20725065? ago

OP the X steganography goes far, far, beyond the significance you are assigning it, everything points to it being up there with the all-seeing eye 👁️ on the pyramid. Look into it, completely engrosing and fascinating!

20725266? ago

Im not a stenographer, please fill us steno-noobz in!

20727023? ago


Steganography is simply hiding the meaning of a thing in plain sight, good example is the Christian fish, at one time only persecuted Christains knew that a fish symbol pointing in a certain direction was the direction to the secret Christian gatherings. The X, depending on who you believe points to hidden technology.

20724225? ago

I’m gonna go with .... no.

20723279? ago

https://tweetsave.com/usmc/status/1176949493075345409 :

U.S. Marines on Twitter: "Which character is your favorite Marine Corps comic character?

NationalComicBookDay… "

This has been an automated message.

20723228? ago

I will analyze this shortly for you.

In the meantime please have some fresh bread >

