20720613? ago

Doesn't matter. Voat is quarantined. Time for us all to get a life.

20719952? ago

Maybe one day soon the NSA will tell us who is doing it.

That would be nice.

20719428? ago

Maybe stupid question, but is there a designated back-up if Voat goes down before 8Chan makes it back? The options are getting limited.

20720061? ago

Yeah, were all going to MySpace

20721274? ago

This made me kek out loud

20720475? ago

Always wanted a MySpace account.

20718916? ago

I wasn't able to get on all day.

20716441? ago

jidf trying to control info

20715283? ago

That's because we are the news. And this is where "we" are!

20715263? ago

Not surprising. Meanwhile, twatter bans another 10,000 accounts for wrongthink, FB bans more Trump / pro-life pages, and on and on.

20716453? ago

Anyone who lives on social media needs a life. Trump uses it to skirt the Fake News. He doesn't count.

20716888? ago

WTF are you talking about? none of us are using mainstream social media because we like the atmosphere or living virtual lives,we're doing it to WIN this thing. Without it we really have a pretty limited outlet as you can see here.

20715031? ago

It's called a traffic spike. Common problem. Donate to Voat.

20715071? ago

horse shit

20719095? ago

People like you that think it's some kind of conspiracy that traffic spikes can bring down servers are hilarious. Again: donate to Voat if you truly care.

20719141? ago

how many users are you going to pretend to be, faggot ?


20719185? ago

You're so dumb that when I respond to you more than once in the same thread it's a conspiracy. Is there any normal thing you don't interpret as a conspiracy?

20719295? ago

The President of the United States is being attacked by a conspiracy of Elites and blackmailed, child fucking politicians, you worthless piece of shit.

Now, you're either a dumb cunt that likes to fuck around on the internet for jollies, or you're a paid shill. In essence, a TRAITOR.

Which is it, NiggerJew?

20719315? ago

Delusional moron tries to distract from being called out for stupidity by feigning outrage like some faggy Dem... lol.

20720082? ago


20720074? ago


I shit all over you, you worthless piece of shit lol

20714964? ago

that should have been evident as soon as this place was quarantined. obvious shit is obvious.

20714787? ago

I was just saying this on YT comments! Every fucking time something pivotal happens the site goes down/into maintenance mode. Who fucking runs this site and when tf is 8ch coming back?

I mentioned this shit a couple months ago and was attacked by old goats telling me it's routine and I should read the sticky from the mods/owner. I call BS. This place is a controlled shithole.

20715129? ago

to me it was so obvious it didn't need to be said and i didn't imagine anyone here was actually buying the "DDOS and now we got to quarantine" story. You only have to look at what happened with Every Other venu where Q information was posted or talked about to get the hint. This shit SHOULD have red pilled all of Voat.

20714748? ago

Not only that if your comments have certan words or phrases it dissappears or you get a red text stating why it cant be posted.

Nuff people are woke now so it dont matter. D5

20714789? ago

I've experienced that, as well, and I've developed numerous go-arounds to insure my posts and submissions are let through.

20714966? ago

Please share?

20715064? ago

intentionally misspell words, especially those you suspect are trigger words

Before submitting posts and comments, copy the entire text so you can pasta it immediately when it does not register or red text appears.

20717598? ago

Voats has always done that, even 4 years ago when posting memes or shitposts it did the same thing. I don't believe it's an attack on you or your sub.

20718420? ago

you're wrong

20718830? ago

uh no, i've been here for years and have posted enough to know sometimes its slow to post. The thing about you saying i'm wrong is that you have to actually prove that there's "trigger words" preventing you from submitting. You're the one making that claim so you need to prove it before calling someone wrong about something you can't prove.

20718879? ago

shut up faggot

I don't have to do anything for your amusement.

go fuck yourself Jewboy

20719096? ago

Proven shill thanks. Nice D and C. Voats given you all a home while everything else has kicked you out. You should show some respect because you have the ability openly discuss whatever you want. Even putting the whole site at risk while it gets DDOS'd and ping spammed. You're like an ungrateful child.

20719136? ago

eat shit Schlomo

20719470? ago

That's what I thought. Maybe reddit was right about you people. You come off ass incredibly vile.

20714504? ago

Yes I agree. I can't wait till 8chan back up, had enough of VOAT

20716409? ago

Voat is OK, glad it is here right now. What I don't like is the anti-Semites. I'm for free speech, but not for hateful agendas. It is being used to attack Trump, so we know what the source is.

20723805? ago

Discerned perspective of truth = Hateful agenda?

How is Q "Saving Israel for last" while Trump signs Bill 672 into law, DeSantis signs FL HB 741 into law, and how Trump calls for the death penalty following a clear false flag "anti-semitic" attack by a "white supremacist" son of a Jew all the while American taxpayers pay $10 million dollars every day to Israel, a country who affords free healthcare and free college and just bombed three different nations a several weeks ago?

Quick, you may want to scurry from truth causing you cognitive dissonance. You may want to emotionally react as a liberal and slander the perspective as 'hate speech' rather than give consideration that those who have ruled the world will not give it up so easily.

20714532? ago

8ch qresearch was basically fucked beyond recognition since fastjack took over. He ruined it months before it was taken offline

20716476? ago

sounds like a cheap & uncomfortable hand-job

20717116? ago

Other than Q drops the last few months the place was nothing but a mossad infested, troll palace with fake bakers. Total shitshow.

20714820? ago

Still 100x better than this shithole

20715227? ago

gtfo then, why are you even here?

20715233? ago

Uh because 8ch is down.

20714824? ago

Not really

20714855? ago


20715038? ago

So easy you cant even name why?

