20801386? ago

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20797576? ago

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20698607? ago

The 6 looks like a b, so Men in Black, aliens and shit?

Instead of invading Area 51, faggots should invade City of London, the MiB command center.

20689866? ago

200 more dead kids last weekend while you were all trusting that plan. So far this year we've drank the blood of 150,000 kids and you Q tards can't do anything about it!!!!

20686676? ago

The picture of him with the girl and Maxwell is all the proof I need.

20686526? ago

In other news, water is wet. We know all the intelligence agencies are in on it or else it couldn’t happen. The Brits have just been at it longer.

20683577? ago

they have getting disposable brown kids for 2 centuries...

20688064? ago

not just brown kids

20680822? ago

I think uK is an eldorado for child abuse crimes. Take a look at the Rotherham scandal:



Or the BBC scandal:


Direct link between main stream media and sexual child abuse I guess.

20680369? ago

good observation. There's always more to the story with these fucks. And the whole "sun never sets on the British Empire" thing has always been a mystery to me. How did that little tiny island take over the world? What blackmail, extortion, murder, and other evil fuckery did they employ to get there. Now we hear rumors that they essentially own the FED, therefore still OWN the USA. Time for the sun to set on all of them. Their time is up. Pull the curtain down. Close the lights. The End.

I still love the photo of POTUS walking in FRONT of the Queen awhile back. All of britain was up in arms about how rude that is. He was like, "Watch this!" The grin on his face was priceless. The old bat is probably afraid to die because she knows none of her heirs to the throne are a match for POTUS.

20681145? ago

I will never forget that walk to inspect the palace guard. Absolutely priceless. We knew then that the house of Windsor was DONE.

20680983? ago

It was Eugene Cesar. He got a job the week before doing security there. Similar shit to the USSS agent that got everyone shitfaced that was new in Dallas and got into the car behind JFK and a rifle. Pretty standard back then to get the shooter in plain clothes to provide an alibi while the patsy was set up https://voat.co/v/QRV/3436440/20664550

20680224? ago

Anyone else notice it's constantly about "17 year old girls." Not about toddlers, infants, pre-pubescent kids? We know these cretins were not just diddling teenagers who look like young adults. But they keep pushing that narrative to get people either bored with it, or to normalize it. Remember RBG wanted to lower the age of consent to 13. This is what they did with Billy Boy Clinton. They made it about a blow job in the oval office. First of all, I think Lewinsky was in on it and it was a distraction, but they really kept at it until Americans were defending him.

Again - start to pay attention to how they not only control the narrative, they control the scope of the narrative. We are allowed to think about things from A to M. But we are distracted from asking all the questions from N to Z. Epstein was murdered? Or suicide? Instead of - Where's the dude? We know he's still alive! He'll emerge with plastic surgery, black hair, different nose -- and carry on with his life on one of his islands, probably acting as the caretaker. Meanwhile, the murder/suicide debate carries on.

With Prince Andrew, he'll go away for awhile, never be charged, be assigned some minor job someplace else to justify his continuing sucking the Brits dry with his lifestyle. They will forget, they will eventually decide it was NBD, and on and on and on we go. Merry Go Round of the spooks and the elites .... while all you students who got suckered into huge debts for a shit education toil away at your minimum wage job trying to eke out a living and find a place with 12 of your best friends to rent.

20803711? ago

RBG wanted to lower the age of consent to 13

It was lower than that, it was 12 years of age for consent.

As an Attorney for the ACLU in the late 70’s, Ruth wrote & co-authored a scathing a report in which she suggested the legal age of consent should be 12 years old.

“Sex Bias in the U.S. Code,” Report for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, April 1977, p. 102, quoted in “Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Feminist World View,” The Phyllis Schlafly Report, Vol. 26, No. 12, Section 1, p. 3. The paragraph (from the Ginsburg report) reads as follows: “‘Eliminate the phrase “carnal knowledge of any female, not his wife, who has not attained the age of 16 years” and substitute a federal, sex-neutral definition of the offense. … A person is guilty of an offense if he engages in a sexual act with another person. … [and] the other person is, in fact, less than 12 years old.'”

