunken stupor demanding his wallet so he could buy more alcohol, and became extremely violent, to the point I didn't think I'd survive. Right now he's sitting in jail awaiting trial on felony battery charges, while I had to testify against him. It was without a doubt on of the hardest things I've ever done. I've been struggling to understand his addiction and reading your post and the comments has helped me to better understand the mindset of an addict. My fiance may never be free of his addiction, but that's his choice. I pray that you find a release from yours, and praise all other anons who've overcome theirs. On a final note, Celebrate Recovery is a faith based nationwide church program that may benefit you. Our church has rallied for me, welcomed me into their fold like a second family to help me through this time of trial. They may be beneficial to you as well. God bless. WWG1WGA

20298746? ago

Sober for 8 months now, the first week was the hardest but I still use weed and that helped

20298558? ago

Another side benefit of low-dose Naltrexone: cutting edge MDs claim the drug also reduces the painful symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, etc.

20298804? ago

I have warts on my feet, and dandruff/psoriasis in my scalp. As well as at least one hernia, inguinal. So yeah, let's do this!

20299329? ago

I got sebderm and it sucks and it's so gross. I kicked its ass for now. It comes and goes and gets worse with humid and hot days. My scalp prefers it from 30-75F. outside that and it freaks out and flakes. eww. lol

20298151? ago

On the Sunday before Thanksgiving in 2018, I celebrated 17 yrs sober. I spent 5 years looking for a "cure" for my alcoholism. I was emotionally, physically, and spiritually bankrupt. Finally had to admit that the cure had to come from within and with the help of a power greater than myself. I went back to aa because it was the only thing that had ever worked, even if only temporarily. Don't give up on aa. There are many groups and they each have their own personality. Find one you like. I had to stop searching out the differences between them and me and start finding the similarities. I have a sweet life, a great job and a dream husband of 15 yrs(who I met at aa). We each have to find our own path to sobriety. I pray that you find yours. The most important thing is a desire to stop drinking/drugs. love&light from Texas!

20297563? ago

I'm not trying to be a dick, but, what I did to stop drinking was just stop drinking. No special method, you just have to make that choice an active choice everytime you have a craving. Learn to say NO to yourself.

20298388? ago

You are lucky. For some, it's not that easy. Don't try to understand if you don't. That's OK and your not a dick. You also don't have the disease of alcoholism.

20297237? ago

How to quit drinking:

1. Stop drinking.

2. Stay away from your drinking buddies. Forever. Seriously. Years later you will realize the only thing you had in common was drinking.

3. Replace bad habits with healthier or at least less awful ones. Don't try to do too much too fast. Baby steps. Coffee. Jogging. Work out. Read. If you need a replacement, pot is better than alcohol all day, but obviously that carries risk as well.

4. Identify your triggers. For me it was cigarettes. If I had a cigarette, I was more likely to drink. Don't put yourself in a position where you even have a choice to drink.

5. Stumble. Realize you screwed up. Forgive yourself. Move forward with new resolve.

One day you will wake up and realize it wasn't the alcohol or chemical dependancy, it was your habits and environment. I don't think you need a pill, personally. The key is not the extermination of the habit. That happens naturally when you replace the habit and create a better environment.

Good luck. You can do it. Hope this helps.

20297099? ago

My co worker has been sober for 10 years, he says he gets urges all the time but knows he can’t or else he’ll drink himself to death. He told me some fuckin horror stories, stores wouldn’t sell to him to he went to Walgreens and would drink mouth wash to cure the shakes. Even went into a coma and came out on top with full brain function. They checked his liver he said recently and said it looked like a 100% healthy liver. He said the movie Flight with Denzel Washington was/is a total awakening moment

20296503? ago

My take is that naltrexone will reduce the endorphin rush or at least the pleasure of the endorphin rush. Not all drinkers have the endorphin rush type of physical reaction to alcohol. I don't think it will help anyone unless they are that body type. Even then it is not magic, we all have 1 or several reasons for drinking, but it is listed by AMA as an official treatment for at least "drinking too much".

