20711795? ago

I have a feeling this is part of the greater plan, starting with loosing the House but winning the Senate, in order to have an impeachment hearing, that would be safeguarded by the Senate, and that has two main objectives:

  • get normies to see what loonies the dems are
  • have a means to legally introduce incriminating facts (declass) without being called out for election meddling (after all, he is the one being investigated)

Just my $0.02... :-)

20715901? ago

I like your $0.02 - thank you! There does seem to be something bigger going on.

20711489? ago

Blessings to your family and a speedy recovery!

20715976? ago

Thank you so much! ❤️

20711175? ago

You can’t be out of the loop when nothing is happening. Come back in a year or two amd you’ll surely find nothing has happened.

20711167? ago

You're doing what you should be doing in God's eye...taking care of your children.

We'll keep you posted when you ask...thats why were here.

Last I just heard was that the whistleblower is a partisan Democrat...lol... Go figure. Lol

President Trump plays these moronic baffoons like a fiddle.... It's like listening to Mozart or Beethoven....

It's a beautiful thing.

God bless you and your Family! WRWY

20733596? ago

Thank you so much! I am trying to use five or ten minutes before bed to catch up! Haha.

I am truly enjoying the simplicity of life - caring for little ones and sharing every day life with my daughter while she heals. I miss these days - when we were all so innocent.

I love the Anons here - I've learned so much from everyone. Thank you for replying so kindly.

May God Bless you and your family too! ❤️

20735766? ago

You're very welcome.

God bless.


20711042? ago

This was posted yesterday before Pelosi announcement, I'm starting to think it might be right


20710886? ago

What the hell is the basis for an Impeachment Inquiry?

No worries. Impeachment is good for team Trump. In fact, he may have facilitated it on purpose with the Biden leaker fiasco.

20710921? ago

Thank you. I could see it working out like that. All I heard was "whistle blower" being repeated non-stop. When I heard it had to do with a phone call to Ukraine I was hoping it would reveal everything Biden is guilty of.

20710781? ago

No worries, anon. You're not out of the loop. You're just looking for logic where none exists. Dems are just panicked and flailing bc everything is coming unraveled for them. God bless your family, you're doing God's work. You are missing Voat; I am missing having small children in my life. Such a precious time, they change daily. Difficult but so worth it despite the demands. Hope your daughter is doing well, WRWY, friend.

20710903? ago

Thank you for your kind reply! It rings so true - we live 1600 miles apart so our time together is precious. I'll be here a month or more. We are truly Blessed. 🙏

You really identified what I'm feeling - I've been trying to find logic to what the Dems are doing. This helps me feel less confused and crazy! Haha

Thanks again. God Bless you. ❤️

20711493? ago

Dems aren't afflicted with truth or logic, and they are in a panic as their entire scheme turns to sewage. Their only remaining card was - impeach Orange Man. Now it's time to reveal truth and facts. Dems have screwed themselves. These people are stupid.

20719256? ago

I'm with you on that! In fact, I think that's why I felt I must be missing something - because they are being SO stupid. I can't comprehend that level of ignorance and denial.

20723897? ago

The entire LSM is in on the scam. They've been peddling lies from the 4 am briefings for so long, they 1) wouldn't recognize a real story if it took a major bite out of their collective (6) asses; 2) they gave up on real journalism (peddling lies was so much easier); 3) they are not so blind that they see the entire mind fake is blowing up in their faces and 4) when the truth is finally revealed, no-one will believe anything they say for a very long time, and they'll all be looking for work. No more cushy salaries, bonuses, perks and easy money for repeating lies they are fed. The longer this drags out, the more we all tend to feel stupid. Our day is coming. They will be toast.

SO, the Dem base has been fed all this mountain of BS and they believe it. They cannot accept the system that has lifted more souls out of poverty and want than any other in the history of mankind. They demand socialism (the Bernie / AOC fiasco) and they believe it's ALWAYS FAILED because the wrong people have been in charge. The people they've always worshipped have always become their slave masters, and when they figure that out, we get revolution. If Nonads and Pelousy do not deliver on their misguided demands and expectations, the Dem party will cease to exist, so they are fighting for survival. Are they worth saving? Only they think so - and they are making desperate decisions - just like the FED is.

20726618? ago

You've given a great description of how this is all playing out - thank you. To me it feels like this is building up to a crescendo because the lies and cover-ups aren't sustainable.

20730112? ago

If you've seen some of Dinesh D'Souza's films, you already know the American history of how we got to this point. Add to that the considerable efforts of Judge Anna von Reitz, you will learn how our entire Constitutional system has been deliberately subverted for the aggrandizement of Oligarchs with money to burn. It also explains things like "global warming fraud", why chemtrails, and why the U.S. Corporation is unresponsive to the demands 'of the People'. Trump and Q are working to decapitate this system while keeping a country of freedom-loving peoples from descending into anarchy. Anarchy has always ended in a dictatorship. The perps of this entire scam must be brought to justice, but the sheeple must come to realization and understanding so we don't go down that ugly path.

20732507? ago

I must confess that I haven't seen any of his movies. I will watch them soon and also look into Judge Anna von Reitz. Thank you for the info!!

20733479? ago

Historically accurate, and verifiable. Puts some groups to shame.

