20658982? ago

"How do you get ahead of a story?"

20658419? ago

Gates is a Faggot

20653843? ago

Why do you people even care about such dribble?

20654369? ago

Rick and Morty man. Still on Netflix. This show has so much disclosure.

20653702? ago

Of course we have to eat poop. Population control is taboo and humans are too stupid to stop fucking. So what's left when we've devoured all the earths resources? Poop. Enjoy your turd meatballs.

20653424? ago

Cancelled Netflix when they laundered all that money for Hussein. If you support Netflix you are supporting subversive of the US and destruction of our American culture. Cut them off, don't support them, read more books, spend more time in nature. Not trying to tell anyone what to do, just saying...

20653081? ago

THANK YOU. I keep screaming this to people when they wet their pants over what a wonderful guy he is. BTW - the ebola virus' latest strain STARTED in their West African hospital.

to answer your question @OP - yes. they are insane and they are making us all crazy

20653037? ago

Bill Gates is a POS. He has enough money to push propaganda to make him look like a hero. He will not be remembered kindly no matter how much bullshit he posts all over the sheeples' TVs

20652606? ago

You make me laugh BUT cry at the same time that these psychos pass absolutely horrible suggestions as logical answers—oh to the problems they’ve created. The fact “normal” people wouldn’t see that by mentioning it, indicates that that’s their plan.

20652407? ago

I remember that PIG fucking over 100's of developers in 1989 with his OS/2 vs. Windows sham and the FTC going after him for it.

20653923? ago

OS/2 Warp on token ring networks... lol I remember those days.

20652292? ago

Will they mention him hanging out with Epstein and how his Dad started Planned Parenthood?

20652274? ago

Public View of Bill Gates in 1999

Gates Founds Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Now Reddit sucks his dick and thinks he's a good guy despite INTENSE FAMILY TIES TO EUGENICS / EPSTEIN / Genetically Modified Everythings from Mosquitoes to [using vaccines to de-fertilize humans[(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WQtRI7A064)

Watching this 20 year PR push work has been fucking excruciating.

He literally went from being fucking clowned and pie-faced to worshipped by the plebs


20651683? ago

Club members must do just that.