The binge drinker may still drink, as is habit, but will simply not enjoy it as much. Learning that over time, naltrexone takes away part of the "reward" can help people reduce and that can help one quit too, if that is your goal. however, it depends on your body type/brain type reaction to alcohol.

20296452? ago

Sending you prayers, my friend.

Once we - as mankind - left this darkness it should become easier.

20296241? ago

I didnt need pills, hangovers got progressively worse, didn't need AA and their symbolic pyramid coins either!

15 months and don't miss it!

20295823? ago

Luck with that patriot. Although I am reminded of the endless parade of miracle diet pills that claims to allow one to look like a super model without any real work or dietary changes. Hopefully this is not one of those.

20295569? ago

You are not alone bud, even if it feels like it sometimes. Like many of the other Anons, I will be praying for you.

20295428? ago

You just got suckered out of 100 bucks.

20295269? ago

I believe in the almighty father and his son Jesus Christ but you need to understand they have nothing to do with sobriety. As they don’t help win the lottery they won’t help you quit drinking. Applying the principles, treating your underlying mental health issues and living a normal life will help.

20294979? ago

It's been almost five years since I quit drinking, and I'll never go back to that shit again. My life has improved drastically because of it. Now I own / operate a medical cannabis company with a fellow combat veteran. I wanted to quit and knew that I needed too, but that shit had a death grip on me. However I'm not in the habit of losing a fight, and I wasn't going to let the alcohol win. So I utilized every available program that I could at the VA hospital.

As this progressed I realized that the real problem was that I just wasn't happy with myself. After I spent more time getting mentally fit I was able to quit. It didn't happen on my first try either it took some serious work. I still have some shit ass fucking days just like so many people with PTSD do, but I have so many more good days than I used to! No prescription pills either, just organically grown cannabis.

Hopefully my comment, and the comments of others will help give you some mother fucking motivation to quit that shit.

You can do it, and you know you need to do it. Make it happen...

20294977? ago

Hope this helps anyone suffering, and especially if the lights go out and we can't get alcohol, this should reduce the cravings. God bless!

I once drove 5 miles in a white-out blizzard to get a bottle of whiskey, despite the fact there was an official order not to drive. Almost drove off the road several times getting there and back...never want to live like that again.

20294898? ago

I don't know if it will help anybody but I Quit drinking Nov 25 2017. I drank at least a 6 pack of IPA every day. I was on my last leg. I didn't think I was going to live much longer. I lost 2 of my best friends and employees to drinking "with me". I drank them under the table, they died. I may never forgive myself for that. I started by weening myself down to a couple a night. I knew I would have the DT's if I didn't. I never told anyone my plan. Didn't know I could do it. Didn't think I could do it. I had to keep busy or I was going to go insane, I started a new company just to stay busy. I have been working 7 days a week 15 hours a day. I have always worked hard but now I had to work harder than I ever had, it kept me sane. If I sat I wanted a beer. Went to AA, those people are all sorts of broken I didn't want to be like them. I never went back. Im rambling here I know. I became so determined to change for the people around me not just the ones I knew but all the people I didn't know. I started spending half of my time awake HERE trying to make this a better world for all of us. When Q started I was a drunk, a month later I was sober and determined to change the world. Find something that is worth doing and do a lot of it. Believe in yourself, surround yourself with people that believe in you. Go out in the woods and scream at the trees they listen even if no one else will. Cry a little, forgive your self. Fight for your self. Fight for those you love, fight for your country. Fight for your mind, and soul. It's worth it, YOU are worth it. Q and Q+ saved my life, I found hope in what we are doing. I found strength in their example and their strength. Every day I fight for all of us and that is how I fight for myself I suppose. Find something worth your time and energy then do it a lot. Stay busy, Doesn't matter what you do, just do something and don't stop. Your mind and body will return along with your self worth. You might even get your health back, I feel better now than I did at 25. You guys saved my life. Thank you. It was not easy but neither is saving humanity. DO SOMETHING! with tears in my eyes I say this to all of you. Do something and don't give up! You are worth it! One step is only a beginning but it's a place to start. Start today, You CAN DO IT! YOU HAVE IT IN YOU! Your family needs you, your nation needs you. I need you.

