20722260? ago

It's back on track.

I am working over the next few hours with some POTUS decodes, and a 40,000 view breakdown. I will ping you fren.


'o-o' <

20719956? ago

Oumuamua. Hmm connected? Letters are so erralie simular.

Brother hood of the star.

The Brotherhood of the Cross and Star (BCS) is a religious organisation and was founded in 1956 by Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. It differs from mainstream Christianity in that it m

aintains that its founder, Olumba Olumba Obu, is the Holy Spirit personified.

20797113? ago

20720460? ago

Digging. Will get back to you ASAP. Thanks.

'o-o' <

20722482? ago

Thinks Jesus died on a Thursday.

They have a heirarchy with Vanguards and shit too >

History of BCS

"Brotherhood of the Cross and Star (BCS) was founded by Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, The Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe. In 1956, the first bethel (place of worship) was established in a rented thatched apartment at No. 8 Eton Street, Calabar part of the former Eastern Region, now Cross River State, Nigeria. Brotherhood of the Cross and Star grew rapidly and this growth is attributed to the teachings of love demonstrated by the founder of BCS, Leader Olumba Olumba Obu. He overcame the hostilities by showing love to all and Sundry. The membership strength grew so rapidly that the two room apartment at No. 8 Eton street, Calabar, could no longer contain the large number of converts. A more roomy accommodation was consequently acquired at No. 26 Mbupka street, also at Calabar. On Friday, the 8th of August, 1958 the entire members of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star led by the Leader, marched in a Solemn procession from 8th Eton street to the more roomy accommodation at No. 26 Mbupka street, Calabar, dressed in their white robes. That movement caused a stir in Calabar.

Presently, the World Headquarters (WHQs) of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is at No. 34 Ambo Street, Calabar South Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. The growth of BCS has been phenomenal, now you can find BCS in many countries of the world including India, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, Italy, United States of America, West Indies, and Scandinavian countries among others. This growth is phenomenal as The Holy Father continues to evangelize the world through His children.

The Brotherhood of the Cross and Star was officially incorporated under the law of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 1956 and the Certificate of Incorporation as a religious organization was presented to the Board of Trustees on Thursday, 25th March 1964."

20722209? ago

Any update? Hows it going?


20722520? ago

"Annual Launch for Education Trust Fund

Posted on October 29, 2016 Posted By: Ekpezu ObuCategories: Announcement Total View: 650 views

Brotherhood of the Cross and Star News


Annual Launch for “Education Trust Fund”

The annual launching for the BCS Education Trust Fund this year shall be on Sunday, 6th November, 2016.

Therefore, all bethels are expected to heed accordingly and Leader Representatives(LRs) are to ensure that the total amount raised for this purpose is paid to the following bank account:**

Bank name: Access bank

Account name: Brotherhood of the Cross and Star

Account No.: 0056073090

Let the profound peace and manifold blessings of the Holy Father be with you as you comply to this divine mandate, now and forever more – Amen.**

Thank You Father"


20722565? ago

Holy shit look at you go! Bingo

Ding ding ding.

You got them.

20722633? ago

Starcross Television





'o-o' <

20722622? ago

I am just getting started on these "Christians" LOL. What a crock of SHIT these guys are.


'O-O' <



20722581? ago

Is this where Boko Haram is keeping it's child/girl prisoners/slaves?


I will bet Bagels for Shekels BCS and BH are in it together. Would HAVE to be the case.

Perfect child trafickking and women's slavery operation.

Now I just need to ask. Anything to do with Oprah...? Diging. BRB.


'o-o' <

20722514? ago

20722505? ago

These guys are glbalists and are wanting to issue The New World Order essentially. >


Media Outlets


New Kingdom Trumpet (NKT) is the official Brotherhood of the Cross and Star (BCS) Newspaper. It started with the name “Herald of the New Kingdom”.


Starcross Television is the global religious channel of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. It was officially unveiled on April 2013 via satellite on the internet. The Operational Head Office of BCS Starcross TV is the World Headquarters of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. It runs for 24 hours a day all through the year.


