20758060? ago

Is she German or Swedish?!?! Every story is different.

20754964? ago

They will claim she has all sorts of mental illness to deflect any responsibility for her behaviour because her parents are the source of the dis function.

Don't fall for the gaslighting!!!

Everyone is pathologizing her abuse and stress symptoms and making it all her fault.

Her parents have warped her sense of reality. Terrorized her for years with a fake coming apocalypse.

She is showing signs of anxiety, fear, depression, stress and confusion. All her efforts to help herself have further isolated her and showered her in more gaslighting.

Her parents have made enormous amounts of money from this. Gained lots of fame and attention for themselves.

She is connected to George Soros.

She is being promoted by the UN and cabal players.

She has already said that she was suicidal. So why put her through all this?


Because her parents are psychopaths. This is what psychological abuse looks like. It's done for narcissistic supply and money. Greta is what the victims look like. And now they are getting so many people to be their useful idiots and call her crazy just gaslighting and destabilizing her more.

We should be calling out the narcissistic abuse tactics that they have used against her. How they have abused her. We could save Greta or we can help kill her.

They would love us to help finish her off. But exposing their psychotic game we could fuck a whole lot of cabal and UN players at once.

Tell me your still confused after you have read this brief explanation of this abuse!


20749555? ago

Child clone

20747740? ago

Hey all,

It almost looks to me that Q was telling us (from the recent post 3570) that there would be a big climate change narrative push. It seemed odd that NY kids got a day off school for climate protest, then greta saying "I should be at school"

Here's a vid, about Arnold Schwarzenegger and Greta meeting last month, also talking about climate change stuffs. They did the same trick Trump used to set up the meeting with Kim at the North Korean border (quick meetup message via twitter)

youtube watch?v=XkOdMRUQkN8

He even says " I wanna see the plan, coz there is no plan" . David attenborough and Harrison ford also seems connected to this recent climate narrative push at the UN. I've also seen that Soros is involved

reddit r/conspiracy/comments/d7xlfx/ greta_thunberg_exposed/

And even obama met with her just recently

20747554? ago

The pedo greens and die Linke (commi pedos) will be like nope.

20746719? ago

She's an actress. Yes, she has "that look" that they crave. Look at the pictures of the kids - that something-not-quite-right right kind of weird look to them? Distorted waifs. Anyways, this was some cheap publicity news stunt for consumption in the EU.

20746281? ago

Apparently her handler works for soros'.

20743808? ago

NO 16 year old should THINK they way she does.

20747581? ago

Don't you remember 16yo ourselfes knew everything too.

But really, didn't you see the vidoe where she was asked a question that wasnt in her notes? How she couldnt answer, how she did the worst mistake somone can do when going political, she styed silent.

She doesnt think.

(Wonder if the reporter had an accident yet)

20748325? ago

I know, but my PARENTS made me realize (20/20 hindsight) that I was RONG.

20746450? ago

I am not sure she actually thinks just yet. She may think she thinks, or say she thinks, but has she thought about what she says, or is she just regurgitating something she has been force fed ideology as if there was no other way to think about the topics she has been taught to pretend to be concerned about?

20749367? ago

"Could, could someone else take the question?"

20748339? ago

THAT is the issue. 16 year olds THINK it's simple. It's NOT. She is BRAINWASHED, yet she doesn't realize it. Troublex IS, I think feminists and fags and other retards come from this MOLD. If only there was a way to PROVE (there is) how STUPID they ARE. What intelligence IS. Make them HUMBLE, in the face of God.

20743531? ago

yes - child abuse

20742751? ago

There's nothing to discuss, it's as obvious at the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome on her face.

20742728? ago

It's hilarious because this is yet another thing that has blown up in their face!

20742655? ago

She isn’t abused or mentally ill where autism is concerned. She is an extremely well paid actress working a job for Soros/Gates/Rothschilds; made $46 Million in the last year. Most people would say anything about anything or anyone for far less. She’s just another David Hogg, but with money.

20747576? ago

No money.

You really think they actually going to let her have the money, especially when she is about to turn 18?

My bet is on some accident, something like "she sat in a running car in the garge to prove something something CO2"

20748623? ago

Oh I’m sure she’s got (((leeches))) sucking her bank account dry, but she is still a paid shill for her performances. Once she serves her purpose, she’ll be “lost at sea” and they’ll find another.

20750093? ago

Thats the point, when someone is lost at sea you dont have to pay them anymore.

20742430? ago

This is more than Greta, all of these kids world wide have been part of a ten year social manipulation scheme. THIS IS NOT ABOUT CLIMATE, 15.5 million people(kids) signed on in three month when the trigger went out. This Greta thing was their trial run for March 2020.

I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH, DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THESE PEOPLE. THEY SPELL IT OUT THEMSELVES. READ THIS. Sorry for caps, I believe through research that this is a huge threat.


20742148? ago

They do have a point

20741501? ago

That's my take. Shame.

20741413? ago

I love how she can't sue the US or China because they didn't sign on to the necessary UN treaty. Don't sign onto bullshit treaties!

20740871? ago

German politicians would know all about that..

20740868? ago

yeah - when she screamed about ruining her childhood, she wasn't talking to those in front of her, but to those standing behind her

20744098? ago

The whole bit she was able to offer a simcerity to:

I shouldnt be up here

You have stolen my dreams

Thats interesting

20740900? ago


20740842? ago

I thought this was a good meme about using women and children + tragedy to move a population. A tale as old as time


20743315? ago

but this but this

20740816? ago

Well well well - Looky here - https://files.catbox.moe/z1ld42.png

Ms Greta has an actress page on IMDB. Hmmmm

Of course, Snopes, that perennial pain-in-the-ass-liberal-shill-pretend-fact-check site declares that this is no big thing. I mean, um, well, you know, Donald Trump is listed as an actor, ya know. They say her acting creds don't diminish her "concern" for the environment. But they certainly explain her overacting in the moment. They explain that she has been trained. Also explains why/how they had those other child actors right there with her. And her handler.