20296629? ago

Inspiring post, thank you for taking the time to share that. We're all here for a reason! Keep up the good work patriot, it is appreciated.

20294781? ago

Stop drinking and start exercising. You'll fell better in a week. Don't put another drug in your system.

20294761? ago

Best of luck to you anon. It speaks volumes in itself that you've done the research and taken the initiative to better yourself. It's huge.

I self medicate with cannabis and I'd like to stop smoking. Your post hit home for me.

20294729? ago

Serax and atvian saved me. Heavy drinker for 4 yrs.. Hard stuff only as well as staple drink. Had pancreatitis lvls of 19,331 and was on deaths door. Sober since mar 20th 2018. Now lvl is 72!!

20294722? ago

Booze is a bitch OP...been there, almost killed me. In and out of detox 4 times, numerous trips to ER when I tried to dry out myself, had a seizure one day that would have killed me had it not been for a friend with emergency medical training being there...it was bad. Life is a living hell once you become chemically addicted, when you get to the point where you need to have alcohol in your system just to function. My daily routine was 3 beers and two cups of coffee before work, a couple of big slams of whiskey on my lunch break, then the REAL drinking when I got home in the afternoon and drank until a I blacked out.

I finally kicked it, and now maintain with weed, coffee, and nicotine. I know I'll catch a lot of shit for saying this, that I'm still addicted to substances, but I'm a fuck-load better off with a joint, a cup of coffee, and a pack of butts than I was with a handle of Jim Beam. Yeah, the smokes will kill me eventually, but not as fast as the whiskey would have, and I'm not gonna kill a carload of innocent people driving the wrong direction on the highway.

As far as the anxiety that weed causes in some people, I've found that this often lessens in time. The trick is to start off with minimal dosage until you become acclimated to it. Also keep in mind there are different types of weed that produce various types of highs...something like a Indica rather than a Sativa is a better bet.

Maybe not for everyone, but it worked for me.


20294661? ago

Alchoholism is a spirit, a spirit of addiction who is in the kingdom of Bondage. First you must give your life to Christ, then ask him to loose you from the spirit of bondage and addiction and give you a spirit of soberness and freedom.. hope this helps

20294630? ago

Naltrexone cures heroin addiction through a special form of therapy. As an opioid antagonist, it increases withdrawal symptoms. This therapy uses a benzodiazepine or a barbiturate (GABA agonists) to knock the person out, and then they are administered naltrexone (or naloxone) intravenously and they go through all physical withdrawal symptoms while they are unconscious. These opioid antagonists are also being used for weight loss. They target reward seeking behavior. Matthew 6:19-21

20294623? ago

From my research, I found a good method is to dissolve one pill in water, and then measure out the dose you desire. I am still reading the book and intend to finish it by the time they arrive, so I'm not certain of the dosing but it appears to be between 3 mg and 4.5 mg for the "low dose" process.

And who says only socialists ration healthcare?

20294489? ago

but you cant do opiates either

20294446? ago

If you want to quit drinking you need to have something in your life that is so important it is worth not getting drunk for. I don't mean to be critical, I have been there too. But if you don't have something to be sober for, if you don't have something that is worth the sacrifice (because let's face it, drinking feels pretty good) it will be near impossible to stay sober or even to keep the drinking to a level that isn't destructive.

20294416? ago

26 years. Sometimes I dream that I'm drinking and I'm relieved when I wake up. I used a silly trick when the battle was raging but it worked for my personality type. I took the liar running around in my head and envisioned him sitting across the table from me. The slick-talking liar always pretended he was my friend but I knew his goal was to see me dead. It turns out I wanted to kill him more than he wanted to kill me.

20294349? ago

I agree with Jesus option also. In addition, you may want to look into Kratom. It's great for anxiety, and I read that many get free of opiate addiction using it. Happy Hippo Herbals is a trusted source in my opinion.

20294313? ago

I got a medical cannabis card and never looked back. I actually don't like smoking but one or two puffs took away all craving for a drink. Very easy, very inexpensive and very successful.

20294135? ago

Nothing beats Kratom to beat an addiction. Even Heroin.

20294041? ago

Cannabis not big pharma

20293969? ago

I quit drinking completely for 5 years now, 100% thanks to the help of Cannabis. Hopefully this Naltrexone works for you, but if not, consider Cannabis.

