20747987? ago

Let me guess, he doesn't GAF. lol

20746638? ago

Liddle’ Adam Schiff. Wonder what the apostrophe is for? It’s for Kidz. LiddleKidz. Pediatric massage (seriously WTF). Adam Schiff is connected to this. Tick Tock. [Why this? ... look that up on Amazon]. Getting the picture yet? Trump has been telling you this on Twitter for a while, but the MSM is playing dumb. Why is that?

20747964? ago

Also, ties to Ed Buck and the Standard Hotel.

20744911? ago

Some turds are harder to flush than others. Adam Shit - the turd you just can't flush.

20740522? ago


Will Adam Schiff, the Liddle Leaking Liar, Be Forced to Resign?



28 Mar 2019 - 12:03:33 PM


"Congressman Adam Schiff, who spent two years [knowingly] and unlawfully lying and leaking, should be forced to resign from Congress!"




Leaking investigations can lead to [forced] resignations.

[Knowingly] disseminating FALSE information is illegal.



20739943? ago

Schitt going down The Schitter: >




20741510? ago


20738785? ago

this floating piece of Shitt will never resign. just arrest him and put him on trial for his crimes

20738632? ago

Can you imagine if it actually happened? Schiff resigning for being an idiot. Wow... Who would step in?

20738536? ago

Chick Chick, BOOM!

20737864? ago

Funerals or GTFO

20737716? ago

Forget the democrats and so called liberals. They don't have any morals or ethics; totally brain dead. Just bring back rule of law and punishment. Forget the hemp, it's a waste of good rope ; bring back ole' sparky. That used to get peoples attention. Ask the Rosenberg's.

20741004? ago

To easy how bout some cockleshells? Sounds fitting to me any others means is just easy. Stockade town square rotton food and stones.

20738133? ago

rosenbergs? oy vey!

20737517? ago

we can assist with the removal and place him in the stockade and throw rotten fruit at him all day then tar and feather him then Gitmo.

20738142? ago

stocks, naked & bent-over, & death by a thousand cuts.

20737398? ago

I read a rumor Adam Schiff has been detained. Just a rumor but Deutsche bank just died, REPO market is a band-aid on a bullet wound about to implode.

All before 10/1, the start of the new fiscal year for government. Storm IS HERE !!!!

20737355? ago

Please God, let most of those responses be paid shills/bots/not real Americans. I can have faith in this plan, but it's starting to chip away at my well being, thinking that so many countrymen are so willfully wrong. Dead set, in concrete to not allow one sliver of light in. To flat out refuse to engage in meaningful exchange. I just can't believe it's human nature to build so much hate so quickly over...what? Zero to 100 in an instant. They never made a peep about anything until someone told them they should be mad. It just doesn't seem real.

THIS is my challenge. I'm praying really hard that somehow, miraculously, the cloud is lifted and they suddenly see the truth.

20738202? ago

This is asymetrical warfare. The battle is for your mind. Know that you are winning.

20740967? ago

Iv always won some battles have been long and hard, how else could we shine so brightly? Its why 1111 was so important for some of us gifted and talented. It set us free too. Unleashed our abilities.

20737304? ago

it's legal to lie to u.s. citizens. it's legal to lie to Congress. we keep letting this happen

20737137? ago

Twitter responses are auto generated bots for the most part. Change my mind.

20741454? ago

Doesn't need changing, you're correct.

20737042? ago

Let's not be discouraged by what people write on these threads. I write for a globally read blog, and I post positive Trump news and Q related things. A few write in to whinge about it, but there is a great deal of intelligent and passionate support for our President. We may be a bit more in the background for now because it can be dangerous to openly voice our opinions these days...but look at rally attendance. We're kind of an underground army, and when it comes time for voting it will all become abundantly clear.

20745335? ago

Been researching for several years now and learned a long time back that when searching that truth leads to truth and interesting enough lies also lead to truth.

Much of what has been finally coming into the light has made it all become abundantly clear. Truth screams Truth and the story is finally making sense.

20736977? ago

"He was supposedly reading the exact transcribed version of the call"

Actually I saw the clip and Schiff clearly said, though not emphasized, 'in sum and character' or something to that effect. Schiff has an out with that statement by POTUS.

20737271? ago

lol you don't open an hearing on impeachment by ignoring the evidence ( the transcript ) that convened the meeting, and then pivot to fantasy language and paraphrasing.

Gimme a fucking break.

20737872? ago

true that, but I think he'll still have an out.

20736925? ago

This is a designed soap opera to keep the goy sheep busy while israel/jews funnel trillions out of America.

20736923? ago

Twatter let's all the libtards be the top commentors. It is sad all these retards are really retards.

20736908? ago

Calling for SHITT to resign is like calling for a carjacker to not take your car!

He needs to get down and get dirty the way Obama and his band of insane clown posse morons did!

Either he solves this problem now while he can, or his entire presidency will be little more than a footnote in history!

It's insane that this pissing contest is still going on! Obamacare is not repealed, and SHE is STILL not it jail! WHY!

20741145? ago

Because Republicans got no balls. Trump is all by himself.

20737279? ago

poor liddle concern troll

20737123? ago

Well she's dead, so that could be one reason.

20736803? ago

lol Pencil neck isn't going to resign. Every comedy needs its CLOWN.

20736697? ago

The twitter replies show a pretty brainwashed public with no clue that they enabling the swamp crooks.

20736620? ago

If Trump is calling for this, then he has a card that he is about to drop on Shiff. BOOM

20748425? ago


$7.6 million.

Long Beach Port.


20737099? ago

Hopefully standard hotel

20737695? ago

He should have tweeted “if anybody else would have done this, they would be expected to quit as well as per STANDARD procedure”

20737312? ago

Hopefully, anything pertinent to removing L'il Adam Schitt will be welcome.

