20751339? ago

I can't find any page realated to this sick foundation from wikipedia. Has it been removed?

20748131? ago

This blew up during Pizzagate and yes it's what Trump is referring to.

20748125? ago

So change it back! That's the beauty of Wikipedia, anyone can change the "facts". Which makes it a total joke but I digress. Just before the election, if you Googled "Donald Trump" and clicked "I'm Feeling Lucky", a Wikipedia page came up with "45th President of the United States"

Patriots did this and it was awesome

20747130? ago

Do you have a copy of the Wikipedia page that did have info about Schitt being associated with this group?

20746791? ago

"STANDARD" Operating procedures for Adam. Hotel California give you any clues? Its all there for anyone to see. They broadcast it in every move they make.

20746883? ago

The fact he's a member of a (((antichrist pedophile master race cult))) is also a key indicator.

20744978? ago

perverted jew.

20743126? ago

Next he wont be a (((((((((())))))))))) asshole either the.n his family history with the rothies and fed reserve will vaanish..

20742652? ago

Wikipedia and Schniff are both crooked in my opinion.

20741697? ago

If that happened, that means Schiff is on his way out. Good to know thanks.

20740254? ago

Jewz like little kidz. It is jewish culture.

20740237? ago

"Liddle" Adam Schiff

20739937? ago

Here's some Schitt bread for you: >


20739868? ago

The only babies needing to be held by strangers have no parents and I'm betting prospective foster parents are guided into this by the foundation. Really sick.

20745785? ago

The only babies needing to be held by strangers have no parents

Agreed: babies need to be held to help them learn how to clam down when they are crying or anxious. The mother's heart rate and anxiety is usually elevated when her baby is distressed and when she holds the baby to calm it down, her heart rate and anxiety decreases and the baby learns from this. There's a physical part of the brain which controls anxiety management and it develops during this time.

I can't recall the specific study because I read it years ago... so I may have it a bit wrong too, but I recall reading that most violent criminals in prison were neglected as infants and have difficulty calming themselves down when they become angry.

That said, getting molested by the Sons of Satan pedophiles while they have raging erections does nothing for a baby.

20743195? ago

I know of a story about an inlaw adopted child so sad.

20739727? ago

Too late. All archived OFFLINE.

Checkmate mother fuckers.

20739555? ago

If that fucking bastard wins, we all hang from nooses

They are afraid, and they should be.

20739433? ago

this is just vile, will enjoying seeing these vermin suffer for their crimes

20739244? ago

/pol/ is all over this also. Live thread - http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/227960432

20739087? ago

Holy fuck this is disturbing.

20738921? ago

Infant and pediatric massage? WTF Nothing could go wrong there.

20738667? ago

You have a snapshot from before and after?

20738456? ago

The only reason the elite let you peasants live is because you're cattle on a tax and baby farm. You exist solely to provide them wealth from your labor and to provide your children to rape and murder.

20738715? ago

What you said sound like it's taken directly from the Talmud.

20738115? ago

Once again, Wikipedia is not a credible source.

20738221? ago

Not on wikipedia, and OP has provided no source.

20738288? ago

Apparently you can't read, OR you have reading comprehension challenges. It's both, isnt it Shillboi...?

20738574? ago

There is no source for Adam Schitt being a member. One has not been provided. You AND OP are a shill trying to make fun of QAnon followers.

20739833? ago

Projecting much?

20738036? ago

A Descendant of Jacob Schiff https://jewsofnewyork.org/blog/video/the-descendants-of-jacob-schiff/6/

ADAM SCHIFF A Stone-cold Traitor Guilty of Spearheading a Highly Organized Conspiracy to Commit Treason and Overthrow the POTUS.

Very few understand that Ukraingate is a highly organized Deep State operation to again take down Trump. We have leads in D.C. that are pointing to Shiff, Schumer, Clinton and Brennan are behind the latest whistle blower complaint written by Attorneys of the aforementioned.

20738273? ago

Your inside knowledge would seem more credible if you shared it before all your claims became public knowledge.

20738566? ago

Yeah. Bet you didn't know BOLTON is the scab that leaked the info to the whistle blower.

20738738? ago

Your baseless guess only strengthens the argument that President Trump is shit at picking Cabinet members.

Would you like to try again?

20739015? ago

WE KNOW. You'll find out next week.

20737953? ago

where in the world is Trump tweeting at 8:32pm local time today?

20737790? ago

Infants actually do benefit from being held, especially skin to skin contact. HOWEVER - not by creepy pedos and random, likely never background checked Bidens.

20738586? ago

No source for Adam Schitt being a member. This is either a shill or a troll.

20739746? ago

Fuck off SHILL. ICU

'o-o' <

20798891? ago

kek, reminded me of that instant chat israeli software way back, "ICQ" -- play on words, "i seek you" -- but now, with what we're discussing -- "I see Q"!

20799016? ago


20740906? ago

I have researched this thoroughly and have found no evidence that connects schiff to liddle kidz. I know we all suspect it because of POTUS’s tweets, but no one has ever found proof. Neither does that article you linked.

20739757? ago

Mm Mm Mmm - Schitt is [PROPER FUCKED] now!

20739267? ago

I am scouring through it, but the only "connection" I see is being in the same district. Fuck, I'd even settle for a screenshot at this point.

20739281? ago

I am scouring through it, but the only "connection" I see is being in the same district. Fuck, I'd even settle for a screenshot at this point.

20738467? ago

only if it’s a trans cis gender chinchilla with social anxiety disorder

20738406? ago

Infants are supposed to be held by their parents and their mothers more specifically.

20741177? ago

Fuck is that why Trump calls him Little Adam Schitt?