20293920? ago

Getting the "spirits" out of your life - good move.

20293919? ago

Try cannabis!

20297546? ago

Try opiates, worked for zyklon_b

20293725? ago

You can trick yourself into not drinking alcohol, but your original need to self-medicate will continue. I recommend CBD oil if it is legal in your state or territory. It has shown promising results in treating depression, anxiety, etc. with few side effects.

20293687? ago

With or without this pill, you have to decide if enough is enough. I crawled out the bottle over two years ago. Nothing is impossible.

20293680? ago

They used to use Naltrexone in the UK for quitting heroin. As it stops you feeling the hit at best, or after taking it will make you ill if you use

20293676? ago

I had a friend take apple cider vinegar with the mother and it eliminated cravings

20293672? ago

No way to sugar coat this ... but ... just ... stop ... drinking. I know it's easier said than done, but it CAN be done. YOU have to realize this and utilize your potential! You can kick it's ass and then some, show yourself.

20293303? ago

You can also try ALD-52, LSD, AL-LAD, MDMA, XTC or THC to do the job.

20293278? ago

Cures will drip out slowly to the public.

Trump knows all about the cures that were forbidden to the public.

20295069? ago

If he knows them and they stay hidden he's just as bad.

20293307? ago

Agreed! This is one that was "hidden" from me, for more than the last decade -- the book was written in 2008.

20293092? ago

Give it up, cold Turkey. Do this. Plan a trip, one where the focus will be on fun, for a solid week. River rafting, or something like that. Something that won't allow you to think about drinking.

Change your situation, it will change your mind, which will change your soul. Eitherway, you just got a prayer.

20298045? ago

Some of us drinkers would enjoy all that while tanked to the hills on the demon drink, any old excuse, river rafting, lets get the beers in.

I have drank almost every day for 12 years, 6 years ago I stopped the liquor, now it's beer, I need to get my shit together and stop.

I'd get addicted to vitamin c for fuck sake, my mind is a waste land.

20298271? ago

Have faith that you can move mountains. Then conquering alcohol doesn't look so daunting.

God made me experience the life of a drunk. No, I'm not going into details. But I can say that I TRULY understand.

You didn't think God would send someone that hasn't had life beat the shit out of him did you? To truly understand human suffering, God had to experience being Human.

Right now, if you chose, you can walk away strong, never look back, never think about alcohol entering you again. Or you can perish from the disease like I almost did.

You have me to lean on at anytime, send me a message, I'll be your rock. You are God's child, use that very fact to your advantage.

20296710? ago

I fully support your advice, patriot, but remember that the withdrawl from alcohol (for a heavy/daily drinker) can be life-threatening. Librium is usually given in detox centers for a few days so as to come off alcohol safely.

20297475? ago

Excuses will end up killing you patriot. Your choice.

Once again, I am speaking to you from experience.

20302634? ago

I am not going to argue, as I said I agree with you in spirit and I am on the same page with you. If one has any kind of habit but a serious, heavy daily drinking or benzo habit, I think that is great advice you're giving. It must be stated that for very heavy drinkers, the withdrawl can kill. It's part of the facts of the situation.

20293221? ago

Thank you!

20293362? ago

(once I was you)

20293062? ago

Alcoholic Anonymous one here, 16 AUG 16. Round the clock drinker - a mess. Naltrexone will work for the physical, but genuine alcoholics suffer from a spiritual malady - the use of alcohol is but a symptom of this malady.

Being sober is unparalleled, I hope you find what you’re looking for as God can and will if he is sought.


20293236? ago

The liver count thing seems important. I'm only 12% of the way through the book at the moment. I will have a blood test done, but I also need a new doctor. There's an "urgent care" facility nearby, I can have it done there. Thanks anon!

20293001? ago

Report back with your findings. I'm slowly cutting back, but something every couple of weeks causes me to take a drink (then 10). I'm a week on now, and have no desire to drink tonight, so I'm hoping this lasts. Funny thing is, back when I did some drugs, when I did them (whatever it was) i didn't want/need alcohol with it. So just one thing at a time with me I guess. Wonder if that's significant? I gave up drugs almost 2 decades ago though. What a horrible ride (other people) that was.