The BCS official Technology related and Website development and management department."

20722500? ago


Adminstration and Pews

A female member of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is called a Sister and a Male is a Brother (Genesis 20:1-16, 1st Corinthians 5:11, Hebrews 13:11, Matthew 5:25-33). All members are brethren (1st Corinthians 6:17, 8:6 and Luke 8:21, Matthew 12:46-50, John 14:15), however, for administrative and spiritual duties there is the body of Priests, Pews, the Sabbath and Categories of Administrators (Acts 20:17-30, Ephesians 4:11, Acts 21:8).


The Holy Father, His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu is the Head of Administration, BCS Worldwide. For administrative purposes there are other brethren saddled with different responsibilities and these include;

Members of the Unified Universal Theocratic Council at all strata.
Administrators of Nations, States, Areas, Zones and Bethels.


The following are Pews in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star;

Sabbath – Children (Birth to 13 years).
144000 Virgins
Christ Shepherds
Christ Ambassadors
Divine Vanguards
Blessed Mothers
Ordained ones (Pastors, Deaconesses, Evangelists, Apostles, Prophets and Prophetess)
True Christ Witness
Senior Christ Servants
Christ Natural Preachers
Christ Practical Students
Bian Aneyen Evai (Descendants of Biakpan, the Holy Land)
 Congregation (Apart from the Sabbath, every newly baptized member of BCS is part of the congregation)."

20722498? ago


Brotherhood of the Cross and Star observes four sacraments and these are Child Blessing, Marriage Blessing, Baptism and Love Feast.


As the name implies, this is the spiritual blessing and anointing of a new born baby on the eighth day from the child’s birthdate (Luke 2:21). This is conducted by the Resident Priest. The order for child blessing is set down by the Holy Spirit as contain in the Brotherhood Handbook.


Marriage is a Holy and Divine institution that must be respected by the couple hence the need to bless the marriage (Ephesians 5:25, Colossians 3:18, and 1st Peter 5:7). In Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, the solemnization of marriage is the peak of the union because it is done by the Holy Spirit (1st Peter 3:8, 1st Corinthians 11:3, Ephesians 5:23). BCS believes that God is all and in all, therefore, anything done without God is bound to fail (Matthew 28:18, Proverbs 18:22). There is a publication titled “Key to successful marriage” by Leader Olumba Olumba Obu.


Baptism of the Holy Spirit is the way to salvation and into the Kingdom of God but before that, you must repent of your sins (Matthew 5:24, 1st Corinthians 5:7). You shall receive the Holy Spirit when you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Mark 16:15-17). In Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, baptism is conducted immediately the convert is ready for baptism (Acts 8:36). Baptism in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is by immersion in the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19, Acts 8:26-40, John 3:5, and Ephesians 4:4-5). In BCS, you do not need to attend a special school before baptism because the Holy Spirit becomes your Teacher and Guide after baptism (Matthew 3:11, John 16:13-15).


In Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, love feast is a reminder of the wonderful acts of our Lord Jesus Christ. It commemorates “The Passover Meal” and the “Last Supper” of our Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 22:7, Matthew 26:17–30, Mark 14:12–26, Luke 22:7–39, 1st Corinthians 11:1 and John 13:1–17:26). In BCS, the feast consists of fresh fruits, water, rice and stew devoid of poultry, meat or fish. When you celebrate love feast with a pure heart and in harmony, you receive physical benefits, answer to problems and it accomplishes great spiritual tasks. It is food for the Body, the Soul and the Spirit. There are countless testimonies proving the efficacy of this sacrament."

The Supernatural Teacher, Leader Olumba Olumba Obu in His sermon titled “Veganism” described vegetarianism thus “living a righteous life that is devoid of any injurious food or drink”. This means that as you strive to live an upright life, it is expedient that you avoid food or drinks that could ruin your wellbeing (1st Corinthians 3:16-17, Daniel 1:8-15, Isaiah 65:25, Hosea 2:18, Luke 12:6, Matthew 5:7). Therefore, a true vegetarian must live an upright life in conjunction with the consumption of healthy foods which are devoid of animal meat, fish, processed or canned drinks. Vegetarian foods include vegetables, vegetarian chunks, fruits and natural homemade fruit drinks."