20736119? ago

Followed by a vip.flight to club gitmo

20741072? ago

I love fight club. "Where is Harvey Dent?"

20736022? ago

thats not the fucking punishment for treason

20736188? ago

"We used to treat spies a little differently..."

20736919? ago

Obama released israeli spy Jonathan Pollard

20736002? ago

Does this guy do anything other than whine on Twitter?

20741402? ago

He lives in your head, rent free..

20736766? ago

I think it’s great.

20736535? ago

Yeah he fucks his super hot wife

20735995? ago

Adam schitt

20746691? ago

Do you understand the full meaning of the reference? Tick Tock. Check Amazon for that. Guess who owns? What product do you find? Potty training stickers. Adam Schiff. Company. Only known (that I could find) product. That and Liddle’ as in LiddleKidz. Do y’all need a map. This guy truly is sick and should probably not be head of the House Intel committee.

20735988? ago

https://tweetsave.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1177560986666098690 :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "...sound horrible, and me sound guilty. HE WAS DESPERATE AND HE GOT CAUGHT. Adam Schiff therefore lied to Congress and attempted to defraud the American Public. He has been doing this for two years. I am calling for him to immediately resign from Congress based on this fraud!"

This has been an automated message.

20736875? ago

If the average person can be charged for lying to Congress does the same hold true for those in Congress who lie?

20735944? ago

Responses are pretty depressing. There are so many MSM controlled idiots.

20745639? ago

MSM controlled idiots.

Maybe many MSM are part of the Libel strategy?

Is the Democratic Party Using Libel/Wrap Up Smear Strategy Used To Lie You Into A Fake Trump Impeachment? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3446542/

20738701? ago

There are so many MSM controlled idiots.

Don't buy into it; there's tons of programmed bots and 10-15 idiots on a troll farm posting multiple times, not even from within the USA. This is all twatter algorithms, not real people. Nut jobs only make up 5-8% of the population at most, the real world is MUCH different from the one inside the screen.

20738526? ago

There are so many MSM controlled idiots.

Are there? I saw an Anon's video that perfectly laid out the twatter deception game. It's manufactured to a great extent. Anyway, I suspect the level of it on these particular tweets is due to how devastating Trump's claim is. Whenever he swings the hardest, the responses are the most depressing.

20736318? ago

It's not people. It's the dwarves. Like 99% of Twitter is the 7 dwarves.

20738376? ago

I thought some of the dwarves had been bunkerbombed and taken offline by whitehats?

20747669? ago

Google and others have been replacing fallen dwarves.

20747691? ago

I dont doubt it. Thanks.

Likely they also had a hand in their initial implementation?

20738114? ago

A I. ( artificial ignorance )

20736289? ago

That's my thinking too. There are so many vocal dim believers.

20735960? ago

sock puppet accounts and criminals

the rest are idiots

20739994? ago

Weak men.

20736571? ago


20736320? ago

7 dwarves.

20736006? ago

But, but I thought ppl r waking up?

20738101? ago

Those aren't people, they are Brennan's flying monkeys.

20736258? ago

People are, but around 10% of people are rabidly insane Democrats who will never be convinced. People are definitely waking up. Don’t let the media convince you otherwise- it’s exactly what they are trying to do. They want you to feel like you’re crazy.

20738552? ago

Well, when the Satanists kill and eat them all and their families (the 10% who won't wake up), they will get over their Trump derangement syndrome for sure I reckon. FoW ShoW <

20737289? ago

It is closer to 20%, but you are correct. They claim a majority with the criminal liars in the MSM echoing all of their bullshit.

20736174? ago

anyone awake knows that Trump is just stirring the pot, know the shill/bot right under Trump tweets are disinfo to keep people asleep, the asleep don't even know Trump tweeted or just don't care

20738567? ago

I member!

20736228? ago

I know man but I’ve got dozens of folks I see (and know personally) on wifeanons FB page that are as delusional as these fuckers. It’s depressing as fuck. And sad that these fuckers did this to our fellow countrymen.

20740910? ago

Mine thinks its ok to wildly accuse me of things i havnt done and then spy through my aps but im the bad one in it all? Iv been telling her to not let the demons dance in her head. Kek. Oh wait take my stuff not listen not acknowlede. List goes on.....

20742344? ago

She’s insecure. Have u cheated on her before?

20743028? ago


20742928? ago

Your a fool. And mildly retarded just like her. Not projecting either. Go read a self help book do us all a favor. Start with real magic by wayne dwyer. Then try self reflecting for 30 days alone. Then we might have a reasonable start to conversate.

20736313? ago

yes - hard to watch

20736048? ago


20736326? ago

The 7 dwarves

20735841? ago

when the fuck will declass bring down the house??? sure feels like now is the time...

20735923? ago


20736298? ago

Sorry, but I'm getting tired of 'soon'... We know the media sets the narrative and is working with the Dems. This latest orchestrated Ukraine shit show has moved Trump back to defense. Now the declass and him mentioning treason etc is just going to play into their hand to paint what's coming as Trump being an authoritarian... I'm sick of all of this and afraid normies will be just sick and vote him out due to Trump fatigue... DELASS NOW!

20738538? ago

Timing is everything.

20736565? ago


20737230? ago


20738321? ago

next year is 'soon' to some

20735729? ago

This is not the first time POTUS has called on Liddle’ Adam Shitt to resign.

Qdrop #3241


"Congressman Adam Schiff, who spent two years [knowingly] and unlawfully lying and leaking, should be forced to resign from Congress!"




Leaking investigations can lead to [forced] resignations.

[Knowingly] disseminating FALSE information is illegal.



20736552? ago

Thanks for reminding us of this....suddenly everything makes sense again.