20293206? ago

I like to think that the people I've been exposed to have been "warnings" -- "you might end up like this."

Versus, "people to get revenge on" like so much of Hollywood's output urges us towards.

Those who have harmed me, have their own paths to walk. One, I learned years later, included prison time for continuing his crimes further than those he committed against me -- thus I feel partially responsible for his incarceration, because, had I fought back harder he might not have decided it was so easy...

20294662? ago

Yeah me too. I have no such animosity for drug users. That shit would cease if they were all legal. I have no desire to harm them, most are just users and would be happy to just have a reliable supply of cheap drugs. But the ones who cheat and rat and perpetrate all manner of evils to get their supply are different in a much more dangerous than the SAME type of person who does NOT do drugs. YOU are MUCH more vulnerable to their treachery.

20297468? ago

Agree 100%.

And, it fits in a broader perspective, as well -- those who use deceit to get their way, aren't welcome in my life. Regardless of what they're achieving, through said deceit.

20297500? ago

Good and evil. It's REAL. The evil want you to not believe that. They say HATE is evil. Predators and parasites REQUIRE prey. God HATES (in the Bible). ANYONE who says we should ALL unite in love IS EVIL.

20292962? ago

Best thing for PTSD is cannabis not alcohol.

20298749? ago

cbd oil without excessive THC is great for anxiety, depression, PTSD - smoking will destroy 95% of the bioactive compounds (don't be a stoner)

20292916? ago

Good luck, and don't forget cannabis has helped and is helping many to move away from the more dangerous drugs like Alcohol and Heroine. Cannabis is also used by many vets for PTSD.

Note - IF you can find a doctor using MDMA for PTSD, then go for it. I hear it is very very successful.

20294111? ago

My problem is I then get addicted to cannabis.

20298781? ago

cbd oil is not addictive and has minimal thc -

20296530? ago

And, what is your point? LOL kind of....

20292889? ago

Come Labor Day, I will have been sober for 7 years. I couldn't do it by will power (I so wanted to stop but couldn't. I just couldn't), Intensive long term in-patient treatment didn't keep me sober, lack of money and legal trouble didn't do it. Did plenty of drugs but they couldn't replace the alcohol. Finally, after accepting Jesus as Savior and praying every day for God to release me from my bondage, I was able to quit for good. I can't explain what has changed, but I have absolutely no desire to ever drink again. Some how, some way He disabled that consuming urge and gave me peace and contentment in my own mind and my own body without getting drunk. I thank Him every single day for that and all the other Blessings He has given me. He can and will do the same for you. Don't give up, don't stop praying and don't forget to thank him today and every day for your healing with full assurance that He will do what His Word says. Remember, God is Good, All the Time! I, for one, will be praying for you.

20320844? ago

God Bless Anon. Praying for you every day too.

20299270? ago

Similar to your story, anon, I was only able to quit smoking cold turkey after praying for the bondage to be broken in Jesus' name. I never had a craving since, and now run long distance. Both parents diagnosed with lung cancer, one passed from it, so addiction took away family.

20300949? ago

Just quit marijuana 2 weeks ago cold turkey through the power of God. Life is amazing and I’m so happy. Congrats to you on quitting, sorry for your circumstances. God Bless You

20295232? ago

Amen! He is amazing. I'm so very happy for you.

20294763? ago


20293186? ago

That brought tears. Thank you anon. Just said a prayer for you as well.

20294654? ago

You will want comfort when the Naltrexone kicks in. It will leave you feeling empty.

20297020? ago

Don’t take it if you are on any opiate based pain killers as it will also block them and can cause precipitated withdrawal if you are a daily user of them.

20292876? ago

We thought we could find an easier softer way ,but the result was nil. I’m hopeful for you.

20292861? ago

I'm addicted to poontang and I don't want no cure.

20292846? ago

Good luck anon, pulling for you. I cut back my drinking a ton recently, not fully quit yet, but cut waaay back.

20292823? ago

I've lost family due to this, and will lose even more no doubt. Thanks for sharing this, forwarded ti family who are struggling.

