20740282? ago

This post I just made is driving (((them))) CRAY CRAY!


20738675? ago

This shill post is made just to get you to panic and post stupid lies like "LiddleKidz has a wikipedia page" and "8Chan is coming on in just a few hours". I am so sick of retards getting played by shills, I am going to have to check out for the day. inb4 "see ya" "don't let the door hit ya"

20737966? ago

Solomon's doc dump

20737575? ago

Shittin' in (((their))) britches, Bitches...

20736570? ago

yeah, a bunch of us noticed that twitter manually removed #Crowdstrike from the trending map, and then tried to conflate it with some sports story that had nothing to do with it.

20736250? ago

Yep commie shills having a total meltdown over crowdstrike/ukraine exposure

20736155? ago

All online platforms have been Jewing at 100% since the release of the declassified phone transcript.

(((Twitter))) has banned all QAnon content and (((JewTube))) is rolling out new algorithms to push only those to agree with the Jew World Order's white genocide agenda.

Meanwhile, most normies still seem unaware they're witnessing a fight for the survival of western civilization and likely all of mankind from being culled and enslaved by the Jewish "master race".

20738205? ago

Well (((JewTube))) is owned by a Russian Jew so no surprise with "That one".

20738049? ago

^^^^ perfect shill tactic example here ^^^^

refuse calling them satanists and try to divide/ put Qanon movement in a "white supremacist and anti-semite box"

all while ignoring this is worldwide, good against evil, patriots have no skin color

20739934? ago

Fuck Niggers.

20737756? ago

How dare you speak bad of our friends, the jews. Israel and jews are Gods Chosen and you will stop this hate against them. We listen to only what the jews say.

20737652? ago

from: doglegwarrior

good to see you Qanons naming the (((real))) problem.. thank you. 3748959 for naming the jew something the Qanons on voat couldnt seem to do and you described it perfectly

20736252? ago

Meanwhile, most normies still seem unaware they're witnessing a fight for the survival of western civilization and likely all of mankind from being culled and enslaved by the Jewish "master race".

Sheeple gonna sheep.

20740683? ago

I think (((they))) thought the sheep would get involved at some point but those sheep are too lazy. They love watching stuff.

20736249? ago

False. Q stuff is still being posted on Twitter and PrayingMedic is still active.

Proof please.

20736584? ago

You know how someone can be shadowbanned and appear online but only to themselves, meanwhile they're unreachable to others?

I'm quite certain that (((enemy platforms))) have gotten more sophisticated tools than that, especially now that we're wise to the tactic.

I believe influencing search results based on who's searching is their next strategy. Someone searches for PrayingMedic and they'll find them, someone with conservative tags on their IP address will see them on their feed, meanwhile they're aggressively pushed down or just not listed for others.

This isn't as easy to prove as shadowbanning, and they like it because all the evidence is contained on the server side. Seems related to the "internet bubble" and "echo chamber" phenomenon, but with the ability for platforms to control them.

20739921? ago

The have two different FBs . One for them and one quarantined. When they unrolled it in the spring it was obvious because they used a dated version. They likely updated it by now. It was the old visually 'block' css styling , maybe it was a subtle 'you're blocked' message. Anyways I don't visit the site anymore because I know I can't beat thier identification systems. they must drag up phone records. Total waste of time. I can echo chamber here and do my irl shit still.

Today we are fucking a jew and a few niggers.

20737827? ago

100% this is happening. I first saw it within the twitter sphere, anytime I searched while logged in I got wildly different results than searching while logged in to a different account.

20737592? ago

That is happening to me on THIS board!

20740718? ago

How so?

20740749? ago

Went from average of 50 -70 up likes per post, down to 1 or 2 consistently. Smells funny to me.

20736134? ago

Seems normal and slow.