Satanic crap parading around under the guise of Jesus Christ and his legacy. Very bad news.

20722494? ago


Fellowships in BCS

In view of the growing population of the Kingdom, activities have been divided into groups known as fellowships. Every baptised member is expected to belong to one of these groups through the directive of the Holy Spirit. But the most important of all are Women, Men, Spirited and General Fellowships which are mandatory for all members to enrol and to attend their meetings. Each fellowship at any level is run by an Executive council, mostly appointed by His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu.

The Fellowships are:

  1. Universal Men’s fellowship
  2. Universal Women’s fellowship
  3. International General Fellowship
  4. Universal Spirited Children’s fellowship
  5. International All-Ordained One Fellowship
  6. Christ Natural Choristers Fellowship
  7. International Education Fellowship
  8. International Labour Fellowship
  9. Universal Children’s Fellowship
  10. International Youth Fellowship
  11. International Elders Fellowship
  12. Blessed Brothers and Sisters Fellowship
  13. Christ Universal Mercy Fellowship
  14. International Missionary/ Crusade Fellowship
  15. Association of Brotherhood Academic Scholars (ABAS) Int’l Fellowship
  16. International Welfare Fellowship
  17. Vegetarians Fellowship
  18. New World Fellowship
  19. Christ Universal Spiritual Council of Churches
  20. International Lawyers Fellowship
  21. Egbagba Emon Aneyen Evai (New World Language) Fellowship
  22. Traditional Rulers Fellowship."

Sounds like a cult.

20722491? ago

VIRGINS? How many are underage or children?




In Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, we have categories of Priests constituted by the Holy Spirit to form the Priesthood order, namely:

Christ Ambassadors
144,000 Virgins’ Body (Children of God)
Divine Vanguards
Archbishops / Bishops
Blessed Mothers
Christ New True Missionaries (CNTM)

Collectively, they are co-workers in the vineyard commissioned by The Holy Father to represent Him wherever they found themselves. They are completely dependent on The Holy Father Leader Olumba Olumba Obu who is their Teacher and Sustainer for guidance. The Leader is their only source of power, knowledge, wisdom and the ability to do His work. They are answerable to The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and are expected and enjoined to be humble, faithful and loyal to His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, The King of kings and The Lord of lords on all matters affecting the Kingdom. The True Christ Witnesses, Senior Christ Servants, Christ Practical Students and the Christ Natural Preachers Bodies are under one umbrella Body known as the CHRIST NEW TRUE MISSIONARIES (CNTMs). The CNTM Body operates independent of other BCS fellowships with executives of their own, which reports directly to The Holy Father through their various administrative hierarchies.

The 144,000 Virgins Body though a priestly body is completely separate from the CNTMs body. They have their own executives which also reports directly to His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, The King of kings and The Lord of lords."

20722487? ago


Aims and Objectives

Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is founded on love, Christ is love and God is love (1st John 4:7-8). Three significant events recorded in the Holy bible prove God’s love for man, these are;

The crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ to reconcile man back to God (John 4:9-12, 1st John 2:2).
The promise and coming of the Promised Comforter, the Holy Spirit to teach and to judge man according to his works (John 14:16, John 14:26, John 16:7 and John 16:13).
The promise of a new Heaven and a new Earth devoid of pains and sorrows (Revelation 21:1-7).

Sequel to the above, it is expedient that all Seekers of God and Children of God emulate that pure love by doing same to others (1st John 4:16-18). And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of these is love (1st Corinthians 13:13). Love is the greatest and you cannot say you know God when you do not have love (1st Corinthians 13:2). The motto of BCS is love, faith and hope, and the greatest of the three is love. When you have love for one another you will not covet, gossip one another, cheat, fight, quarrel, hate, bear false witness, keep malice, abuse, segregate, commit fornication, commit adultery, destroy your body, tell lies, be angry with one another or commit any other vice and you shall surely see God (Matthew 5:28).