20293173? ago

Thank you for the feedback, I hope this can help.

20292718? ago

The new "medicine" President Trump was talking about from Johnson and Johnson, being purchased for the VA, is a Ketamine derivative, Ecstacy. .( Don't know how to spell it). It is proven to be an effective CURE for PTSD, (and associated problems). Greg Gutfield said a while back, on air, "when was the last time you heard of a cure, for anything". I think this is promising..

20293069? ago

is a Ketamine derivative, Ecstacy.

No, those are not in the same family of drugs (like Vicodin and Oxy are opiates, Valium and Xanax are Benzos) Ketamine is a dissociative that was primarily used in anesthetic. It puts you in a "zone" or twilight sleep" & Ecstasy is an amphetamine / stimulant that can give a user a warm, content, safe feeling with increasing their empathy.

Both do have therapeutic value work very different.

20293655? ago

Thanks for the clarification. Point is, the administration has taken a bold step here, with a "type" of drug/medicine that has been banned, or not accepted. The pharma community are looking at things like psychedelics to use as treatment for a variety of ills. This is a paradigm shift. Spravato.


20292713? ago

I tried it and had nasty side effects. I hear it works for some people though.

20292761? ago

What side effects did you experience? I tend to have a weak digestive system, so am expecting some perturbations in that regard. Will be taking probiotics when I start, to mitigate that effect. Curious about any others though, thanks!

20293189? ago

Mostly gut problems like diarrhea, nausea, I also felt hot and dehydrated. If you've got anxiety I don't recommend it either, it gave me panic attacks after I had overcome that problem years ago.

20293287? ago

Thank you! I will look out for those. I wonder if anxiety involves the opiate pathway in some manner? Was the panic only during the "extinction programming" phase, or all day long?

20293430? ago

It was all day long and lasted a couple days. That experience kept me sober for about six weeks though.

20293196? ago

That being said, give it a shot if you'll think it will help. It just didn't work for me.

20292705? ago

That would be fucking awesome if it works. I hope it does for you OP. Nobody deserves a life of addiction... Unless it's to sex, in which case 99% of all males suffer from the disease and 1% lie.

20292564? ago

Honestly... if you are on any sort of drugs.. switch to weed until you are over it. Some people never get over weed, but it's the least harmful and you can still live a pretty productive life.

20292416? ago

Hope 5his jew pharma works

20292406? ago

Antabuse works also, prevents you from drinking but also takes away the cravings.

20292548? ago

Actually this is mentioned in the book. It doesn't work. It "scares" you into stopping drinking; while taking it, if you drink, you'll have a violent (and possibly deadly) reaction to it.

Glad this wasn't recommended to me before I found naltrexone!

20293114? ago

I guess everyone is different, my alcoholic relative takes it and it saved his life. He wonders why everyone doesn't know about it. For him it took away the cravings too, so he didn't even want to drink while using the drug. And it takes a few days to wear off once you stop taking it apparently, so he can't make impulsive decisions to drink

20293159? ago

Great to hear it helped him! Obviously this book is biased towards the Sinclair Method; it didn't (at least, so far -- only 12% in) mention that antabuse reduces the cravings.

20292404? ago

Just switch to Marijuana. It is a weed that has saved my life. My health has improved tremendously since. Now I just need to get off the MJ because the munchies are killing me.

20292822? ago

You've exchanged a very harmful drug, alcohol, for a less harmful coping mechanism. What you're doing might seem to work for a while, but eventually you are going to have to face the trauma and do your spiritual work. Munching on the couch will not get you anywhere all that great.

20292604? ago

Unfortunately, that is another of my addictions. So, it has not helped with my drinking... Usually I start with drinking, and then smoke later in the evening. So hopefully the "low dose" action time will work on the alcohol, and then have ebbed away by the time smoking time rolls around.

Then again, perhaps it'd be good to deal with both. But I think that one aspect of the smoking is that it slows down my drinking. So there's something to what you're saying. Perhaps if I reversed the order, it'd help.