Maybe that's how old she was when she consented.

20855142? ago

wow. just...wow. What kind of person would think that's ok. I look at my grandbabies around that age and shudder...

20681204? ago

Talking about the 17 year olds will lead to other crimes with children IMO. Next come the baby crimes and then the child sacrifices, adrenochrome, cannibalism, etc. One small step for us, one giant step for all of mankind. The unraveling of their crimes has to start with minor small steps to get the normies to accept the much bigger truth. It will take time.

20680217? ago


20679745? ago

Of course. All 3 letter agencies are Mossad puppets.

20773357? ago

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20680929? ago

Rose-Croix freemason? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3408950 Sirhan Sirhan stabbed in prison

20679687? ago

This will blow up in their faces. The world is waking up quickly.

20728630? ago

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20680314? ago

You know, you're right. My very very Democrat mom who is in her late 80's told me yesterday about 1) Planned Parenthood selling baby parts; 2) Joe Biden and his son taking bribes from China and the Ukraine, and 3) Left wing Democrats in Congress were rude to a nice young black woman because she supports Trump (Candace O...)

I nearly fell off my chair. I thought she only watches MSNBC. Someone has gotten to her!! Yay!! I sure as hell couldn't! If mainstream older Democrats are waking up to this, there really is hope. I think a lot of them are the classical Dems who used to support the Bill of Rights and all that. So - this will be an interesting year. I'm buckling up!

20679385? ago

Prince Andrew has some major connections to China, and a slew of central asian states that act as the corridor of potential trade as a result of the New Silk Road initiative by China.

They want to destroy the world except China, and move their seats of power there. They want to pit Russia and US against each other so China can rule over the ashes similar to how the US and Bretton Woods was implemented post ww2. Dig the Andrews Connections to Asia. There's something here they don't want us knowing.

20686633? ago

think they chose the wrong country! their features don't fit in so well there...

20679285? ago

All National Security assets are now Pedo-Blackmail operatives.

Blackmail is what keeps the International Bankers solvent. It is more valuable than gold or fossil fuel.

Pedowood was the first to be saturated from the top down, that was Disney during the last great war.

Now it's normalized for corporate ladder climbers all the way down to a Public service promotions. Hell, new hires for all we know.

Why do you think Peter Strzok was demoted to Human resources? Talking about the baby eating Strzok, he's still uncharged and most likly getting paid even more as a FBI informant planning the next Mandalay mass shooting for the ever lucrative gun grab.


20681293? ago

I can not fathom how PS was hired back. There are only two possible answers. 1) Wray is very dirty. 2) They needed to catch him in more crimes in order to solidify his trial for crimes committed and put his ass in jail.

20688476? ago

He was NOT hired back "on the books". He gets rewards because Pay to Play is normalized.

Just like most of our mass killers. It does not mean they are all paid in cash. Most gain access to seized assets that leave a paper trail.

Follow the money has always been the key, yet even the IRS are weaponized with malicious intent while flaunting zero accountability.

20688627? ago

TY. This BS has to end at some point. I am so sick of seeing these people get away with murder at our expense.

20679202? ago

The only people more retarded than the inbred royals are those who believe them.

20679188? ago

Isn't Trump part of the McLeod family???

20679265? ago

Back in 2005 a woman walked into a local police station and claimed that Epstein bought, captured or lured her girl, Epstien a criminal pedophile had done something criminala again or had paid her 14-year-old stepdaughter $300 to strip to her underwear? John Dougan, an ex marine who now lives in Russia, claims to have compromising evidence involving Prince Andrew and Epstein. They say the homosexual criminal MI6 is now trying to find him

20679162? ago

All intel agencies need to be culled. No more shadowcraft...no more MI6, CIA, FBI CI...work out in the open in full view of the public and let the public decide how involved we need to get in world affairs. We DEMAND a return to honest brokerage and PUBLIC service...not self-service as we foot the bill.

