20712094? ago

Trump and Q probably anticipated this development long before the Midterms, and that's one reason they went all in to get a solid Senate majority... Thank god they did...

20711820? ago

"Q !x0wAT4Z3VQ Apr 27 2018 19:27:33 (EST)

Think Logically

How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?

Who has everything?

methods which info collected/ obtained?

Admissible in the court of law?"

Welp lots of speculations and theories out there. We'll see what happens.

20711579? ago

And Then....... Trump will be re-elected in 2024 since his first term was stolen from him by corruption.

20711006? ago

I said this yesterday, agree 100%


20710673? ago

Good information. Thank you!

20710443? ago

Pretty good read, except for the last two sentences.

I was thinking Trump wants this too. Thanks for the post.

20710188? ago

Same as with bill clinton when he was impeached by congress ... except nothing at all this time in terms of facts ... so senate won’t pass it and this is a big waste of time and money . In the end, Congress doing nothing is a good thing when it’s the dems who have nothing good to pass anyways.

20710114? ago

Damn it! I just remembered that I'm out of popcorn! To the store tomorrow...

20710071? ago

Who cares about orange kike any more? They're all traitors and owned by jews.

20709930? ago

Good to know. Thanks OP

20709841? ago

good post. let's hope it goes this route. just worried about stupid people abandoning Trump because of this impeachment. what a farce this whole dem charade has been...

20709713? ago

:) o7

20709555? ago

Question policicans under oath doesn't mean anything these days. "I don't remember", "lies", "I don't recall", "more lies", and they always get away with it.

20710462? ago

Not this time, with the while crew there facing prison time.

20709552? ago

I agree. This is going to be an interesting show.

The unexpected take-downs are going to be the best part.