20295950? ago

PTSD is a brain issue. The amygdala is increased in size while the hippocampus is decreased and the prefrontal cortex is also involved, therein lies the feedback loop. There has been great success with eye movement therapy (EMDR). Eyes are directly connected to the brain. It also helps to read up on and do things to calm the amygdala and also to stimulate the vagus nerve. No drugs. Look it up.

20292513? ago

Can't smoke weed, did for 15 years, gives me massive anxiety everytime I smoke it now.

20298839? ago

cbd oil is actually "anti-anxiety" it counteracts the effects of thc when taken together. but you can buy thc free oil. weed of old stoner days was cultivated to produce the max amount of thc without any regard for cbd this is why you have schitzos with bran disorders walking around today. cbd oil is the antidote.

20298014? ago

find the strain that works for you, some strains have me climbing the walls, other strains just make me fucking happy and insightful.

20294214? ago

They have refined the strains bigly since legalization, there are many that do not do that now.

20293060? ago

Same with me.

20292375? ago

Ibogaine - also curing heroin adiction, very popular and lots of information on the web

20292345? ago

Peruvian shamanism my fren

20292235? ago

You can do it anon. I believe in you. You have a higher purpose.

20292196? ago

go peddle your pills somewhere else nothing to do with the board

20292766? ago

eat a dick! the wellness of patriots amd clear minds have EVERYTHING to do with this board

20293991? ago

2 words for you, FUCK OFF. the op clearly is shilling for the pills

20294089? ago

only a satanist would call providing help with addictions a shill.... good job outting yourself dummy

20295629? ago

wow you got me figured out I,m definitely a satanist for pointing out the op post is linking to stuff to sell a pill, I'm not the one here trying to sell a "magic" cure.

20292717? ago

has everything to do with patriots in chaos..

20292361? ago

This board is for learning and preparing for what is going on in the world, what we may face. It can be only a good thing for patriots to be in the best condition possible to meet the coming demands. Whether or not Q is real, there will be hardships to face. Physically or emotionally. Best to not be struggling with addictions.

Thank you OP. I hope you are successful.

20292524? ago

Thank you. I hope this can help others. To your comment's parent, I make nothing from sales of pills, I'm just a broken man in search of solutions to the problems I face and this seems like a potential one.

20292745? ago

just break the habit.. dont buy anymore.. you're gonna have to deal with the withdraws. it sucks.. but you can do it.. BE STRONG! ask jesus to help you stop craving the devils juice

20292827? ago

I did. This popped up in my feed.

There's a story about a guy stuck on his roof in a flood, praying for assistance. A boat comes by, he says "not to worry, God will save me." a helicopter comes by, same thing. He eventually drowns, and at the Pearly Gates asks "why didn't you save me?" and the answer is, "We sent several of our messengers to save you."

I've tried doing what you suggest. It has not worked -- for me. I'm certain that it works for others; although, AA has something like an 85% recidivism rate. The Sinclair Method has around an 80% success rate. So I am hopeful that this will produce better results than I've gotten in the past.

Thank you for your response!

20292988? ago

Low rates of success can’t be blamed on AA as it is often prescribed to people as an alternative to jail. In other words many people who attend AA don’t have any interest in actually quitting the drink. Anyone who is sincere in they desire to stop drinking can and will.

20293122? ago

Well, if there's a record of them being punished and forced to attend, then I would imagine a statistic can be created for "recidivism rate, when punished" and "recidivism rate, when sought on one's own" but since that statistic doesn't seem to exist, makes me wonder...

I tried Marijuana Anonymous years ago and wasn't much helped by it. Never went to AA but MA is based on AA's approach.

Hoping this will work better.

20293211? ago

I hope it works for you too .the price seems prohibitive.the long and short of AA is it’s between you and god.an AA meeting can be you and the book,that’s it. I found that I wasn’t emotionally sober and that by being in a room of peers it was easier to discuss my problems.we thought we could find an easier softer way but the result was nil .untill we let go absolutely.

20292870? ago

have faith... first part of beating addiction is breaking the habit.. you can do it!!!

20292319? ago

Yeah just quit, it might be difficult but its that simple and no need to become a slave to Big Pharma

20292711? ago

Naltrexone is used for many things, it's not something people stay on for a long time which is why these therapies are not well known.