20683586? ago

cant happen. basic human nature.

20680249? ago

AMEN - and this is what I use to redpill people. "Don't you think it odd that an organization supposedly created to protect the office of the President and the American Public has been actively at war with Donald Trump since 2015? Have you ever parsed that out? Ever thought about the possibility that he's a threat to their cushy little game and is trying to protect US from THEM? Hmmmmmmm? Maybe drop your cognitive dissonance for a few hours and think for yourself!"

20679807? ago

No more masonic lodges or knights of whatever either.

21356702? ago

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20686679? ago

They are too entrenched and will never willingly give up power without an act of God.

20680066? ago

Yeah fuck their lofty accolades.

20678749? ago

I thought this was a bs unsourced article, until I googled “John Mark Dougan” and saw Wikipedia scrubbed the info they had about him than can still be read on the google search results Wikipedia cached page. I’m not saying everything in this guy’s post is accurate, but it might be. Very suspicious that his Wikipedia entry would be removed.

20679161? ago

I don't find this at all suspicious. It's standard procedure for these pukes.

20679047? ago

Try searching on JoshWho.net.

20678697? ago

Wow. You can say the same for the C_A.

20678556? ago

British spies fear source of info about Prince Andrew is a former US sheriff's deputy. The British intelligence agency reportedly thinks they have embarrassing information about the royal's relationship with Virginia Roberts Giuffre, according to The Times of London. The ex-deputy, John Mark Dougan, is an American who sought asylum in Moscow in 2016.

Not sure that MI6 is protecting anyone. Not according to the sources.


20686621? ago

Telling that it's not "this guy is going to lie about the prince" -- but instead, "this guy has 'embarrassing information'"!

20678529? ago


Ya goy! It’s the evil YT Masons!

20679231? ago

The Shiner Arab ritual, Masonics and Jewish Occultist is there maybe some link?

20682293? ago


Am sure if a Mason ever even so much as bought a ashtray from a Jew in a flea market that would be enough for some dumbasses here.

You stupid fucks do know there is no secret level of Masonry, right? And the leadership is all voted on, right?

It’s 2019, you fucking dumbasses are pozzed with tard disease to think Masons are evil.

20686612? ago

and there are no secrets in the military either, right? kek, you're a riot, quit your day job!

20687258? ago

Quit my job? What, and be a basement dwelling faggot with nigger tier reasoning skills?

Nah pal, that shits for faggots like you. Loser.

20678331? ago

The M-i-6 a criminal supporting, pedophile supporting, Mason 'Intelligence Service'

To be fair, so is the CIA

20679348? ago

What is more lucrative, Gold to buy bling? Or Pedo-Blackmail that can control not only Congress but Military Intelligence? Defense contractors need powerful protection to make Pay to Play work with the massive fraud and profits that need to avoid easy detection.

20678312? ago

https://unvis.it/https://twitter.com/themyndzai/status/1175716979228983297?s=19 :

George Dragon 👁️ on Twitter: "So MI6 is helping to cover up Prince Andrew's sex crimes.

I knew 007 is a womaniser but this is beyond ridiculous now.


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20679443? ago

It's not like the Crown Court is not protecting Elitist Pedophiles while jailing Journalist honest enough to connect the dots. The only reason Tommy Robinson is still alive is because his death would red pill more than just the British, but become a global rallying cry. Like the real witch hunts that became rewritten by the same pedo-leadership that owned all the printing presses back in the 1600s.

Except this time we have tech and evidence. It's called Pedo-Blackmail and is illegal to own because it will connect the dots of dead children and the assholes behind it.

20686608? ago

Exactly. Not because of some fear that "some miscreant is going to masturbate to it" (which tends to have the result of satisfying his urges, at least for a time) -- the reason it is illegal to possess this, and ONLY this type of evidence, is because it can put "the elites" in danger.