Mossad was running the fucking place before it got yanked. Had maybe two legit bakers left. Couldnt question israel in notables unless the rare legit baker happened to sneak in and take the helm for a few doughs

20715062? ago

I never had any issues speaking freely. My experience there was far more productive than here.

20715193? ago

Then you are a newfag and or werent paying attention to what was going on, clearly were not a baker, and should just shut up about it due to ignorance

20715226? ago

User since '14 and have followed Q since the first couple nights of post. I have seen it all.

Try harder.

20715282? ago

I dont care if youre burt reynolds, youre ignorant of what was happening on the forum and full of shit. Even 8bit denounced the place. Mod team was 100% comped.

20714249? ago

You know, I think you Qboomers are fucking absolute fucking retards, but when I couldn't shit post this morning, only one thing came to my mind: I want to read that unclassified document of the phone call.

Of course it was just on the White House website, but IDGAF. I want that shit through voat.

Wtf @atko @puttitout

20719536? ago

Me and you both, man. Me and you, both.

My mornings ain't right if I can't get to Voat first thing in the morning with my coffee.


20716369? ago

When your thoughts matter, we boomers will get back to you. But don't hold your breath.

20715210? ago

Yeah, better to read it here. WH trackers and all...

20715075? ago

I think the qtards get a lot of hate for what the shills do instead of the normal people on here

20715464? ago

There are no shills here... we are just that retarded

20714983? ago

well, for being "absolute fucking retards" someone sure wants to shut us the fuck up

20715398? ago

Since we are now all retards do we get to have icecream?

20718938? ago

it's Jello cups for us retards

they always try to pass it off as ice cream !

20715431? ago

damn i hope so. only really awesome thing about being a retard is the ice cream.

20716751? ago

What about the awesome retard sex?

20719992? ago

Don't even think about Greta. I saw her first.

20716762? ago


20715460? ago

We can get a boat ride and an audience at the UN too.

20715475? ago

i'll take the boat ride but i'd like to skip the vampire cooties i'd catch at the UN, please.

20715159? ago

Careful with that logic of yours.

20715235? ago

i hear it's hate speech these days

20714938? ago

Agreed -- for the discussion that ensues. Almost typoed "ensures" and that fits as well!

I saw it on ZeroHedge, myself. But there are so many other conservative sites they'd have to coordinatedly attack in order to stop news from breaking. Weird that they target only here (well, and 8chan).

20714832? ago


Literally nobody cares what you think

20714112? ago

no, puttitout just doesnt care about the site no more. there was no ddos attack, no one gives a shit on what goes on here.

20715081? ago

illogical bullshit. some FF DDOS attacks followed by quarantine says exactly the opposite of "no one gives a shit what goes on here"

20716268? ago

puttitout doesn't care about you


20714814? ago


20716280? ago

strong argument there... wow

totally turned me


20713936? ago

I have... It's frustrating...

20713865? ago

Every. Fucking. Time.

Probably becaue everyone comes here to get clarification on the news that dropped since all the other sites have been banned.

20720415? ago


20714803? ago

This has been happening for months and they still haven't made changes to prevent it. Almost as if the site is being utilized. I don't trust whoever runs this shit.

20719973? ago

Odd, I never have a problem getting in. You haven't figured out the work-around yet and I'm not telling you because you sound like a paranoid asshole.

20722724? ago

...because you sound like a paranoid asshole.

Unlike you, a complete asshole.

20731495? ago

My transition to asshole is not yet complete. I'm still working on it. Wish me luck.

20721188? ago

I feel the same way. I know a bunch of us have figured it out, I look at it as another shill filter.

20717470? ago

Fuck you faggot go back to reddit. We don't fucking need you or your half wit bullshit.

20718877? ago

You have a very low IQ. Emotional too! So sad.

20715029? ago

08chan on ZeroNet is where you Q'bees need to go. They have implemented porn filters now so you wont get your prudish feelings hurt.

20725019? ago

Where do we sign up

20716451? ago

that makes it a 'safe-space' & therefore a liberal shitole

20716356? ago

said the spider to the fly

20715078? ago

Assumptions are low IQ

You shouldn't do that

20715453? ago

There is no assumptions... the Q'bees came... they complained about loli's... they left.

20716167? ago

Wow, people complained about child porn and they are the problem according to you.

I think you are part of a big problem that Trump is taking down. I wonder how much child porn is in your possession.

20725028? ago

I literally go there for the cp

20719187? ago

"Those that scream the loudest..." -Q

20714813? ago

20717243? ago

He ded man. Some say he still lives in the beyond realm.

20713804? ago

Actually I thought it was because I just posted this >


20713874? ago

It's not.

20713932? ago

Yeah. Probs just a co-incidence I guess.

20713803? ago

Voat sucks. They need bigger servers.

20716431? ago

It looks like Voat is a temporary holdover until 8ch is hardened. We need one site up. This is it. Wouldn't be a good idea to take it down now for upgrades.

20715201? ago

Voat needs free fucking speech and an Admin that isn't a comped asshole

20716439? ago

you said asshole without being banned so what is your REAL problem?

20716775? ago

You can say asshole on Twitter without being banned. That's not exactly a great standard of measure.

20715717? ago

Who is impeding your free speech here? Say it loud.

20716809? ago

Say it loud so everyone in this room hears me? I want everyone IN THE WORLD to hear me.

20714843? ago

It's intentional. They are controlled.

20713792? ago

Not sure why that is at all surprising. Probably tons of political subverses. The server bandwidth is probably not infinite.

20713809? ago

lol except VOAT has a TINY AMOUNT OF TRAFFIC because of closed membership

puhleease… it's PATHETIC how frail this site is...

looks 100% CONTRIVED