20747769? ago

Trump never just randomly does something. The moniker makes sense, now. Had no idea that this organization existed. Shitt may be the Jimmy Savile of the US. Sick, fucking POS of shit.

20739044? ago

Those poor orphans are just out of luck I guess?

20747039? ago

You realize no contact is better than being molested, yeah?

20749344? ago

That is one hell of a fucking choice.

These babies need parents. Full stop. We can agree on that.

A function that parents are supposed to provide is touch. Loving, intimate, non sexualized, touching. I will completely agree that this charity looks to be aligned to let the worst in the world gain access to those least able to protect themselves.

That withstanding, even brief holes in human contact can break these children as badly as direct abuse. Deprivation is as potent an exploitation as abuse.

20739963? ago

Do you believe that organizations like this actually serve that role, or more likely provide cover for money laundering, pedophiles, and those wanting access to touch orphaned children?

20737929? ago

exactly this

20737664? ago

Just when you thought this world couldnt get any creepier

20738333? ago

Welcome to the Apocalypse, by the way apocalypse is a good thing it is a good word, in the original Greek it simply means to unveil or to reveal.

20738230? ago

OP has no source for the claim.

20739781? ago

Fuck off Schill.

20738598? ago

And the org has no wikipedia page...

20737555? ago

What da actuall fuck.

The frontpage is littered with pedo symbolism🙈

Liddlkidz page

20741144? ago

It's rather creepy to say the least.

20738739? ago

The frontpage is littered with pedo symbolism

for example? The whole thing seems creepy AF, but I didn't notice any pedo symbols.

20739787? ago

Are you new or just dumb?

20740564? ago

We are called "skeptics" and we like to see "evidence" before reaching conclusions.

20740667? ago

I have been providing very detailed analysis in many posts over the last year. Where the hell have you been?!

Today the shit is hitting the fan, and I don't have time to hold people's hands. Sorry.


20740722? ago

so you can't give any examples, faggot? Your post is useless. You saying you have been posting for as long as blah blah blah is irrelevant. You could have just said "look at the concentric triangles" (except there aren't any on their front page). You could have said "look at the concentric hearts" (except there aren't any). You could have said "look at the butterfly with wings made from hearts" (except there aren't any of those either). You could have said "I am a faggot" (except we already know that).

20740771? ago

You are projecting again.

20741116? ago

except you are still the one not giving examples and I AM GIVING EXAMPLES. For somebody who knows what they are talking about you sure spend a lot of time typing without adding any weight to your argument

20739210? ago

Check the «seals» lower down.

The one with butterfly, hearts etc. There is something about the color choice also. Tropical, exotic themed.

20740617? ago

Color choices? You are really reaching. Are they "kid-friendly" colors, yes. Does that imply pedophilia? No. I know there is a pedo symbol that is a combination of butterfly and hearts, but just using a standard butterfly or a standard heart isn't very conclusive. You seem like you really want there to be pedo symbols, and i can appreciate your concern, but try to use a little bit of scrutiny.

20741743? ago

And a hefty dose of snark 😂😘

20738488? ago

And kids who literally look terrorized

20739221? ago

Yeah, its just a wierd wierd vibe on that site

20739294? ago

Agree, esp. the trainings, etc. Makes ya want to take a shower just visiting the front page.

20738061? ago

What the fuck.

20741197? ago


20737135? ago

Wow. More jew calling. Never sen that before. It's like you people are obsessed. Buncha fanbois.

20737173? ago

Well, this is a truther community.

20737533? ago

So glad I am not you. So glad. It must be terrible.

20737771? ago

It's worse to be a (((kiddie diddler))), or to protect (((them))).

We need a name for "triggered jew".

20737799? ago

We need a name for "triggered jew".

Isn't that redundant?

20737727? ago

I smell a kike

20737091? ago

I have yet to see any evidence besides the fact Liddle Kidz had an address in Schiff's district. You have any way to show that this fact was on wikipedia?

Liddle Kidz Foundation seems super-creepy to me.

20739237? ago

remember when trump called him "liddle" adam schiff?

20739054? ago

Look at the left side of the home page they may not have an address in his district but they made a stop there in Sun valley June 18-19th.

20738242? ago

This is all about discrediting QAnon folk. No source.

20739799? ago


20737730? ago

You're talking to people who think an anonymous poster on 8chan is a government insider sharing "redpills" and "breadcrumbs" with them.... Evidence isn't their strong suit.

20740016? ago

The fact that you are wasting your time here reading posts, comments and making replies is evidence that Q is not just a LARP.

20739811? ago

Fuck off idiot Schill.

20738562? ago

sounds like a bunch of shill fag nonsense but ok

20738504? ago

You're talking to people who think an anonymous poster on 8chan is a government insider sharing "redpills" and "breadcrumbs" with them.... Evidence isn't their strong suit.

So then whatcha doin' here, Einstein?

20738633? ago

laughing at you chucklefucks. It's cheaper than going to the movies and more entertaining than most of the dreck hollywood is churning out these days.

20739823? ago

No. You are checking up on what is going to go down. WE ARE THE NEWS.

Now fuck off.

20738648? ago

Oh, so you're just here feeding YOUR schadenfreude mental illness? For free? Hahahahahahaha

20736861? ago

What is the purpose of the apostrophe?

20744966? ago

It just means there are letters coming. Liddle' = LiddleKidz

20737456? ago

It's indicating an unofficial or colloquial spelling, similar to how many rappers preface their stage names with Lil'.

20737330? ago

If you took a page of text and highlighted a word on that page with a yellow marker, which word on that page would come to your attention when you first viewed that page?

CNN quickly took the bait.