Apropos of this conversation - this is a wonderful article complete with a video that makes it crystal clear what the game really i


Share far and wide...

20743625? ago

Ernman .... Every. Fucking. Time.

20742969? ago

looks like someone just set that up. fake.

20740779? ago

Who'd have thought we'd be thankful for something Germany did.

20740903? ago

Germany did shit. It's AfD who speaks out about the real issues. Much of the populace is retarded beyond help.

20740607? ago

Is Greta really Hansel in drag? Asking for a fren....

20749333? ago

wow, "in the oven with her" dual meaning...

20740576? ago

Soros’ Baby

20740561? ago

Isn't she Swedish? Her handler is German I believe.

20741065? ago

There are no nationalities in the EU / 4th Reich

20743273? ago

Kek, tell that to the Greeks, who would love themselves some 'rapefugee welcome package' when arriving in Germany, after the German 'solidarity' (we are all brothers in the E.U., right) 'helped' their country became the Chinese doormat in Europe.

Tell that to the Germans who stash away 600 billion € each year from their Euro partners, thanks to the undervalue of the € compared to the old Deutschmark. They will most certainly help rapefugees in Italy you think ? Nein !

20740474? ago

They should be taking turns abusing her.

20740431? ago

Have some fresh bread re this Satanic POS: >


20740423? ago

Severn Cullis-Suzuki v.s. Greta Thunberg

Soph re: Greta - Soph is 2 years younger and writes her own material

Greta with no script: https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=0bwLt_5t73g

20743111? ago

Some of it was painful to watch but the comments are gold (especially the last video) and it's always a pleasure seeing Soph again.

20740369? ago

Germany legal system is so chaotic and unpredictable, but tends to lean leftist, so we know the outcome will be :

"No, we decide she is NOT a pawn, and anyone saying the child is , is being a racist anti-semite, and having HATE-THOUGHTS"

This is the same federal court system that locks people up for merely thinking that maybe less illegal immigration into germany might be better. ! HAH!

20747591? ago

Basically this and in the same breath they will foster care all the children of "Reichsbürger" for politicaly abusing the children (because right leaning belives)

20742772? ago

So true, so true !

20740361? ago

Definite child abuse!

20740421? ago

There is pimping a child for sex or politics. They can are interchangeable. How else do you think Pedo-Blackmail can suck in greedy Political/Industrial ladder climbers?

20740306? ago

It was just one from the AFD - all others use the climate hoax for their agenda. The AFD is the only conservative party in Germany and denounced as right-wing.

20749135? ago

https://voat.co/v/Germany/3319061 Four '"Germans" accused of gang rape in Mallorca turn out to be Turks. German media outlets busted knowingly suppressing ethnicity.

20740269? ago

The German parliament is now discussing whether Greta Thomberg...

Her name is usually spelt "Thunberg" and I think that it's pronounced "toonbairg".

20740492? ago

Arabic pronunciation is poontang

20747727? ago

I think I just pissed myself. kek

20740627? ago

^This, Lol!

20740221? ago

Only idiots would not believe that she was used for political motives by the globalists (Soros, et al). But they have to 'discuss' this among themselves to sound 'interested' because of the backlash.

20747564? ago

I knew it when every fucking morning show droped her name, confirmation came for me when I went to a book store and saw 3 books about her.

20742024? ago


Say the word, kike.

20749478? ago

The word is.. Uh.. Globalist. Like people who want to take over the world. Bad guys.

20750836? ago

You can say jew here. Refusing to say it just makes you look like a closet kike or boomer.

20742513? ago

Most of them aren't Jewish, useful idiot.

20742745? ago

You probably know them all.

Do you have the stats ? Would you kindly share ?

20743037? ago

Biden's, Bush's, Clinton's, Obama, Cheney... The list goes on and on. Shit.. the Rothschilds aren't even Jews, they just claim to be.

Don't think for a second that we're going to join your echo chamber just because you REEEEEE about it. Cry all you want SJW and then fuck off.

20744492? ago


20743727? ago

Do you even know what the term SJW means?

20744375? ago

Yeah.. Do you understand what the MSM pushes about us? You fags fit the description of a ROLCON stalwart, SJW.

20744504? ago

I'm not roleplaying as a conservative because I don't play into your boomer political dichotomy. Read some Max Stirner before you try to bounce on my dick, faggot.

20750991? ago

muh Jews, boomer, orange man bad

Run along, stalwart, nobody's trying to bounce on your fag stick.

20751060? ago

Keep sucking zion's dick, fag.

I like how you ignored the part about Stirner because you haven't read a book since 1980.

20751434? ago

Nice try, stalwart, only shills try to create illusions to make their point. I'm not a boomer, I don't play partisan politics and I believe we should punish everyone involved in the globalist agenda. Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Atheists, Democrats, Republicans... Everyone. Piss off back to your boss's fag flute, you've already lost.

20743701? ago

I'm not crying, I'm just asking you for data on what your advancing, but you have none.

Project at will ! o7

20739993? ago

She was likely conceived for Satan.

20746743? ago

so a botched abortion?

20741530? ago

Moon child

20745278? ago

Yes...moon child. Ever notice how (((they))) all look like someone else and never the "parents"?

20749740? ago

They all have elongated horns too.

20748291? ago


Aliestar Crowley shit.

20739584? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=pV4VBcWYSC8 :

German MP's: Thunberg may be victim of child abuse - YouTube

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