20580132? ago

That's only a problem when you're dumb enough to wade into the swamp, looking for the bathtub drain. If you've got a shred of brainpower, you drain the swamp by dynamiting the beaver dam from outside, and watch it all flow out.

20576091? ago

And Jews

20573908? ago

Fuck that........ military intelligence op.

20571635? ago

It's good to keep in mind that Trump is just as much as a swamp critter as the rest of them. Maybe more so given how much he's sucking (((dick)))

20570290? ago

To drain the swamp the jews must be expelled. Until then, nothing is being done.

20569733? ago

Oo nice modern style philosophy. Cheers patriot.

20569706? ago

Have a happy weekend if you're a child in some forsaken private prison? If you're a parent with a missing child?

20576306? ago

Yes cos when you fight a war you can tske out the enemy in one go right.....

20569495? ago

Hate to break it to you but the swamp isn't going to be drained. More gators jumped in the swamp. And the gators are reproducing new gators.

20569714? ago

muh doom fantasy

Have hope, faggot. You're just getting in the way and ruining morale.

20569768? ago

You're just getting in the way and ruining morale.

That's their plan.

20569759? ago

Just run him over like hes a protester.