To demonstrate this love, BCS objectives include the following;

To make the whole world one (Ephesians 4:4-5).
Build infrastructures that will raise man’s moral standard, elevate man’s spiritual awareness and support the oneness of man.
Preach the glad tidings to the entire world (Matthew 28:19).
Build physical institutions and infrastructures such as educational and health institutions that will promote the gospel of love and oneness.
Carryout programs that will give hope to the hopeless and dignity to the oppressed (John 15:13).

The gospel titled “The Great Commission” by Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe reveals His mission and the duty of every child of God.


The Motto of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is; Love, Faith and Hope."

20734033? ago

Co opting christianity. Feeling sick barf.

‘0-0’ 🤮

20734044? ago

Yep. Bad news.

I am doing a lot more digging here. It will take some time to collate and present.

The SHILLS are attacking everything I post, as if it threatens their existence. Because it does...




'o-o' <

20734120? ago

No worries frien do your thing.

20722477? ago

The Holy Father His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu during service today 20th November, 2016 at 4:20pm (West African Time) promoted the following brethren from the Blessed Mothers and Bishops pew to the Ambassadors pew. These brethren were:

BM Eddy

BM Elizabeth Idiongete

BM Sarah Savage (Chicago)

Bishop Francis (Chicago)

Bishop Ikouwem Etteh (UK)

Bishop-elect Patrick Agbosa

Bishop Ekpenyong (Connecticut)

Dig into these names and you will find more. Looks like a sex cult similar to NXIVM, masked by fake Christianity and blasphemous teachings >

"SCS Pius Baritule Nfo says

December 5, 2016 at 7:33 pm

I give great thanks to the almighty diety trinity God who has been, who He is, who is to come to rule the world in righteouseness, Peace and Love. I so much thank the heavenly FATHER for the promotion of sister Sarah Savage of Chicago Bethel to the rank of BM. PAPA THANK YOU."

20734043? ago

Chi town where the devils arte.

20722471? ago

Brotherhood of the Cross and Star (BCS) is a religious organisation and was founded in 1956 by Leader Olumba Olumba Obu in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. Though the Leader often deny having found the BCS, which is considered a demonstration of His humility, He attributes the manifestation of Brotherhood on earth to God and not man. Today, BCS has spread to many nations of the world and the faith is embraced daily by millions of brethren of various nations, tribes, tongues, gender, colour or race.

Leader Olumba Olumba Obu is the Supernatural Teacher, His preaching is predicated on the scriptures and teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ taken from the Holy Bible. In that vein, The Leader has produced two volumes of the Everlasting Gospels (a compilation of his gospels) of about 107 chapters and not less than 700 pages each. Each chapter contain undiluted everlasting gospel for the world. Those who humble themselves to read the gospels and put the words into practice have testified about the book’s sacredness, spirituality, divinity, inspirational as well as the exposition and simplification of the sermons and practices of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Brotherhood of the Cross and Star members are practical Christians. They are taught to practise the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and to keep His commandments. That is exactly one of the important missions of Leader Olumba Olumba Obu who is the Promised Comforter (John 14:16).

In conclusion, Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is not a church, prayer house, healing home, secret society, cult or a political organisation. Indeed, it is the Kingdom of God where we practice and keep the commandments and injunction of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is written that when He (Leader Olumba Olumba Obu) comes as the Comforter and the spirit of truth He will abide with us (John 14:16,17), and as a Teacher He will teach us in full and bring all things to our remembrance whatsoever our Lord Jesus Christ has taught His disciples and those who believed in Him as the Christ (John 14:26).

He used this Kingdom as the platform to accomplish His mission and to enthrone His Beloved Son His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu to rule in holiness and majesty as the King of kings and Lord of lords whose rulership is not limited to national boundaries but all nations of the world (Dan. 2:44, Rev. 11:15, Dan. 7:13-14, Isaiah 9:6, Rev.12:5).