20292157? ago

I've also heard you can take naltrexone for a long time and then stop cold turkey and it's like a high for days. It's and opioid antagonist so when you get off of it it's like the opposite of opiate withdrawals, instead of feeling like shit your body floods with dopamine that has been being blocked by the naltrexone. Reverse withdrawals sounds kind of cool.

20292192? ago

Nothing cool about it. But It was developed for opiate withdrawl like Suboxil

20292260? ago

there was a report that suboxone doesnt do as promised. infact, if i recall, suboxone actually had an opiate base.. i took the neighbor girl a few times for her treatment.. she did better for a week then fell of the radar. havent seen her since.

20292301? ago

Wink Wink Nudge Nudge say no more..

20292391? ago

i think she moved down town. but i havent had to head down there for permits or anything either.. im sure when the weather starts getting cool again she'll be back at her moms bumming cigarettes whenever im out side working. or some illegals got her.could be in jail too..she did have 2 warrants... but refused to go to walk-in court.

20292140? ago

LSD is reported to help also. Good luck.

20292860? ago

I don't think I could handle LSD at my age, would fuck me up, too much to worry and think about. Can you imagine thinking about NWO and all their shit for 8 hours while tripping, no thanks.

20299646? ago

Good luck my friend. Positive energy coming in your direction. Close eyes, deep breath and fell the support of real people. Wwg1wga

20295452? ago

It wouldn't be on your mind. And if it was you would only get new helpful revelations that ease your mind. LSD is extremely therapeutic for depression. I would've offed myself by now. Tripping helped me understand exactly what I was battling against.

20295517? ago

I hear you, I am in a pretty good place now. Not looking for more enlightenment. If I don't know what I am doing by mid mid 40s, I never will.

20296876? ago

At least I have time to get my shit together then. I guess.

20294195? ago

you gotta just go out and nature and do a small dose. the trip kind of goes through waves of happiness and sadness but its because you reflect on truths of your life

20294780? ago

I tried San Pedro just out of curiosity. Always a mild effect and very pleasant. Then on one occasion, having the plant I tried Echinopsis scopulicola. It seemed much more extreme. I don't have much urge to drink anymore but I'm suspicious of the plant wonder why it's effects are so unpleasant.

20293509? ago

Yeah, but get a good friend to acompany you. Psykedelics is powerfull medicine.

20294425? ago

too old for that now, had a couple good friends and those adventures years ago.

20295873? ago

Mutch love. And God bless us all.

And take special care of all the dogs and pups of the world ❤️

20293365? ago

I don't think I could handle LSD at my age, would fuck me up

I can definitely see how someone would object to this, but I agree. Psychedelics may be beneficial when you're 19 and still exploring, but by the time you're in your late thirties or forties, I imagine it would do more harm than good — by shattering the prism you've carefully polished over your life and use to interpret the world.

Come at me, Joe Rogan!

20294207? ago

the prism sounds like it needs to be shattered. A lot of people's problems come from the false world they've created for themselves

20294002? ago

Shattering that prism is an essential step in the great awakening. Break free from the illusion and see the world as it is.

20293160? ago


20292850? ago

Can be helpful just be very careful about set and setting. Ideally should be done out in nature, not crowded festivals.

20292152? ago

I have heard/read that. Mushrooms as well. This I could get with a credit card. :)

20295469? ago

Or from a fellow patriot. Wink wink. (Blue meanies)

20292862? ago

Shrooms really helped my buddy quit drinking completely, he wanst a huge drinker, but now he never drinks, thanks to a few trips.

20292359? ago

I used mushroom microdosing daily for a few weeks after the initial withdrawal of opiates in place of anti depressants. Really helped me quite a bit.

20298969? ago

Microdosing intrigues me. I'm currently sober after many years of stim abuse but still have urges. How much would you dose? What were the daily effects? Manageable?

20292133? ago

Thank you Patriot.

20292143? ago

You are welcome. I hope this helps me! I have a friend IRL who I intend to share it with but I want to see the benefits for myself, first.

20292114? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=DkG_Y_g0_co :

What if you could Forget to Want Alcohol? | The Sinclair Method - YouTube

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