20710943? ago

Also remember many of us feel out of the loop with Q's platform down. Many of us here on voat right now are from 8chan and voat's not quite the same (although we're grateful it's here). So many projects we do cannot be properly done; we cannot work together on digs, maintain daily notables, or use notables from previous breds in our work. This is not to complain but to say that it's kind of a tough time that is trying the patience of most anons. On the other hand, it makes us grow and stretch in ways that will eventually benefit us both individually and as a movement. Hang in there, we'll all meet again around the bend. You can at least come visit here during those long hours when everyone else is asleep. Blessings.

20719266? ago

Thank you for your kind reply and gentle reminder. I am so grateful for this platform. ❤️

20710658? ago

Abel Danger Global@Telford_Russian on Twitter.

20710763? ago

Thank you! 🇺🇸

20710646? ago

I hope your daughter is doing OK. I will tell you my theory. I was on Abel Danger (Marine Vet) & one of "our" guys called in. Apparently, there was some lawsuit where America won a lawsuit and financial reset is coming and he said if Trump is who he says he is, we should hear something in 2 weeks. There is a link he wants everyone to go to. An anon said it was 34 pages long and you should send it to your email and then print it out. They have a small server. That means no more taxes. That's why they are screaming. I expect a lot of it for the next two weeks. How can they pay for their life styles without our tax money? They can't. Get that document. I haven't read it yet. I'm a little confused, because he said we have to do something to get our money and to tell everyone, but there's gonna be an announcement? Then why do we have to tell people? Probably for the refund part. Anyway, I trust Field McConnell and his sources. I can't post the link. I don't have a computer. It's under Abel Danger posted yesterday- Twitter.

20710689? ago

Thanks for the info - I will check it out. I haven't been on Twitter either. Thanks for your help!

My daughter is doing well, thank you. 4-6 week recovery before she can lift the kids.

20711497? ago

Give her homeopathic arnica. It will help recovery x10. Learn homeopathy. You will shed the need for doctors.

20719231? ago

Thank you for the info. I think I've taken arnica. Is it a very tiny chewable?

20721960? ago

They’re little round hard candy like things. Get 200x strength (amazon carries them, any brand is fine, Boyron is most common), and take 4 little pills 3x a day till better.

You can also dilute 4 in 1oz of water and 1 sip is one dose.

It works like magic.

The chewy ones are usually the cell salts. They’re softer and dissolve and no your mouth right away. But not sure what product you tried. They make all kinds of homeopathic products.

20726633? ago

Thanks so much for your reply! I had the small hard candy like kind bi will look for homeopathic ones today. Thanks again!

20733711? ago

Yes, the small hard candy ones are homeopathy. They’re very clearly marked as homeopathic. Little blue tubes (Boyron brand). You’re welcome. Good luck!

20710642? ago

What the hell is the basis for an Impeachment Inquiry?

The Dems are basing their New And Improved Russia 2.0 impeachment plan on Washington Post article claiming a "whistle-blower" things President Trump asked the Ukraine president to investigate Biden's son.

The Dems are "outraged" because POTUS refused to make the whistle-blower's official complaint public.

I suspect this is a trap for the Dems because it will end with President Trump declassifying the complaint in full, rather than allowing our Intelligence Agencies to get involved and start feeding and leaking to the Jew fake news.

This will end with everything about Biden's corruption being made public - I'm sure of it.

20710733? ago

Oh, that is EXACTLY what I was hoping to hear.

Am I wrong in believing we've all KNOWN about the corruption with Biden's son and his shady dealings for months - that's why this seems like such old news to me.

President Trump didn't get this ball rolling - there's plenty of video evidence of Joe Biden talking about!!!

20711026? ago

President Trump didn't get this ball rolling

Our seditious, white-genocide Jew-owned and Jew-run mainstream news media will claim otherwise.

20710594? ago

There is no reasoning for it, they are trying to say that President Trump was holding back military aid to the Ukraine to leverage them to investigate Biden. It's another witch hunt that will come up empty, except this time, EVERYTHING will likely come out in the impeachment trial and PDJT promised to DECLAS the FISA if they tried to impeach him. That will include plans to assassinate him or his family by heads of the FBI and the Hussein administration.

I believe President Trump wants to be impeached.

20710758? ago

This makes me want to scream! (Not a lot of sleep these last couple of weeks. Haha)

We all KNOW it was Biden who pressured Ukraine to do his bidding .... He's admitted it.

We need Sweet Sweet DECLAS now.

20710676? ago

They pissed about that money, because it was probably more money funneling to pay their mortgage. Remember Q said "How do you keep your lifestyle, when funds cut off?" Now taxes!

20710638? ago

That's an angle I didn't think of! I'm ready for the whole truth to come out!

20710622? ago

No declas happening, Trump is guilty

20710730? ago

........ of?

20710759? ago

Hurting their feelings

20710565? ago

Oh, that's it? All the politician do that all the time. No big deal.

20710553? ago

Trump figured he could withhold our tax dollars to do political espionage, and got caught.

20710707? ago

What an idiot! I think Political Espionage is Our Tax dollars going to other COUNTRIES! Why are we the ATM?

20710787? ago

That is antisemitic ATM

20710645? ago

That wasn't very creative. Perhaps I expected too much from you.

20710653? ago

Not surprised creativity is important when reporting facts around here

20741868? ago

Or you know truth just stands on its own rather than the need to be "creative"

20710633? ago

Brilliant. Tell us moar!