Therefore it is noteworthy that the doctrine of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star has brought back to our knowledge all the commandments and injunction of Our Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:15) which has become a way of life to so many inhabitants of the world today. And the consciousness is growing so fast among brethren, families, nations and religions of diverse faiths in order to unite the whole world. Amen.


20722469? ago

PART 2 >

His Teachings

From childhood Leader O.O.Obu was called “Teacher” because He even taught His teachers in His two years of primary school. He had delivered thousands of sermons, Bible class lectures and Alter briefs. He practices what He teaches.

The BCS is also known as Christ Universal Spiritual School of Practical Christianity. A Kingdom and a school. A fulfilment of the prophecy of Isaiah found in Isaiah 2:2-4.

Leader O. O. Obu has debunked the practice of regarding Friday as the day our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified and buried. He has taught rather that Christ was crucified and buried on a Thursday in fulfilment of the sign He gave to the Pharisees as prove of His deity. Christ had this to say “For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Matt. 12: 40

Thursday to Saturday night contains three days and three nights. He resurrected on the early hours of Sunday before sunrise. Accepting any other day will make Christ a liar! To show how important the day Christ was crucified is, Leader O. O. Obu has made Thursday a holy day in BCS where the entire members fast from 6 am to 6 pm.

Handing over of the Kingdom

In Daniel’s vision the Ancient of Days gave the Kingdom to the Son of man (Dan. 7:14). Leader O.O.Obu has handed the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star to His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu who is firmly in charge in the Kingdom. He has established His government known as the Unified Universal Theocratic Government complete with seal (coat of arms), anthem and creed (pledge). These are instruments of governance.

Recently, the Unified Universal Theocratic Council has been set up as the executive arm of the government.

His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu is ruling with love, patience, tolerance and humility to lead the Kingdom to perfection where all vices will be done away with (see 1st Corinthians 15:24-28).

His Name

The name Olumba Olumba Obu is powerful. When this name is invoked things happen, even in the dream. There are testimonies of people faced with problems or difficult situations and at the invocation of that name the situation is miraculously reversed.

“Olumba” and “Obu” (Ogbu) are names that are commonly borne by the Igbo speaking ethnic group of Nigeria and affiliates.

OLUMBA, an igbo word, has two parts to it: OLU and MBA. “Olu” means voice and voice is the sound made by uttering words. Therefore voice could be used to mean word or utterance. Olu therefore means voice, utterance or word. “Mba” means a people, nation, group or creation. OLUMBA means the word or voice of the people. There is a common saying: “the voice of the people is the voice of God”. Exchanging ‘word’ for ‘voice’: “The word of the people is the word of God.” OLUMBA therefore means “The word of God.”

OBU – the word ‘obu’ is an adulteration of ‘ogbu’ which is an igbo word meaning: the one who smites, the Vanquisher, the conqueror, the triumphant one, the Victor.

John the Divine saw someone who “was clothed with vesture dipped in blood: and His name is called “The Word of God” (Rev. 19: 13). ‘Olumba’ means the Word of God.

In verse 15 John further wrote “And out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations” (Rev. 19: 15). This Being, which was seen here, smites the nations with the sword from His mouth, which is the word. ‘Ogbu’ or ‘Obu’ means the one who smites. “Olumba Obu” taken together then means: “The Word of God, The One who smites”. Substituting these Igbo words in the passage, Rev. 19: 13 would read thus: “…and His name is called Olumba (the Word of God)” while Rev. 19: 15 would read thus: “…with it he should smite the nations.” (This is what an Ogbu or Obu does). These igbo words aptly describe He who sat on the white horse that John saw (Rev. 19: 11).

Who is this man; Olumba Olumba Obu?

We have seen that before Leader Olumba Olumba Obu was born, there were revelations in form of dreams about His coming. We have also seen the miracles that happened when He was a baby and the ones He performed as an infant. We have seen that He has been a teacher even in His short enrolment in primary school where He taught the teachers and His peers. We have seen that He goes about doing good and His way of life is such that no ordinary human can practice. His life style can only be described as Godly. We have seen the qualities of God in Him. We have heard the testimonies about the power in His name. He is seen physically in many places at the same time and He influences happenings even in the spiritual realm. These are superhuman feats. We have noted all the testimonies and predictions about Him from far and wide across the continents. He is an Edomite (Edom was trans located to Africa as found in 1 Kings 11: 15 -19) whose followers are arrayed in white robes, whose official robe is the red garment, who ministers unto people with the word day and night. We have seen one whose name means the “Word of God” and “The One who smites”. WHO IS THIS MAN?

Dear people of God, there is no ordinary human being in whom all these Biblical prophecies can be fulfilled, and in whom are found all these qualities of God except the Most High Himself. Therefore, in all humility and with the greatest sense of responsibility, I do hereby declare that Leader Olumba Olumba Obu is the Ancient of Days that was to come and who has come, the personified Comforter, the Spirit of Truth and God the Father who Has manifested in human form in fulfillment of the Scriptures! God Has come down as the Comforter to teach His people His ways and in so doing established His Kingdom on earth (Isaiah 2:2-3). He has given the Kingdom to the Son of Man who is now reigning. The Son of man is His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu.

The prophecies about the establishment of the New Kingdom of God and the Second Advent of Christ have been fulfilled.

1918: Behold the Ancient of Days!!!

Thank You Father.

May the divine blessings of the Holy Father rest and abide with you all . Amen.

Christ Ambassador Edet E. Archibong

BCS Spokesman


20722466? ago

This thing looks like a dodgy AF cult.

Tything straight into a bank account mandatory. Being part of one of their orders including all children and youth mandatory. OOOB is The Leader of the Universe apparently according to them.

Here is a bit from the BCS website: >


From the "ancient of Days" LOL...





Posted on December 28, 2016 Posted By: Ekpezu ObuCategories: Press Release Total View: 2,668 views

1918 Olumba pix

In the Name and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ – Amen

Now and forevermore, Amen.

Gentlemen of the Press,

I have the mandate of the Holy Father His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, King of kings and Lord of lords, to address this Press Conference on the 2016 Celebration of the Divine Manifestation of Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, the Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe.

I wish to extend the divine felicitations of the Holy Father to the Gentlemen of the Press and all the brethren here present.

The aim of this Press Conference is to draw the attention of the public to the above named weeklong celebration which kick starts today and will culminate in the grand finale on Saturday the 30th of December 2016.

The slogan for this year’s celebration is “1918: Behold the Ancient of Days”.

Birth of an Extraordinary Child

On the 30th of December, 1918, a male child was born to the family of Olumba in Biakpan, in what is now Biase Local Government Area of Cross River State, south-eastern Nigeria. Some strange happenings around Him right from His birth made people take special note of Him as an extra-ordinary child. One of the numerous incidents was that a blind woman, Onori Eke Oko, on carrying the baby had her sight restored.

These strange happenings made the parents of the baby to recall some dreams which were revealed to some indigenes of Biakpan: Madam Otom Eggan Otim Osim and Mr. Enun Nkpa.

In her dream, Madam Otom saw a large multitude of people of many races and colour, dressed in white garments. They were on a procession, dancing and singing various songs in various languages which she could not understand. She could only understand the one rendered in Biakpan language which was interpreted as thus: “The King of kings is come like fire, He will come like the storm, He will come like the thunder. All powers in heaven and on earth have been surrendered unto Him. There is great joy, joy, joy in heaven and on earth.”

In his dream, Mr. Enun Nkpa saw the roof of his room open and a shining ball of light descended into the room shinning brighter as it approached. As it rested on the wall a voice was heard saying: “He has arrived! Go and inform the Family of Olumba that the word of God by name Olumba Olumba Obu will be born into their family. The world will regard Him as an impostor but He is my beloved Son. All my angels will serve Him and He will rule the world with love. Be not afraid I am with you.”

As the child grew He continued to perform wonderful feats to the amazement of the people, a few of which are:

– By his pronouncement at age four a barren woman became fruitful and eventually became a mother of many children.

– At school age He was enrolled in school, but had to leave because He was teaching His teachers who were no match for His intelligence.

– At age five He raised a girl who had died, back to life.

The Establishment of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star

As a young man He left Biakpan to settle in Calabar, the administrative and commercial headquarters of His part of the country. His fame grew as He ministered healing to people by the spoken words and took care of their financial needs. He preached peace and love to all He came across. He started a worship centre at 8 Eton Street, Calabar in 1956.

As membership increased there was a need to register the organization which He named ‘’Brotherhood of the Cross and Star’’ (BCS).The organization was registered with the government as the law required, but not before being turned down twice because the description of the BCS as the New Kingdom of God on earth was objected to. On the third attempt, however, it was accepted even with that description. The Certificate of Incorporation was issued in 1964.

In the name ‘Brotherhood of the Cross and Star’, ‘’Brotherhood’’, as found in 1Peter 2:17 stands for the whole of creation and the creator, ‘’Cross’’ symbolises the pain, agony and sacrifice made by Our Lord Jesus Christ. The ‘’Star’’ as found in Revelation 22:16 symbolises the triumph of Christ over death and His reign. Put in another way ‘’Brotherhood of the Cross and Star’’ means creation that has been reunited with God the Creator through the death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Leader O.O.Obu, in His sermon on His mission on earth, had this to say, “My mission is to establish the new Kingdom of God that the will of God may be done on earth as it is done in heaven.” (The Everlasting Gospel vol. 1, chapter 77 verse 70).

Olumba Olumba Obu: His Qualities

Leader Olumba Olumba Obu is humble to a fault. He would be found sweeping the compound himself. He would offer the visitor a chair and sit on the floor. He washes the feet of His disciples. He treats everybody with respect both great and small.

His simplicity is legendary. He wears no shoes or any adornments as wristwatches, chains or rings. He rides no car and does not own any.

He is very selfless and kind. He would go round at the early stage visiting His adherents, praying for them and solving their financial problems from His own recourses. (He was a successful trader). Those who trespassed on His land to erect buildings He did not confront or challenge.

He does not get annoyed. People call Him all sorts of evil names, attribute His power to the devil (same as was done to Christ) and fabricate all sorts of malicious stories about Him but he does not utter any bad words against them or show any ill feelings towards them. His good qualities cannot be exaggerated.

He ministers round the clock, does not fall sick or take a leave. For Him fasting is the rule while eating is the exception. He is a strict vegetarian.

Super-human Attributes and Power

He is a man of authority. All principalities and powers obey Him. The mere mention of His name strikes fear into the minds of His adversaries. His authority and influence even transcend the physical world. There are numerous testimonies to attest to this. That is why some people attribute His power to the devil as was done to Christ.

Religious authorities, astrologers and ordinary folks in different parts of the world testify to the great power and super human nature of Leader O.O.Obu. A few of these are related here:

  1. Aggarwal, a Professor of Natural Science, an occult master and a Hindu from India published an article in an Indian newspaper, ‘’The National Herald’’ in New Delhi, in its issues of 12th February, 1982, captioned, “The Supreme Being and Teacher of the Universe.” He reported that the Holy Spirit was dwelling on earth with men in human form and was teaching all men to love one another, to repent and follow righteousness for the end was at hand. He further revealed that the Hindus had been expecting this tenth and final incarnation of the Supreme Spirit.

  2. Mrs Beverly Mart, an American from Los Angeles, California, narrated her encounter at the age of 3 with a black man who came to teach her about God and would walk down the street in a red garment. The man told her about the New Kingdom of God and his abode in Calabar, Nigeria. In 1977 she visited Calabar and was greatly astonished to find that the person she met in the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star was the very same man who taught her in California. He even recalled the experience Himself! (He has never travelled outside Calabar).

  3. Over 500 years ago, Michael De Nostradamus a.k.a. ‘the man who saw tomorrow’ predicted thus: As the world nears its end, Dominion would change to the Black race. And there would be born one who makes Thursday His Holy Day. He will lead a great people by word and deed and he will have fame and renown above others’’.


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